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Everything posted by aznbass

  1. My goodness, has this not been on ebay yet? I had one of these as my second bass, about 2 years ago i think and when i sold it i think i got around £150 for it and that was after all the ebay and paypal fees BS. Id definatly try it if i were you!!!
  2. Hi, if i can get the money together (highly likely) and get to you from south west london somehow, then id buy this! Lets hope i can get a cousin to give me a lift................
  3. Wow, i think thats a really good price! im sure MIM's go for around £300 on Ebay and with those upgrades, this has gotta be worth atleast that. NICE! i like those block inlay sticker things too, very nice!
  4. O... ive just realised its pretty far from West London
  5. Hey! Im a student! i could use it and try and get some sort of head for it! Id have to call in a favour from a cousin to pick it up, anyway, could you put me in oin your dice roll thing? Cheers friend!
  6. Squiers are ace, Wouldnt really limit them to a first time bass, so it should be something you keep for a while, Id definatly go for the SX Jazz! But it depends on taste i guess.
  7. I actually like the headstock!
  8. I would'nt know much, but that price is not too far off the cost of a new 75 reissue, so the price must be pretty damn good i think! Good luck selling it!!
  9. Im not really sure on that one either, but i would love to get a P bass and put one near the bridge, so i can play it where i would normally play on the bridge pickup of a J bass. I think i saw one on ebay like that, Looked niiiiceeee
  10. Never done anything like that before, but it does seem like alot of trouble and anoyances, as long as the cost to bring it back and buy it are lower than the cost to buy it here, may aswell do it. Hope it works out though!
  11. Hey mate, I will PM you now aswell, incase you dont see this, But to all else, I will post pics tomorrow probably, saturday at the latest due to losing my phone, which was my only camera. Its been replaced by some rubbish old phone. I will use my sisters when she gets back from uni for the christmas. Cheers guys.
  12. Have you kept the old pickups? You could always include them with the sale.
  13. Wow, it looks like a beast, the New standards are indeed very very nice, hope you get on well with it mate!! :):)
  14. Wow, thats really nice, I think with the upgrades, its worth just under the price of a new one, i mean like JUST under,
  15. Hi, love the block inlays. Got a price in mind? , as a rough estimate if what your looking for
  16. Hoping this will get sold for the amount ice listed it for, just need to make sure the source of the money ive got to add is still all cool, and if it is, then its cool
  17. Hi. Definatly for sale now! 2009, Charcoal frost metallic, Maple neck (stamped Z8) No chips of paint really, their is a bit of buckle rash near the upper contour on the back, only "damage" is little dent like things caused by stands and random things. Thanks. Comes with the case, but the case has a little of the outer plastic missing, id say about an inch n a half sqaure. key is also missing unfortunatly, however the case is unlocked I actually need this gone asa p- hence the very low price... - I need money for a car now and this has to go even if i do have to make a massive loss
  18. O damn, thats nice.. I like that blue, but something would stop me from buying a bass in that colour, ive no idea what though.
  19. aznbass


    Thats a mighty fine bass, ive never owned a musicman Ahh well, maybe a Musicman sterling next year, i get on with their necks
  20. Yea, id really like to know aswell. which one is actually in use?
  21. Yea, its like an old friend...
  22. Its collection i think, so if the guys dished out almost £400, i assume he knows a little about basses (why did he buy it?), And then.. hopefully the seller will end up with a bloody nose!
  23. O, that is very pretty indeed.
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