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Everything posted by bass_in_ya_face

  1. [quote name='Bald Eagle' post='65443' date='Sep 25 2007, 05:21 PM']Interesting thread-comments. I don't gig, i'd love to, my problem is confidence and always beating myself up because I don't sound like XYZ virtuoso, so I spend too much time learning stuff people probably wouldn't want to hear anyway when really I should be concentrating on the basics and getting a gig. I also feel a bit apprehensive about contacting anyone over the web to jam etc. mainly for fear of being laughed at as in reality I really don't know what level i'm at! I don't know anyone else who plays or can help me or introduce me to similar aged (late 30's) and minded people, it's a vicious circle. And a big boo to the muso snobs, I have no time for conceited people like that I wouldn't diss anyone whatever their level we've all been there or are there were always learning.[/quote] My God are you my twin?...pity your in B'ham...we could have compared notes! I'm in exactly the same boat. I can hold a pretty tight chug along and play a few songs from start to finish but I just don't know any other players.
  2. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='65460' date='Sep 25 2007, 06:16 PM']The routine seems the same everywhere. There'll be a house band with a fairly constant line-up each week. They'll play a brief set to get things going, while an organiser makes himself available with a clipboard. People wanting to play give him their name, instrument, and a rough indication of the music they play and the level they play at. When the house band finish their set, the organiser calls out a series of players ("we'll have Tom and Dick on guitars, Harry on bass, and Fred on drums") and those guys get up on stage. There's a quick whispered discussion, after which everyone agrees to play whatever the guitarist wants because he's the only one who can sing. Hopefully, some of the players will know the song. Each scratch band will usually get 15/20 minutes on stage in any given set. Every evening will contain at least one blistering jam which has mouths hanging open, and at least one total disaster which has mouths hanging open. At least one player will have forgotten to tune up before going on stage. Banjos and flutes are not popular. Don't even think about engaging in amusing repartee with the audience unless you had a previous career as a stand-up comedian at the Edinburgh Festival.[/quote] What if you don't know how to play the song?.....not sure i'm ready for that yet to be honest. Think i'll scout about on the muso forums for musical playes with about a years playing under their belts like moi.
  3. [quote name='nick' post='26211' date='Jul 2 2007, 08:32 PM']Great thread this! Too many great basslines.... started going through my old collection, hearing a lot I didn't listen to first time round - getting new inspirations. Though I can't think of one being being [i]best ever[/i]. A few more suggestions: 'Kowalski' - Primal Scream 'Same Old Scene' - Roxy Music '24 Hour Party People' - Happy Mondays 'Funeral Pyre' - The Jam 'Radio Babylon' - Meat Beat Manifesto[/quote] Oh man I've said it a hundred times already, Same old scene just makes me want to play air bass whever I am. How about 'Music For Chameleons' by Gary Numan....Mr Palladino I think
  4. [quote name='neilb' post='35342' date='Jul 21 2007, 07:07 PM']Already mentioned.......The Real Me - The Who. However, Rio by Duran Duran makes me sit up and get down!!![/quote] Rio is just sounds so complicated...gives me a WTF moment like when I hear 'Hit me with your rhythm stick'
  5. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='65404' date='Sep 25 2007, 03:57 PM']I spent 18 months learning to play bass, starting completely from scratch (thank you Stuart Clayton), before going and looking for a teacher in January, and some blues jam sessions around June this year. I now routinely do two or three jams a week, totalling about 90 minutes a week actually on-stage, and haven't enjoyed myself so much in years. My own playing has improved hugely, helped by continuing with bass lessons. I'm 50, with a fairly young family, so starting a band isn't really practical. Jams and open-mic sessions are the next best thing. I look pretty young, but I'm just back-dated. Every jam I've visited (six so far, all in or around West London) has been extremely friendly and welcoming. No snobbery, no put-downs, no sneers. Almost every musician I've jammed with has been especially supportive when I've told them I'm a newbie. I've lost count of the numbers of drummers and guitarists who have helped to "carry me" on various occasions. Why do it? Because I didn't do it in my 20's (why the hell not?!) and it may be too late by the time I'm in my 60's. Gig for money? What're you offerin', bro?[/quote] Thanks for the PM by the way...pity you're so far away! What exactly happens at these jam nights then?..i'm interested
  6. [quote name='Bald Eagle' post='32660' date='Jul 16 2007, 07:15 PM']Sorry to disapoint but Love Games does it for me anytime everytime. [/quote] Yup, love that one I also can't get Ressurection Joe by The Cult out of my head. Enjoyed learning Far Cry by Rush and I'm currently working on Two Hearts Beat As One by U2
  7. looks like I opended a can of worms here. Thanks for the musicians web sites though. Sometime in the future I may well stop the lessons and track down some other duffers to play with.
  8. [quote name='Cantdosleepy' post='65197' date='Sep 25 2007, 09:27 AM']"Ha ha, he's rubbish, he's no good, it's hilarious that he's rubbish, I'm great, I'm so good that I laugh at people who aren't asd good as me, I'm awesome." This forum gets meaner by the day. He's having a crack at a song, in a band, doing his best. Did all of you fall out of the womb with mad skills? What if that kid posts here? What gives you the right to link to that just to laugh at him? This is NOT what being a bass community should be about.[/quote] +1 The guy obviously didn't post it himself and now he is being ripped to shreds. Shameful.
