Too many festivals with too many stages , too many average bands and not enough headline worthy bands. Donington 84 was my favorite , motley crue , accept , y+t , Gary Moore , ozzy Osbourne , van Halen and ac/dc. One stage , all killer no filler.
My 13 year old ABM300 has never once given me any trouble , not even a crackly pot or anything. Has always sounded great during the many many gigs and rehearsals that I and friends who I've lent it to have done with it.
I think that says something.
People go to Glastonbury because it's the trendy event to go to. Most of them don't care which bands are on , it's all about wearing a comedy hat , painting your face , sticking up a bloody huge flag and getting up on someones shoulders to try and get on telly for a nano second.
The festivals I used to go to were quite different. Anyone blocking the view with a flag or sitting on someones shoulder would result in a barrage of piss filled bottles or any other object thats around.
The bands were all decent names of the time instead of the current V/Glasto etc lineups of bland indie dross who have no idea about stage presence or performance.
Most of these bands can get away with a 30 minute festival slot but would struggle headlining a tour of there own. Imagine Scouting for Girls doing the same size gigs Metallica play ??
Anyway , I don't know where I'm going with this to be honest...I'm sure Metallica will go down well , as will most bands at Glasto...lapped up by the "I was there , look at me" crowd....
Bloody hell I'm sounding old and grumpy...!!
I would just like to say that although I have never bought a Barefaced cab and I may not do in the future either , I respect Alex for what he has done so far and continues to do with updates and new products etc.
It's a shame Alex feels he doesn't want to contribute to threads on here because of all the reasons already stated because he always comes across as a well imformed and very helpful guy. In the past I have emailed him about his cabs and he was always very helpful with his replies.
Whether people like his cabs or not we should be giving support to a British designer and builder instead of bashing him down.
So come on Alex , come and join in , we won't bite......honest !!
I had one of these in a white sparkle finish. It had Jackson pickups but Charvel on the headstock.
Can't remember the model but it did sound good and played very nicely.
[quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1396373328' post='2412854']
Whoa whoa.. what about manchester?
You can't go gallivanting about stating relocation guff without considering manchester.
Whatever the other place has, we have more : )
I have to agree !!
Get Me In is just a tout site owned by Ticketmaster.There was a channel 4 documentary about the industry a couple of years ago.
Get Me In staff buy loads of tickets on many different credit cards owned by the company and then list them at hugely inflated prices. I'm not sure if the promoters get a cut in these sales but I'd be suprised if they don't otherwise they would probably take steps to cut this out.
It's always the fans that lose out by having to buy tickets at ridiculous prices.
I miss the good old days of turning up at the box office and buying them , things were much simpler then !
Exactly , cant see the point of watching a gig through a small screen when the real thing is right in front of you large as life ! Each to their own and all that though.
[quote name='TimR' timestamp='1395999260' post='2408750']
It's not 'what I like', they're industry standard terms. Go looking for a mixer with 'flat' preamps and see how far you get.
Yes I know that , I've already pointed out I don't agree with the flat eq thing and about sound engineers etc . Read my post on previous page.
[quote name='ubit' timestamp='1395997316' post='2408704']
Sorry mate, but are you not being a bit picky here
[/quote]I'm not the one being picky ! I'm saying your bass isn't flat plugged in. I turn the knobs until I get the sound I like and that works. Imagine if sound engineers didn't use eq at live gigs or on recordings.
A bunch of musicians who don't like live gigs ? What a depressing thought. No wonder live music venues are on their arses if even the musicians cant be bothered turning out !
I still vote for 19 inches as it would fit both 4x10 cabs and the newer 2112 cabs.
Main thing is the sound though and making it simple. Some sort of self bias control would be great too.