Thread update!
I've just taken delivery of a replacement bass for my heavy Jazz bass... I decided to go for a P Bass Squier Classic Vibe in Antiqua Burst!
First point of order... I ordered from GAK. They forgot about my order and it was only when I prompted them with a "where's my order?" message that they prompted their warehouse to send my bass. They also were unable to weigh the bass for me ahead of purchase so I had to take a risk.
First world problems but I do think the best way to test a retailer is buy a cheap guitar and see how they handle the order. GAK now fall into box shifter category for me... Very different from my experience with Guitar Village recently who weighed every single model they had in of a £250 guitar prior to me ordering to ensure I'd be happy!
I am a picky bastard when it comes to weights but generally don't get hung up on other stuff as everything else can be fixed!
I don't want to judge GAK too harshly though, I'd still order from them, just a bit disappointing the order didn't arrive when their website said it would! They were quick to deal with it when I chased them!
On to the bass itself... Poplar body. I read plenty of tonewood debates prior to ordering. Generally negative views of poplar (cheap, not as good as ash/alder, budget wood like basswood, generally quite light weight,etc). Generally, I couldn't care less about all that stuff. Most of it doesn't matter in my opinion (controversial!)
Thankfully this model weighs in at 8.5lb! I'm happy with that! The classic vibe Jazz I had comes in at nearly 11lbs!
It feels great. Now strung with some GHS flatwounds.
No build quality issues at all. Very impressed for £389!
Personally I love the colour... Definitely marmite though! My other P Bass is purple sparkle... I feel like that sets an expectation rocking up to a gig with that! 😂 Nobody expects to be amazed by my bass playing when I rock up with something that looks like yer nans living room sofa! 😂
All in all, very happy with the purchase! I'll do a video in due course!