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Everything posted by Merton

  1. Good to see another positive comment about them! See [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=19656&st=0&#entry203554"]here[/url] for more
  2. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='203861' date='May 21 2008, 07:45 PM']Man, just get a 1u Class D power amp and run it with your Trace V-type preamp. Personally I'd be looking at a combination of 10" and 12" cabinets though.[/quote] +1
  3. [quote name='sixshooter' post='203704' date='May 21 2008, 01:32 PM']For 2k you can have my V8 and the 4 x 12 in pristine condition. But I would cry as you drove away with it.............[/quote] Ditto
  4. [quote name='ped' post='200328' date='May 16 2008, 12:05 PM']Aye, that's the same as mine. Beautiful looking and sounding. I got mine for less than that though! I went and looked at it recently and though it is in perfect nick I would be wary of buying (well, anything from the Bass Cellar) a 'NOS' item from them, because it means it has probably been left in their dark damp store room and never used, and could have as many problems as the one Kiwi tested. It could, of course, be perfect. Still, an expensive gamble. I felt very safe with mine, I think it has had 3 or 4 previous owners who used it a lot and as a result I know it is a goodun'. It still has the original valves and hasn't ever given me any trouble. I nearly sold mine recently because I thought I needed the money to pay for a back operation but managed to keep it. It doesn't get out much any more because it is difficult for me to move by myself with my back, but I can't bring myself to sell it because it represents everything I like about valve amplifiers. It really is a beauty. Cheers ped p.s I would probably part with mine for... ohhh, I dunno... 2K?[/quote] When I win the lottery I'll pay you £2k for it, and that's a promise
  5. [quote name='ahpook' post='203645' date='May 21 2008, 12:18 PM']trace elliot series 6s... one of the best amps ever made imho. just wish i had the energy to haul one around !![/quote] One day i WILL own the 200W head! maybe. Good to see NWR's gear so close up, I wonder if he'll actually ever use the new TE stuff like their press release made out he would?
  6. [quote name='crez5150' post='202197' date='May 19 2008, 03:41 PM']My function band is turning more and more gigs down that have Sound limiters in the venues.... just not possible to get the same vibe at 90dB....[/quote] Same here.
  7. [quote name='mybass' post='203578' date='May 21 2008, 10:48 AM']You MAY just have a back or shoulder problem related to playing/posture. I now see a specialist/osteopath who has dealt with quite a few musicians and I get a check up every so often. A couple of years ago my wrist was in terrible pain. I could play but not lift gear or drive comfortably. I tried a physio who only worked on the actual outside wrist area over 4 visits and that was hopeless, more pain and NO gain. I visited this specialist and he immediately went to my back and shoulder areas. The problem was 80% healthier straight away. All those muscles connect all the way down to the hands.[/quote] Me too. Spent years going thru NHS fun with wrist and hand x-rays etc and they kept coming back negative, a former colleague suggested a chiropractor and I was fixed within a few visits. My left shoulder/back area is needing another little tweak now actually.... EDIT: Gaf, sounds like the pain you're in is very similar to what I had. Hope you get it sorted
  8. [quote name='jjl5590' post='203580' date='May 21 2008, 10:52 AM']im just a little worried that if i accidently knocked into it, the rig might go flying if not properly secured[/quote] The combo is heavy enough to not move unless you give it a really big hard shove, it'll be fine
  9. [quote name='jjl5590' post='203287' date='May 20 2008, 09:53 PM']yes they do make one, but im just concerned about the dimensions. i want it all to be able to stack nicely, and so far i am only 100% sure that 2 neo 212s will stack. the neo 410 is wider and so the interlocking corners wont match up, and i'm worried the 212 will fall off the 410 (if im not careful). with the neo 210, i wouldnt really know where to put it. rather than being too long, it is 1.5 inches too short to stack underneath properly. this is the site i'm getting my info from: [url="http://www.rmcaudio.com/gallien-krueger/gk-cabinets.htm"]http://www.rmcaudio.com/gallien-krueger/gk-cabinets.htm[/url][/quote] The 212 is narrower so will sit on the 410 fine, I wouldn't worry! My 4x8 combo has castors and sits on top of a 4x8 cab of exactly the same dimensions, the castors are right on the corners but it's fine
  10. [quote name='ashevans09' post='202942' date='May 20 2008, 03:39 PM']Small, fluffy and partial to insects? [/quote] You've met me, clearly
  11. My gf glazes over if I talk about bass but she's happy to watch me practice it and tries to come to as many gigs as poss. Not sure she understands why I have 4 electrics or why I want more tho... She did encourage me first to buy the Eden Nemesis head and then to sell the it and buy Jamie's V-Type combo tho
  12. [quote name='ashevans09' post='202539' date='May 20 2008, 12:29 AM']Also can I just point out I've always liked your meerkat type creature in your avatar Merton.[/quote] Why thank you! Thought it summed me up nicely
  13. I know both Andertons in Guildford and Electromusic in Doncaster [i]have[/i] had Daidy Rock basses in the past, may be worth a punt?
  14. Belated hippy barthday BC!
  15. [quote name='clauster' post='200459' date='May 16 2008, 02:35 PM']Delano do one and so do Bartolini (I think)[/quote] Bartolini certainly do. Also, not sure if the Status 4-string J is split coil per se, but it's certainly a humbucker of some form.
  16. [quote name='ahpook' post='199641' date='May 15 2008, 02:53 PM']do we want pics ? kind of work in progress/see how filthy the carpet is thing ?[/quote] Yes, would be good for people who don't know to learn what's what in an amplificatory device
  17. [quote name='jjl5590' post='198727' date='May 14 2008, 02:00 PM']hmm well i cant decide to get the GK 700RB-II/210 combo, or the GK Neo 1001-RB-II/212 combo. anyone had any experience with either that could maybe post some pics? thanks[/quote] How are pics going to help make a choice on sounds? I think the thing people are getting at is that just because Flea uses [i]x[/i] rig doesn't mean you should use it to get the same sound. For example I get a cracking Duff McKagen tone from a 2x15 Trace V-Type set up, nothing like the GK rig he uses... I don't want to patronise you (so forgive me if I do!) but you really need to try some stuff and find what is right for you. We can all offer opinions but they are that and only that. You will form your own opinions once you've tried some stuff and may well end up with something you haven't thought of until now.
  18. [quote name='ahpook' post='198720' date='May 14 2008, 01:48 PM']most of them.[/quote] haha, +1 to that!
  19. [quote name='jjl5590' post='197952' date='May 13 2008, 01:38 PM']im kinda thinking the 2x10s are better becuase people say the 2x12s lack mids, and are also more boomy than 2x10s, and have less clarity.[/quote] Generalisation of the year Try 'em, if you like 'em, buy 'em.
  20. [quote name='mcruiz67' post='197641' date='May 13 2008, 01:21 AM']Always some idiot....[/quote] Just pointing out you may get a better response in the correct forum is all, not trying to be an arse!
  21. [quote name='Basszilla' post='196204' date='May 10 2008, 07:55 PM']Trace 1x15 (moved on to Nash I think)[/quote] Not the V-Type that I currently own was it?
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