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Total Watts

  1. There have been a number of times when we've been trying to work out what the specific lyrics to a song were but have just not been able to agree by listening alone. No problem: hop onto the internet and look up the lyrics. Trouble is, there occasionally seems to be disagreement between the sites and it seems to be just a consensus formed by the majority of users of each site. I realise that they are probably 99% correct but it occured to me that the lyrics of a song must constitute part of the copyright and so will have to be written down somewhere as official lyrics (actually the official lyrics not just a website claiming them to be official.) I think there must be a few people on this site that have recorded and copyrighted their own material and so will have gone through the process making the lyrics of a song 'legally' their own. My question then is: where do these copyrighted lyrics live? Surely, they have to be public in some sense otherwise there would be a million 'gotcha' lawsuits. If I wake up tomorrow with 'Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away...' in my head and decide to turn it into a song for commercial release, there must be a process I can go through to not end up on the wrong side of McCartney's lawyers.
  2. 2 Minutes To Midnight - Iron Maiden
  3. Oh dear! Sorry, I thought I was making a joke. I guess putting the mojo into an instrument is the real fun though and you got to start afresh.
  4. Hi Honey! So glad you're home. You know how, while I'm watching telly, you sit on the sofa and noodle away on your guitar? Well, I've got some terrible news...
  5. I'm actually not doing too badly with it, the notes and the timing are pretty much there, to my ear at least, which is really more testament to the quality of the instruction than anything. It's just the speed of the song that will take some time I think - I'm nowhere near it yet. I've just (a couple of hours ago) invested in a piece of software called Transcribe which lets me play the actual song itself at a slower speed but keeps it in tone(?) so hopefully I'll work it up to full speed eventually. I've also started on another song after having seen one of the recommendations in this thread that is demonstrated more than taught by Constantine Isslamow. It's 9 to 5 by Dolly Parton - again selected because it's such a great tune. He has a free and clear transcription of the bass line in a link in the video and a clear shot of him and the bass (both hands) that make it very easy to follow. The resources that are available to us, especially those of us who are beginners, is astounding really.
  6. I've only just bought myself a bass (about 2 months ago) thinking it looked like the most fun way of trying to stave off dementia as I plummet into middle age. Loving it so far but I was going through various Youtubers to see how best to start with it. Then someone suggested I pick a song that I like the bassline to and find a tutorial an learn from there. I settled on Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick and found the video below. In retrospect it's probably a bit too advanced for my first go at 'music' but it's definitely a fun journey. I thought I'd hit a goldmine with this guy but unfortunately there isn't too much on his channel that's as good as this for someone who wants to learn a specific tune. He has plenty of good stuff but I was hoping he'd have a hundred songs to learn in the same style ready and waiting for me to get into. Unfair of me really as it must have taken ages to go through the one song like this. Better ears than mine might tell me he's not that good but he sounds excellent to me.
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