I'm going through the same type scenario. I generally run a couple of 1-12" Hartke HD cabs on bottom for portability and one 2-10 HL cab on top. Best thing I've came up with so far for good low mids and top end .
I power it with a LH1000 Hartke.
But for quicker set up gigs I'm considering my 1-15 Hartke HD for the bottom and the 2-10 on top.
I know from experience that the 1-15 cab will explode if I crank the power loud enough to drive the 4-10 cab pretty good.
A speaker repair guy told me many years ago, that a 1-15 bass speaker is basically a 250-300 watt speaker.
And 10 inch speakers are 100 watts each to be safe. Sure, times have changed and better components are around..heavy magnets etc but I know in my heart that my Hartke. 4-10 HL cab, which is advertised at 1000 watts handling capability...is in reality 400-500 watts. As long as the 1000 watt bass head is turned down to about 3-4, I ll be ok.
But the best option is to have 2 matching cabs, whether it's two separate 4-10s or 2 15s depending on your tone tastes.
(I'm all about the Geddy top end crunch, but with low mids, Instead of really low end frequency.)
So I might have to save for another 4-10 (just so there's only 2 cabs)
Or for now, just run the one 4-10