Yes, I wondered that too, the slew rate for the TAB1043 is 0.02 V/us for +/-9V with a bias current of 1uA, which would imply that it the TAB1043 is slew-limiting and thus partly the source of the Wal sound.
But there are other factors in the Wal circuit that could contribute more, which is why I wanted a drop in replacement to make it easy to measure and compare..
Plus there are other quad Op Amps with a similar slew rate to the TAB1043 which I can try..
I started down the path of cloning the preamp to make it easier for me to measure, I have created a schematic for the version of the Wal preamp which came with my Mk II 4 and MkII 5 string Wal basses, these preamps are different to the Mk I 4 string, the latter only supports 4 string pickups. I don't know which version of the preamp comes with the Mk III Wal bass or the 6 string Wal.
It's easier in a lot of ways for me to do it this way, as I know I haven't transcribed the circuit incorrectly..!
Later, when I have more time to check it, I will share my version of the Mk II schematic, which is absolutely complete and doesn't miss out any parts..