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Stinger Ray

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About Stinger Ray

  • Birthday 11/03/1967

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  • Location
    Northampton PA USA

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  1. MartinB, Yes, that's the stuff !! Much appreciate it. I enjoy peruzing / patronizing small places like this. Thank you for the link... these places are tough to find on web searching, for me anyways..
  2. Hello OB, Thank you for your reply, I dunno' really, I've seen random youtube videos where a guy goes to a small but well stocked shop in Netherlands, grabs a 62' Strat....another example..Mick/Dan from That Pedal Show went to a really cool vintage shop in one video... I'm just curious to see what else might be out there...consignment/used stores, maybe a smaller hidden gem independent shop somewhere. example: is there a cool shop in Birmingham or something like that.. in the states we refer to independent stores as Mom and Pop shops... they are starting to make a small showing around my area again.. Hopefully it is a trend that is gaining some momentum? I'm worn out on the bigger retailers stuff. But maybe the bigger stuff is the best of them? Have a good day, regards, Brad
  3. Hello, A few minutes ago I posted this in the Bass Guitar section and it should be here I suppose. I will delete the previous if someone ca tell me how? I enjoy browsing guitar makers & music shops websites. Being from the US, I don't know a whole lot of "European" sites to visit that have good selection of well made instruments.. *not advertising* I've browsed Anderton's of course and Thomann's but would like some recommendations of smaller shops that have cool stuff. If you all wouldn't mind sharing some of your favorites? *Quick note: if you have a chance check out Anderton's visit/tour of Martin Guitars. I'm not advertising, honest. I live about 10 miles from the factory & have some friends that work there... it's a great tour if you are ever in the US, it is only about an hour and fifteen minute drive from NYC & hour and half from Philadelphia. But if you can't make it... this is the next best thing. The most comprehensive tour of Martin Guitars I have yet to see. The only thing better would be if you could smell the wood... I hope i'm not breaking any rules by linking this? My apologies if so.
  4. Really Dig The PENNSYLVANIA 6-5000 reference! 🤙
  5. Hey Now... Thanks for all the welcomes... I apologize... i walked away for a while and didn't realize I was still logged in... wasn't ignoring anyone... Here's what I put in my profile, I haven't gotten round to uploading photos, I never really did much of that kind of thing. I always felt like I was being pretentious or something similar.... PLAYING BASS SINCE 1982 '82 P Bass - Black/Maple (bought it new @ 15 yrs old) '98 SR5 H Black/Maple '12 SR5 Classic H Special Edition: Active/Passive, Black/BE Maple '15 SR5 Classic H Black/Rose '17 Jazz Bass Am Pro V Black/Maple '24 Pbass V Am Pro II 3TSB/Rosewood '04 Ampeg SVT 3 Pro (USA) - Ampeg PR410hlf QSC: GX5 Sunn Coliseum 300 - Acoustic 406 2x15 As for "what" do I play? as in Music? Pretty much anything but "Country" or high end Jazz.. I'm "capable physically" of ripping fusion Jazz solos...it never appealed to me, to play.... Although... I do love it. I started Trombone 8 yrs old then bagged it for Bass... I bought my Pbass in '82... I still have it... COUNTLESS THOUSANDS of hours on that Bass... My War Horse ha.. I cut my early Bass teeth on records Sabbath, Maiden, Yes, Rush, Zeppelin, Zappa, Hendrix, The Who, Motown, Stevie Wonder & Lot's of 70's slap funk!! Entwistle, Geezer & Squire were my favs to learn from...
  6. Thank you SpondonBassed, looking forward to checking the place out.
  7. Hello all, Just recently discovered your wonderful site and thought I'd take a minute and say hello. So, Hello. Been playing Bass since 1982, I guess I'm an old timer anymore.... but it's still lots of fun.
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