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Everything posted by WHencOURageMENT

  1. Hello to all you Rhythm Cats & Pulsaters (as a band used that or Pulshaters, OK I'll stop before I go off on one and I DO), Hi from the front side LOL, You no how it is, you hear something think about it but this time I'm waking up with the TV on, That's 60s on, so after "you can't hurry love " Supreme video came on, it has always sounded rushed, more so I think on the video because you have chance to see the vocals, it doesn't sound or look comfortable paced, so I was singing it in my head at a slower pace and it seemed easier more comfortable without the Rush, So I looked it up and came across your discussion, and found a few comments that as a musician like many have ADHD, Personally I have to go into great depth of the vast science, physics, engineering, design, logic, methodology, evolution, theory etc of my main instruments and others in the sounds and how they are produced and sound waves travel through instruments, the more I know the more it makes sense, After experiencing 59 Christmases I still know F all, A few comments on a forum for musicians particularly Bass Rhythm musicians, with a high responsibility for establishing the style of the tune, connecting inner sections A,B,C & turn arounds etc "in a simple example". 1 comment regarding playing ahead or behind the beat, that they don't understand it or why, they should have a long sit down and think about what they are playing a musical instrument for? What music means to them? If they are in a band or playing with others are they helping or hindering them? The point of this, if music didn't have any of these accidental's we would all be professors at the highest possible level of learning, probably long ago and gave up board to death, quite happy to let computer technology repeat variations of crap. The only thing funny about it is that no one else seemed to notice this and point out why it is so wrong in every way, to think it, for a person who sees themselves or thinks of themselves as a musician and a bassist, is unbelievable, to me it seems one of if not the most important concept in music and what music is? Or do you think that it wrong and I am? To be clear I was dumped in the remedial classes at school in the 70s, so I have taught myself everything and if I lived a thousand years I still wouldn't know half of what music is, so I'm not a silver spooned rich kid, On a bit lighter side, the 2nd comment was from a fretless bass player who said honestly he played in tune? The point is that he truly would be the only one that actually is playing in Tune, just like violin quartets etc and Trombone, but violin groups specifically play with the same family group of instruments and have their own compositions that are in tune, unlike the majority of music that has been composed in Equal Temperament tuning, created purely for design, engineering and simplicity to make keyed, fretted and other mathematical instrument possibilities, each chromatic note being the distance to the next as it was from the last, by doing this we get 12 notes that scale patterns can be built, sacrificing tuning and natural harmonics, overtones ( tones within a tone produced naturally) a great example of what and how this is can be found and actually see it by searching Xylophone keys and tuning the highest quality ones, by putting salt on the block and hitting the vibration makes the salt accumulate in different areas very obvious, each of these can be finely tuned, basic cheaper Xylophones the key block is tuned, maybe the 5th, but the mega price Xylophones have as many as possible overtones within each key block finely tuned, but it is amazing to see if your interested, But back to Equal Temperament and fretless bass , a keyed instrument is possible to produce a playable instrument because of Equal Temperament not tuning purely mathematical, otherwise it would have to many keys, no simple pattern and out of reach for the longest fingers, So piano tuners having perfect is so far from the truth it's laughable, I've not had a Bass or fretless bass for years, but if I remember correctly " on days like these " tune from The Italian Job, there is a Note in the tune that is not part of a scale of Equal Temperament instruments, if you have a good ear and no the tune, it will clear when you get to the note it's out of tune playing keys or frets, if you have a fretless or something able to play it, you will be enlightened by harmony, natural sound and tuning, how far humanity has accepted it without noticing, are we missing anything, does it make any difference, or could it be possible reasons why we have become so far out of tune with nature and mother nature, planets harmonics, in ancient times there was a massive connection with humanity around the world and harmony, balance and sound in music and rhythm was a major factor that we have long lost and getting worse, Personally from the way I research, investigate and look into this, I definitely think it is massively important and is responsible for lots, it is also hugely important to achievements of humanity thousand of years ago that we are still unable to do or understand why and how they did it back then, until we stop thinking because we are the modernist most advanced civilization and alive now so that makes us way ahead of any past society, culture or periods, then we are massively in front and look down ignorantly on those from history, all we have done far better is kill, create and painlessly use nuclear weapons that have destroyed the ozone testing in the upper atmosphere and outer space "how f***in stupid can a government be to think about doing it never mind doing it, and loads more, a free bragging country so scared of how another country uses their freedom that they created and provoked trouble with lies and propaganda to stop freedom and control their claimed free country doesn't want to be communist to, why if what they tell their people is true would they want to change? That is control dictatorship power not freedom, created cold war with lies and propaganda and continue to, why would a free happy top country be so worried that they have to lie and cheat their own people if it was true? And if they are truly free then it is their own decision not for the government to dictate what they can and cannot do, Anyone with half a brain clearly knows that is for those who are in power and live such wealthy lives and they don't want to be found out what they have all been doing for years and end up like the Zars of Russia and French royalty after the people decided enough was enough, and the dictatorship powers who have been lying and keeping their own people down with lies will end up the same, It might have been a deliberate invention to control the people who in the past judged societies like Egyptian leaders forcing slaves to build pyramids and treating them like dogs, but that has all been thrown out because the people who built the pyramids were respected very well treated and looked after housed and happy, so they are judging history in the same poor condescending bullying way they treat and view people today in so called modern civilised society, Yes we are out of tune and need to find harmony, balance and then we will really move forward, historians still believe we are the first civilised humanity, but gobecytepy!?!? In Turkey 12000 years old about 7000 years older than what they say should be, and do they really believe by chance in all the world they managed to find the first oldest place and jumped from caves to that with nothing between, how many people were alive back in history because they seem to have endless time, wealth and resources to spend time in large groups building such massive constructions with bucket and wooden spades and carving stones, but what is known rhythm, sounds, harmony and balance was a major factor in all cultures around the world and the little tribes in areas still say and beliefs about sounds had been involved in certain things, like chanting levitate massive stone monoliths and building, hitting certain rocks did similar, some places have massive stones that actually ring like metal bells, could even say the moon resonates and rings like a hollow bell, horns that crumbled the walls of Jerusalem or Jerico!? OK I did say at the start I have a tendency to go off on one lol, Hope your not bored all the best and the more tools in your box the more you can do, information comes from books and literature, knowledge comes from experience, skills, Wisdom comes from both, Ignorance comes from not realising that, The reason nothing comes from that, is because it comes from anyone anywhere and you think you know better or are better
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