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Freddie B

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Everything posted by Freddie B

  1. πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ lidl e. Ok here's another one for ya, not a video(well not yet lol)but a question. The A2S has bluetooth but it is for the controller. How can I use it for the actual unit? I saw the Andertons video for the stage and he had the app and he could do everything the editor can on the laptop. It would be cool to get it on my phone. I think I may have a synth sound. I went to some bands I like, like The Gap Band some MJ stuff, jump To It by Aretha Franklin(saw a video by a cat named Darrell Freeman) and tried to copy the sounds as close as possible.
  2. I recently found on YouTube. Ian Anderson told how he got a bass synth sound. Granted he uses the helix stomp but this kinda makes sense. I'm gonna try this and see what I can get.
  3. Welll lidl e that was cool 😎
  4. Hello I would like to know if anyone has managed to get a bass synth sound out of the Ampero II stomp. I would like to to do some synthy stuff in the band I'm in. Thanks in advance ☺️
  5. HELLOOOOO BC OK here it is, the Ampero II Stomp is AWWWWESOME. I used it over the weekend 6/8/24 along with the controller an had a blast. I was amazed that I put a patch together. Granted I need to learn a little more about both, but what I did just putting the patches together on the unit helped. The 4 button controller was a great accessory. I also have the 2 button one also but didn't use it. With the help of this site and the encouragement it was easier to deal with. Again I THANK YOU.
  6. Yes there are
  7. This fourm is the best!!! You folks helped a whole lot. WOW thank you
  8. Directly to laptop
  9. I did that also
  10. I FINALLY GOT THE EDITOR TO WORK!!!! After staying up till 3am and trying again at 3pm. When the editor was loading there was a Microsoft c++ saying that it would run better if I did something can't remember, but the last time I just hit closed and dag gone if the editor was there. OMG I'm so relieved. I have a b2 four and can't get to work on the laptop, have to use my ipad that I use for monitoring and a camera adapter πŸ™„. We'll any something finally working right
  11. The Ampero stomp is here!! Now I have played around with the unit it's self looking on line and trying to figure it out. I would like to get the editor on my laptop, it's a windows 10 laptop and I can't get anything to work 😑😑 "device not connected". I have installed un installed 3 or 4 times over 3hrs and nothing. It has the 2.0 version maybe I shouldn't have but I did a factory reset on it. What should I do? The unit is stuck on this and the editor is this. Again installed,uninstalled and this is it. A lot of hours put into trying to understand the unit and it beat me
  12. Hello BASS CHAT My ampero ii stomp will arrive tomorrow (at least that's what the email says) I'm excited to play around with unit and get into it. I also ordered the 2 and 4 button foot switches to see which w one will work for me so if I want to tune I can have it on a separate button. Ooooooo can't wait.
  13. Hello I'm thinking about the ampero stomp just from the reviews. I have the zoom b3n and the b2 four. But I was kinda wanting the ampero for the ease of using the display,the editing on the laptop/tablet and phone(I have a windows laptop, and Android phone and a apple tablet to use for monitoring at shows). Sooo if I can find one at a decent price I might get it and play around with it. I have found mor info with the ampero and the helix but I don't think I want the helix. Being somewhat new to the multi effects thing I want to get a great amp less sound for fly shows. I have a ROLLS unit and use IEM's for monitoring. I want to feel comfortable with my sound with the IEM's and for FOH
  14. Hello Freddie B here from North Carolina in America can i join this thread
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