Gave it a go. It was the rosewood that made me hve a try Wooks as im not a maple fan. It was very light but not really in a good way i.e felt cheaply made....BUT through the cheap crappy amp i tried it did sound like it had potential. Needed a bloody get set up and probably new pots but certainly nothing worse than what my £280 RV4 was like when i first bought it. I guess its the same, damn good set-up and bit of TLC and this could be a great bass for the money. I still really want a sunburts squier P but i really think once my amp service is paid for that this could be on the radar.
Theres a cheap music shop in manchester than normally sells basic/entry level stuff, usually lots of shine guitars. Anyway i was mooching round online and saw this...
Now i know its a cheap probably korean or chinese made effort but for some reason it just really interests me. Having played a Retrovibe RV4 i know how good two MM style h'buckers CAN sound. So im gonna have a stroll into town later and give this a try. Hopefully it sounds sh*te because i cant really affrod another bass at the mo and am in the middle of another big gear clearout myself. Anyone else tried on of these? Ill report back later with my findings
Sold some Sound City knobs to Si, when his address came thru for postage turns out he lives round the corner (literally). Had a brew and a go of his gorgeous Music Man. Top bloke with no hassles
Very contraversial for on here but Orange terror bass. Theres seems to be this notion that it is a valve amp, it isnt. They are just bog standard hybrid amps, dare i say not as good as the Hartke HA range