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Everything posted by Merton

  1. [quote name='joegarcia' post='136212' date='Feb 8 2008, 12:46 AM']Yea, think it may well be an older one. Anyone know how the older ones compare to the newer ones? Shame I can't re-wire it. Might still be ok though, my amp can handle 2.67 ohms and I wouldn't really mind it getting less power than the other cab although it's not ideal.[/quote] The black speakers were Celestions, blue ones are Sica. I prefer the Celestions personally, slightly punchier sound in my experience. Last time I played an 8x10 cab was an Ashdown with the blue speakers and it was horrible, destroyed the nice bright sound of the Hartke head used to power it.
  2. I've used one of these at a gig and hated it. I am a Trace man thru and thru, think you may find it a bit "woolly" in comparison (not that it is really, just comparing to Trace tone IMO)
  3. I too suffer from this! Status strings are great for staying bright (for me anyway). And reasonable prices too
  4. Oh crap I've just thought of a reason to buy the Trace. Stop it!
  5. [quote name='joegarcia' post='135594' date='Feb 7 2008, 11:19 AM']I feared this may be the case. I don't know what individual impedance the speakers are yet as I haven't bought it as yet and the current owner doesn't know either. Probably won't if he's sure it's 8 ohms. It's a 'touring' Ashdown ABM810. It looks like a normal 810 but has normal black drivers of some sort as opposed to the normal Blueline ones. 1200w as the standard ABM810s.[/quote] If it has black speakers it sounds like quite an early Ashdown, or the Blueline ones have been replaced...? That may explain the 8ohms thing too!
  6. Cool, another one with th e wrong EL panel, like my old head. Not sure who owns that now, got confused for a second thinking this was it minus the wooden sleeve
  7. [quote name='daveyord' post='132244' date='Feb 1 2008, 09:41 PM']no worries!! only really got to know them recentley!! what band you play for now??[/quote] I'm mainly in a function band thesedays, in an original poppy/rock band for a giggle and I play a bit of jazz here and there. Say hello from Martin and good luck for the gig to all of ya
  8. Don't think he's lying, he's just using the wrong terminology. It's still an "original" Trace insofar as it's a Trace built thingy blob. But it's not an "original" as in a Series 1 job, it's the revised SMX series era. Buy the one mrsibs is selling on here instead, cheap as chips and "original"!!!
  9. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='133046' date='Feb 3 2008, 02:29 PM']Carpet is Kaman/Gibson era. Not orignal as stated above. The original stuff was vinyl. If it's 200 watt, it's one of the earlier versions. The later ones were 300 watt.[/quote] Yup. I think carpet maybe actually closer to '95-'99 instead of what I said before. Pretty sure they were the 320W jobbies with 4x 80W Trace-badged Celestion speakers.
  10. Music is, above all, an art form to be enjoyed. There are the function bands who do it for the audience, then there are the creative peeps who do it for themselves. What's there to be depressed about?
  11. That Nemesis head is a steal. Someone buy it!!
  12. Carpet means '93 - '98ish. Built out of mdf instead of plywood, heavy as f*ck but sound amazing!
  13. Aye! My originals band is great, the drummer is really easy to play with and lock into. The function band kicks ass too most of the time, it's just certain songs. Generally the newer ones to our set...
  14. I have fun with the drummer in our function band. He has a set "groove" which he nearly ALWAYS defaults back to by the end of every song, no matter what. Prime example is "Time of My Life" from Dirty Dancing. He's written the correct rhythm down for the chorus, but does he stick to it for more than one and a half choruses max? Is the pope a laser-gun toting little green man?! Amazing! So I am always constantly adjusting the groove to slot back into his little foibles or it becomes a big mess, and I really don't think he's aware of it or of what I play at all... Time for a chat with him
  15. Stop tempting me! I [i]really[/i] don't need it but I [i]want[/i] it
  16. Merton


    It's lovely Gonna be plonking some nice castors on her this weekend hopefully, that's to stop my back complaining so much about the 39 and a half kilos she's got hidden under that green fuzzy stuff!
  17. [quote name='dood' post='130873' date='Jan 30 2008, 06:43 PM']ah! Beat me to it.. I guess I wasn't TOO far out on price lol![/quote] I'm going to stop posting things now coz we keep saying the same thing
  18. [quote name='dood' post='130872' date='Jan 30 2008, 06:42 PM']thats all we need to know! Yep, Presoulnation, on this very forum just sold one.. oh hang on.. was that the one Merton bought then? lol Was defintely a 4x8 version. ;o) I reckon depending on good condition, £300- £400?[/quote] Hehe, yep. Let's add our two price ranges together: £250 - £400 ish. Probably £300-£350 as an average.
  19. [quote name='Wil' post='130865' date='Jan 30 2008, 06:39 PM']That's right. 4 8" speakers. Nice amps, I think Merton owns a 4x8 model now, not sure what he paid though...[/quote] I do indeed, along with the 1x15" version The 4x8 is about 10kg heavier than the 1x15, it's a proper bugger to lift! Depending on condition anywhere between about £250-£350 is probably a fair amount. Quick edit to add: they are 280W RMS @ 4 ohms, the "BiPolar Bear" power stage. Don't let it get too hot!!
  20. [quote name='Linus27' post='130675' date='Jan 30 2008, 02:12 PM']Are Trace Elliot still going and is it worth buying an old second hand one. They used to be be used by everyone back in the 80's and 90's.[/quote] To answer in order: 1. Yes, now owned by Peavey. 2. Yes, if you like the sound, the 80's stuff (and early 90's stuff) is bombproof but bloody heavy. I'm a bit biased tho, I like their stuff lots
  21. [quote name='campbell' post='130410' date='Jan 30 2008, 01:00 AM']try this page man.....http://www.trace-elliot.co.uk/support_3.php?flag=GB&lan=UK[/quote] And also: [url="http://www.britishaudioservice.com/inst/SERIES%206.pdf"]http://www.britishaudioservice.com/inst/SERIES%206.pdf[/url] (I guess it's Series 6 if it's 200W??)
  22. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='130174' date='Jan 29 2008, 05:29 PM']Rob Green at Status has offered to rout out some cavities in it & make it active with T-Bass electronics & I'm sorely tempted [/quote] Do it, and get a T-Bass neck too
  23. Merton


    [quote name='obbm' post='130144' date='Jan 29 2008, 04:55 PM']Are you going to bring your Retroactive ?[/quote] Absomalutely And the Groove 5 especially for Nik!
  24. Merton


    [quote name='sixshooter' post='130060' date='Jan 29 2008, 03:20 PM']Here is the beast [attachment=5293:V8_steve...and_Cab2.jpg] :brow:[/quote] That HAS to come. It may make my V-Type combos a little surplus to requirements, esp if Ped brings his too. There we go, bring the REAL Trace valve amps and make me feel inadequate!!
  25. [quote name='MB1' post='129700' date='Jan 29 2008, 12:25 AM']MB1. Not much point if youve only got 3 basses! [/quote] Yeah, I soon realised it didn't have a chance long term....
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