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Everything posted by skychaserhigh

  1. But surely everyone knows that a One10 cab with a Class D car radio amp is all you need for any gig.....?? I'll get me coat....
  2. I had a TNT Black Widow combo for a few years many years ago. I always found it to be a bit boxy sounding and compressed too much as it got loud , so hopefully this amp sounds a lot better. What are clown buttons by the way ?
  3. When I used class D amps , I could get an ok sound but it felt empty. Going back to my older amps gave me a better sound with that full fat bass feeling that drives the band. This is my interpretation of 'Heft'.
  4. Ampeg SVT 6 pro or Ashdown ABM300 plus Tech21 VT Bass pedal with either amp for me.
  5. G&L really are great basses , their playability is just superb.
  6. I hear mixing bins is a bad idea...2 the same should be the way to do it...
  7. What's the weight like on these.....?
  8. A bit heavy at 5ib ....only on Basschat....
  9. A1 Music...i wish music shops were like that nowadays !
  10. My choice would be a 210 to go with the 115 cab.
  11. I got confused and thought you meant the Def Leppard track...I'll get me coat.....
  12. I never understood their popularity either. But saying that you don't rate the Stone Roses in Manchester is a bit like saying you don't like Barefaced on Basschat..
  13. @Grangur...no offense meant...I was just making a point too !
  14. Weight isn't a big factor for me. I always used valve or hybrid amps then tried the class D stuff for a few years. I eventually went back to my bigger older amps because to me they just sound and work better for me. I don't consider them particularly heavy. I used Hartke cabs for years , some heavy some not. I then used Vanderkley for a few years. Great well made etc cabs but I went back to Hartke because I prefer the way they sound to me. I don't care if they are technically better or worse than others , I use what works for me best. I also spend a lot more time playing through my gear than carrying it so to me , weight isn't the main factor when choosing gear and I know a lot of other people who think the same.
  15. @Grangur , Don't you help with your band mates gear then , just carry your own ??
  16. Casters make no difference to the sound in my experience but make moving it around is certainly more convenient !
  17. To say that one or two of these cabs will be enough for ANY situation could be slightly misleading..I've certainly done plenty of gigs where a big rig was needed , especially big outdoor stages. In my opinion of course.
  18. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1462603065' post='3044254'] And they're paying you how much to learn 20 songs? Blue [/quote] Do you really expect to get paid to learn songs for an audition ??
  19. How much does heft weigh...
  20. Sell it and get an Ashdown ABM.
  21. Good points well made !
  22. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1461168487' post='3032126'] Wireless, line 6 G-50. Blue [/quote] That's not a lead........
  23. So..after years of being told a 410 is no good and unnecessary Barefaced announces ....a 410 !! Progress indeed... Now everyone will be saying how great a 410 is for bass...just like the old days !! Thing is , this is the first Barefaced cab i like the look of and could actually see myself using..time will tell ! P.S. I'll keep my eye on the For Sale section.....
  24. At least I can spell and pronounce this , unlike Marsuzzkeijjs.....however It's spelt !
  25. Hartke Hydrive.
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