Hello folks,
Our nice little short scale bass got wings during 2016, now seeking a replacement. That was an Ibanez GS10051172, a black short-scale solid body built like an SG shaped like a Les Paul for $215 plus tax: unfortunately, a bass which seems no longer produced though absolutely appealing and unique in style and appearance, which we want to exactly replace if possible..the Hofner Contemporary Series Shorty Bass could be an alternative though just beginning to explore possibilities..the Ibanez was our first bass, as primarily a saxophonist exploring multi-instrumentalism now.
I'm surprised some folk responding here tuning in fifths..so-called "cello" tuning, begin on such low notes? We found even tuned to a "D" the lowest string was too slack.."E" would be the bottom string using normal tuning, no?
I did get the instrument tuned to fifths, which must've had a "D#" for the bottom note? Maybe actually "D" and lower notes than that were too slack? Even playing guitar for me is very basic..working up simple phrases or melodies in as many different keys that will fit, maybe some scales & arppegios..or "harmelodics" even..Marion Brown, Sonny Simmons & Ornette Coleman reach us sometimes, all alto saxophonists known as more exploratory players.