  9. [quote name='Soulfinger' post='65189' date='Sep 25 2007, 09:12 AM']Oh yeah? Didn´t like [i]my[/i] post then, ey? I tell ya, if this kind of snobbery continues, I will stop contributing to this thread. [/quote] nah yours was ok also!
  10. [quote name='nig' post='65173' date='Sep 25 2007, 08:46 AM']I play 2 to 3 times a week, ive been pro, semi pro and...resting,played covers, written origional stuff etc... all over the last 28 years, I dont read, I did, I enjoy myself, express myself and earn money, if you play and enjoy what you do and find somthing thru music that inspires you, thats good enough, theres alot of snobbery in every walk of life, eventually you realise its all bo##ocks. A musician is a person who plays music, whatever style or level. enjoy. [/quote] The most intelligent thing i've read on here.
  11. Just as a side issue, when I feel i'm at a standard where I can hold my own with other muscians, where do you actively find muscians of a similar standard/age who want to make a noise together?
  12. [quote name='stewblack' post='65159' date='Sep 25 2007, 07:59 AM']Whilst I have always played in gigging bands, though many didn't gig that regularly and certainly not well paid or prestigious gigs, and I love the buzz that I get when I connect with another musician , I utterly support you in your post. The attitude to which you refer is some kind of rank snobbery and best ignored. Your posts, your experience and your ideas are as valuable on this forum as would be those of a professional musician gigging 300 times a year. One of the bands I'm in hardly ever gigs and to be honest we don't care the most important thing for us is songwriting and recording. So please don't stop posting, I've always found the majority of people here helpful, wise, funny and without a grain of the patronising attitude which irked you so much.[/quote] thankyou. I have great fun on here bouncing ideas of people and asking questions. The other thing that irritated me was the pack mentality of taking the mickey out of the young lad trying to tackle 'My Generation'. Christ I bet most of the 'pro's' on here couldn't make it sound like The Ox either. Pino Palladino doesn't.
  13. I only ask because I read a comment on another thread that made my blood boil. Apparently you aren't a real musician unless you go out and play 'in the field' so to speak. I like to class myself as a musician, not a very good one but i'm making music. I read music, I'd like to take some exams...does that not make me a musician?...Mick Karn doesn't read music or even know what notes he is playing...maybe he isn't a 'real' musician either. Personally, I play for a hobby and would love to go and play with a band etc. Sadly I have other commitments and like my wife and kids and a job and could not dedicate the hours I would need to rehearse/gig. If we are going to get that sort of snobbery towards hobby bassists, I personally will stop contributing to this forum. That's the sort of condesending attitude i'd expect a guitarist to make towards a bass player
  14. [quote name='martthebass' post='64963' date='Sep 24 2007, 07:08 PM']Anybody remember Rik Mayall in 'Bad News'? Also, must be hard to play when you're horizontal...[/quote] lol...."hey Mr Bass man!"
  15. [quote name='King Tut' post='64543' date='Sep 23 2007, 11:00 PM']Lucky old me picked up a yamaha rbx 270 for £25 in Cash Converters last week. Body was badly scratched - but otherwise fine, so I've rubbed it down and waxed it, shileded the cavity, put on new strings and set it up - it's pretty darn good - even paying full price. It's selling to a mates daughter next week - another one rescuede from the trash!![/quote] why do I never find anything like that? What do you use to remove the scratches?
  16. I know people such as The Edge & John Frusicante from the chillis have sited John McGeogh as a big infleunce on their playing. Sadly I seem to remember at the time of his death he had given up the music scene as was training to be a nurse or something. I did see him play with PIL at the old town and country club when he went into the crowd to srot out a guy who had just hurled a pint of larger at John Lydon!
  17. Anyone heard of him before.....I think he was in the Skids prior to the Armoury Show. Love the tone he has on this track. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HV77kAhd10k"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HV77kAhd10k[/url] I think he is playing my favourite bass , Aria Pro SB1000. Also features one of my guitar heroes, the late, great John McGeough. Despite being a Skids & Banshees fan, I don't think the track is upto much but I'm loving the bass.
  18. [quote name='paul, the' post='63852' date='Sep 21 2007, 10:35 PM'][url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Mania-VTB-4BS-thru-neck-active-Bass-guitar-TKL-case_W0QQitemZ230172707130"]This[/url] will be a good buy.[/quote] that's a pretty bass!
  19. I love my Yamaha rbx170 & the Vintage est96 is very well made and a stingray copy. Also I had a Ibanez GSR200 which was very good.
  20. I'd love that bloody bass...WTF? I get annoyed if I put a dink in mine!
  21. I've discovered Rush recently. IMHO there are about 15% of the tracks worth listenening to....the rest were just boring. Far Cry,YYZ & Freewill are my favourites. Geddy Lee's playing is brilliant but his vocals really grate on me after a while....the best Rush tracks are the instrumentals! My tip is to check what are an artists most downloaded tracks in itunes. That gives you a good idea what are the best
  22. I've been on this forum a while now and have no idea what 'GAS' is
  23. Mick Karn, JJ Burnell, Geddy Lee, Nick Beggs, Norman Watt Roy, Peter Hook,
  24. I've been learning bass for about a year and practice learning various diffrerent tunes but once i've moved on to something else I totally forget how to play something I did two weeks ago and i'm 38.9 years old! I think it's the same part of the memory that forgets to put the toilet seat down!
  25. Christ I feel guilty owning 3!
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