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Everything posted by skychaserhigh

  1. I got the SKB shallow Roto case and it's a perfect fit.
  2. The DI on mine is great , has a good strong signal.I like to use the amp clean but it can drive a bit too although it's not an overdrive kind of amp.
  3. I picked one up too..already used it on a gig and got another tonight. It's very easy to use and capable of pretty much any bass tone you might want. The eq is very flexible and produces a very powerful sound which works great with the band and seems to be built like a tank. I was interested in these when they came out but at this price it's an absolute bargain. Sonically it sits somewhere between my ABM and my old Ampeg but definitely has it's own thing going on.
  4. Blimey....that was a bargain...
  5. I had one for a few years. A great amp with tons of power, the eq is quite complex but once dialled in I just left it alone with just small adjustments if needed. It has a nice DI and the tube voltage knob can change the feel of the amp and how it responds. Mine is now with Ginger Wildheart after he used it for rehearsals and a tour etc..he liked it so much that he now owns it...so yes..they are good solid amps and if it's a decent price then go for it!!
  6. i 've just seen this thread and was about to offer my cabs for you to use as I'm just down the road (still using your old Ampeg !) then scrolled down to the good news ! Great bit of detective work , well done ! Dave.
  7. It's just yet another con to get people to buy the same music again on another format....we've been here before...
  8. [quote name='leftybassman392' timestamp='1498662921' post='3326200'] Oh dear! Is this one of those 'real men...' things? [/quote] I'm not sure what you mean , but I'll keep this simple for you...It's easy to be a 'keyboard warrior' and say nasty things from the safety of an internet forum , but it's another thing to say those things directly in person. I think many people wouldn't say these things to Liam in real life.
  9. Some quite nasty comments about Liam on here , I wonder if you people are brave enough to say these things to him in person...?
  10. My experience of these modern line array systems is that they just don't sound as good as the older stacked PA systems we had years ago. They may be technically better, but don't sound as good. The older systems has a sound that you could feel as well as hear , good bass response. Most of the gigs I've been to in the last few years with the line array systems have sounded pretty poor , lack of punch and decent bass , just a middy and drum heavy sound. i know there are technical reasons for using these modern line array things , but from my experience , gigs just don't sound as good as they used to in the bigger venues.
  11. I've not questioned the existence of anything... The odd dodgy performance didn't matter to me , there were much more important reasons for this gig than perfecion by the artists.
  12. Anyone complaining about individual performances at this concert, are missing the point as to what this event was all about.
  13. I have an SVT6 pro as my main amp and it's fantastic. The semi parametric eq takes a bit of getting the hang of but once you understand it you can get pretty much any sound you want from it. the amp has a big valve sound and as much headroom as you will ever need. It has a really good DI out with level control and ground lift too. There doesn't seem to be many of these around , so if you find one at a decent price then it would be well worth snapping up.
  14. Someone will be along soon to tell us their Class D micro amp and 110 cab blows away an SVT and 810 Ampeg fridge....
  15. I tried 2 of these in San Francisco and they both had crackling switches. Definately put me off buying one.
  16. Best thing is to try it first , then only make any changes if it doesn't do what you want it to.
  17. Dave is still working , but a bit far from you.
  18. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1483569115' post='3208433'] Have you tried them stacked vertically? It makes a big difference. [/quote] No...my amo would not balance on top and it would be unstable !
  19. I use 2 Hartke Hydrive 210 cabs , stacked horizontally , great sound , easy to transport plenty of power handling....spot on !
  20. I gave up on class D amps ages ago. I'm much happier using my Ampeg SVT6 pro and Ashdown ABM300 , sound great and perfectly manageable to move.
  21. I'll come to with some G+L , Ampeg and Hartke stuff.
  22. I reckon Ill be able to make it.
  23. I would be up for that , depending on dates. I went to school opposite there so would be a nice walk down memory lane !
  24. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1478029671' post='3166220'] You are a man of good taste then [/quote] Yep...that's why I use Ashdown !!
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