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  1. I'm having trouble with my adjustable bridge, I had it fitted back in the summer and it's just a pain in the arse to be honest. I mostly play, psychobilly/ rockabilly and have innovations silver slap or rockabilly slap. From what I've found on the web ideally my action should be between 6-10mm. Is this right? I haven't played my bass in years and have just started again recently and want it to be setup right. So the bridge is set to its lowest but the bolt is still visible and leaves a gap as if it's be highered. But if you turn the screw it just spins around and goes down to the foot but leaves a gap at the top of the foot and does nothing. So if you imagine a adjustable bridge that's been highered, but instead of the screw bring at the top touching the bottom of the bridge its actually touching the top of the feet ( basically upside down) Right now at it's lowest it gives me an action of 6mmG, 8mm D,A and 11mm on the E! The E string is so high in comparison to the other strings, the only way I can lower it is to take the bridge off and turn the foot so it lowers that way. My question is if I turn the foot just on the E side will this affect the way the tension is spread, and damage my bass? I don't want it to pop a hole in my bass. Am I better of sanding top of off the bridge off instead? I know it's only a millimeter but it annoys me. Also it buzzes like anything no matter what height it's at, at it's highest it's 15mm still buzzes despite going to the luthier twice, any ideas.
  2. Rockabillybass.com was the best! I'm not sure it is my technique or not because it only happens on those strings and frets, everywhere is fine no buzz. The luthier that fixed it said it may also be me and that I should try slapping the string sideways? rather than straight up.( I didn't go there in person I got my bass collected from my house, so it's hard to tell if it's my technique or not as he didn't see my play it) I'm from Sussex, it's frustrating because the way it's setup now, even if the bridge is put up to it's highest and I put on low tension strings it's still not that high so it will probably still buzz regardless.
  3. Sorry wrote that wrong, I meant the G string sounds great, only string that does. It's annoying because before I sent it to the luthier the A string was fine, no buzz at all. I can't really afford to get looked at again, plus I already sent it back to him and he said it's fine.
  4. The action hight I was going for was for more psychobilly, so it can be played faster with that click click. And I based it off what others had there action, many year's ago there was a forum call rockabillybass.com. and people poster that action, so I imagine they must of had fret buzz but had it amplified so you don't hear while playing. The fingerboard has been done and the guy (Luthier) reckons it's fine, and he highered the bridge as it's adjustable but it still buzzes when I play slap. The E string on the 3rd and 2 has always buzzed straight out the box when I got it new and that's with a full size bridge uncut and with steel stings and that was just when I was plucking it. And he also said that the A string vibrates too much and had to redo the nut and that there maybe a fault with string it's self. So I guess all I can do is wack the bridge up as high as it will go. Is there a possibility of a wolf note? The buzzing that I have isn't slight either, this is buzzing with a thud and just sounds awful, but the A string sound great!
  5. Hi, I'm having some problems with string buzz on my double bass I was using innovations (silver slap or rockabilly slap I can't remember) on my E string and superior bass works standard black strings, thinnest strings on the others I really like them as there so much easier to play with. I've had my bass for a while and I just got it professionally set up as I was having some buzzing on the E string (on frets 1,2,3) and on the D (fret 2 ) and in the G (fret 2 and 4) the A string has no buzzing at all on any fret. I was told it was because the nut was too high and the bridge was too low, he also found high spots on the fingerboard and smoothed it out for me. He lowered the nut and fitted a adjustable bridge, the lowest the bridge can go to is 6mm-G 10mm-E which I liked but the buzzing is still there. The G is fine but the D still buzzing on fret 2 and 3, A fret 3 and E buzzing on fret 1,2,3. I sent it back to him to have another look at because it's still buzzing, and I gave him Innovations strings it try out to see if they helps. He's said that all he can do it adjust the bridge height higher to get rid of the buzzing. So now the strings heights are G-9mm, E-11mm. I'm thinking this maybe too high? I haven't got my bass back yet so haven't tried it out but it just seems high to me for rockabilly slap, I worry if I lower the bridge back down it will just buzz again. And if 9mm-11mm is the lowest I can have it without buzzing doesn't seem very comfortable to play. He also used a 4/4 bridge when my bass is 3/4 would that make any difference? I can't understand why it's still buzzing, do you think if the nut was higher it would help and I could have action lowered to how I had it before? Also, I just play acoustic, and was told if I had a amp most of the buzzing wouldn't be picked up. Any ideas on why it's buzzing and how to have the action lower as I've seen a lot double bass players have a low action usually G6mm-E10mm for playing rockabilly slap bass but for some reason mine is just buzzing if I have it at that height. Any ideas thanks.
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