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Everything posted by skychaserhigh

  1. For the money I would expect a better finish that what Barefaced use. At the price point of the cabs the look and finish really matter I think.
  2. The sound at that arena changes quite a bit between the upper and lower tiers. Having said that , if Roger waters can get an amazing crystal clear sound there why can't everyone else ? This attention to detail really matters when the tickets cost a small fortune.
  3. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' timestamp='1380807877' post='2230866'] It seems you might be lacking something on the communication skills part. The trick is too make them believe that the no scoop filosophy is actually their idea! No , just years of experience with sound engineers. [/quote]
  4. [quote name='MoJo' timestamp='1380803067' post='2230746'] ....is the best way to p*** off a sound engineer and have him scoop all the mids out [/quote]yep , in one ear then out the other , resulting in the same bass tone he gives to every bass player at every gig he works on !
  5. I'm not a Barefaced hater either but whenever I make a comment or ask a question about them some people react as if I've pissed on their kids !! It's a good job us ashdown users are not so touchy....seriously though , some people need to relax a bit and stop being overly sensitive to a brand of speaker cabs that they use.
  6. I'm not sure about that but I caught his pick which had the tip snapped off so he must have played something ! I do remember Chris Holmes having some problems and looking pretty pissed off though.
  7. When I first got my vanderkley cab I realised how sloppy my playing was at times !! A clear and detailed cab can really make you aware of your technique and can be quite unforgiving. I really like this though as apart from helping my playing it means I can hear what I'm playing without resorting to massive volume when things get noisy on stage.
  8. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1380502589' post='2226364'] Are you posting under two different accounts, or, in spite of me quoting someone else right there in the post, decided it was addressing you? My apologies , I missed the other post and thought it was meant for me ! I'm tired and really should get some sleep.... [/quote]
  9. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1380489789' post='2226179'] Having had a couple of BF cabs I suppose I`m a bit biased, but I can`t understand why some seem to dislike light, powerful, easy to transport cabs with virtually no colouration of the sound. [/quote]. Well you must have disliked them if you got rid of yours ??
  10. It all depends on what frequencies the other instruments are using. The trick is to fill in the missing frequencies so that the band sound is full and nobody is clashing as much as possible. So if the guitarist uses a mid scoop the bass should fill in the mids and if the guitarist has a middy sound then maybe a mid scoop on the bass sounds good. It's not always that simple of course but that's the basic idea that I work on.
  11. I had a strange experience with Wasp on the headless children tour at Hammersmith Odeon. I was on second row right in front of Chris Holmes. Just before they hit the stage , a black lad on front row was removed by 2 heavies and never returned. Read into that what you like. The show was excellent though.
  12. Well , talking about Barefaced in any way other than high praise certainly gets some people stirred up doesn't it ?? I seem to have broken some sort of Basschat golden rule there , don't worry , I won't do it again ...!! Enjoy.
  13. I'm not carrying more cab than I need at all !! My cab is the right combination of tone and power handling without it being in danger of it blowing and having to be sent away for repair.
  14. With the Barefaced cabs there is always a lot of emphasis on how loud they can go. In real world gigging situations what matters to me is the tone and being able to hear what I'm playing clearly. This doesn't always mean more volume is needed. How loud do you need to be really ? Play too loud and you piss off your band mates and end up in a volume war which destroys your band sound and also pisses off the PA engineer (if there is one) as he can't do anything other than take your bass out of the PA completely. Both my bands are quite loud and I don't have to run my cab at anywhere near it's limits to be heard clearly and the ports are behind the grill , no problems with tone or low end at all.
  15. Knowing the lyrics is as important as knowing the notes and chords.
  16. I.saw them on the signals tour , they were fantastic. Geddy definitey used the Steinberger , never got into the album though. This was the beginning of the big keyboard sound and I started to lose interest from then on .
  17. Same here. I've gone back to my old ashdown abm head . Something in the class D power amp just isn't right , the old transformers have a certain weight to the sound that cant be beat.
  18. Yes they will do slap and funk , rock and everything else inbetween . Excellent cabs.
  19. £1294 for a 100 watt valve head ? Er no thanks !
  20. I agree. I wouldn't go into a shop and pay in full then expect to wait a month or more for my item to arrive.
  21. I like carpet covered cabs ...I like dumb and dumber....I also like quiche so what do I know ??
  22. I like potato salad.
  23. I like bacon and egg sandwiches best.....
  24. When I went to buy a new cab I spent a few hours trying the new Genz Benz 212 , the Bergantino HD212 and the Vanderkley 212 MNT. The Vanderkley won on sound quality although the other 2 were still very good. They all had good handles too.........
  25. I like my vanderkley cab , great sound , great build and finish quality , great handles......
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