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About Pow_22

  • Birthday 09/09/1982

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  1. Origin Effects - either Super Vintage or Blackface a nice Precision Cheapo Ampeg PF350 for backup
  2. I recently purchased an Ampeg SVT III Non Pro (hybrid - valve pre, solid state power) and noticed when trying to date it using the serial number that it was made for the European market at 220v. Is it safe to use this in the UK without modification or step down transformers? A google search varies from 'its fine' to 'your house will set on fire and burn all your loved ones alive'! I did notice that the 12AX7's get particularly hot compared to other hybrids I've had but some suggest these old Ampegs apply real life voltage to their pre's so that may explain that
  3. Another cosmetically damaged item from G4M. Looks like its taken a hit to the front and back. Also needs some KT88’s but could be a bargain for someone? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/276698568692?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=pv7TW8hZRvG&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=oN5XbKSRQjS&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
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  4. If part ex makes things any easier I would consider an Ampeg SVT Tube DI with cash my way. At a push maybe one of the Origin Effect amp sims things - the Super Vintage or Black Face
  5. Agreed, looks like they used old railway lines!
  6. Anyone seen this absolute stunner over at BD? https://www.bassdirect.co.uk/product/fender-precision-bass-3-tone-sunburst-1966-pre-owned/
  7. Amazing amps. I did read somewhere the 10.1 had reliability issues and the 5.1 was more solid but like you say, great sounding amps very similar to the Mesa Big Block in tone
  8. I have been borrowing our rehearsal spaces SVT 3 pro whilst i source a decent pre-amp/DI pedal and encountered an issue at our last gig. Mid set it cut out, the power light remained on but the gain/peak light wasn't blinking as if the amp wasn't receiving signal. It seemed to kick back in and out a few times and i eventually finished the gig on a DI box via FOH. Immediate thoughts were cables but upon setting the amp back up at home with the same cables i was unable to recreate the issue. This leads me to think it may have been an over heating issue (i was unable to crank it at home). However, on opening the amp up i noticed that there was a 12AX7 in place of the 12AU7 so i immediately replaced that. Is there any reason why using the wrong valve here would make it cut out? Could understand it not sounding great but would a wrong valve here cause overheating/cutting out issues?
  9. Great instrument lead from John after mine suffered a mid-gig breakdown. Great lead and top service
  10. Ahh should have mentioned that, the pups were swapped out a while back for the standard Toneriders
  11. Im awful at using words to describe certain tones but i am certainly on the 'old skool' camp. I use an old MIJ Jazz with flats into a Cali76 compressor that feeds into a Fulltone Mosfet bass drive set to 'subtle' and into an SVT 3 pro with gain high up and valve voltage set low. Its not necessarily more breakup I'm after but a clear woody slightly growly tone. I fully get that the below clips will be through valve amps live but is there a pedal - say a Origin Effects DCX drive or maybe something else to get this type of tone. Or alternatively is this more of a P bass tone that ill struggle to cop on a jazzer? https://youtu.be/MOveYAuDJvw?si=rfNAZLNek5cOWRud https://youtu.be/znoxSwzjI3A?si=bze66A-MmRlXFXd4
  12. That is stunning!
  13. Those old SVT III non-pro's are superb!
  14. Major thread resurrection but was thinking the other day.....Whenever I'm in any town i always pop my head in any Cash Converters to see if there are any bargains to be had. Years back you could find the occasional gem but seems nowadays they just check ebay and price accordingly. However, i was in Camden the other day and popped my head in the local CC to see an old USA Ampeg SVT 3 pro (older version with the red and blue logo). It was immaculate, like NOS immaculate. I didn't try it out but when i enquired about the price they said they would take £250 for it, seems very cheap to me so looks like bargains can still be had if you look around?
  15. I used to love their flats and the 55 solo set. However, recent sets of their flats have been extremely inconsistent. The G & D's almost look like they are from a different set, very shiny but really dull sounding whereas the A & E are duller looking but more lively sounding.
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