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Everything posted by Mog

  1. Tone wise if you cant get what you need with the Ashdown then the LH 500 isnt for you as theres a hell of a lot more scope for tone shaping on the Ashdown, where as the Hartke has a basic tone stack EQ. Volume wise the LH 500 is plenty loud, with a single 8ohm 4x10 I've never pushed it past 5. With a full 4ohm load I get to around 2. Its plenty loud. With your speakers the Hartke will sound fine. Personally I reckon the LH range are some of the finest heads out there ATM. (One thing to consider though, if you;re trying to get that flat basketball in a canvas sack thump, ie. insanly boosted mids, that just about every metal band is using these days then the the LH500 isn't for you.)
  2. 12" wise I've only played the WorkingPro112 combo and it was very tasty. Excellent focus and definition. IMO SWR produced some of the finest bass gear until they lost the plot and started churning out tripe like the Mo'Bass. I've always regretted selling my Super Redhead combo. Next to Glockenklang, SWR are probably the most transparent amps around.
  3. Mog


    [quote name='leftyhook' timestamp='1326836088' post='1502695'] I have been given a Zoom B1. Yes it is basic, but has some nice amp modelling settings. I would like to try it live using just one of the settings all night. Problem is I don't have time to mess on as the band I am with give me a window of about 30 seconds to get the bass right through the PA. Is it a case of 'plug and play' or will I have to tweak, if so, in what way? It doesn't seem noisy, but I have only tried it through my practice combo at home. I use a D.I box straight to the desk and to my Hartke head. [/quote] Firstly I think you need to have a serious chat with your bandmates. If you need to ring in your rig then its better to take as long as you need. Any given patch will sound slightly different depending on the room so some tweaking will be required at times. Once you have a setting for a venue write it down for future reference. The zoom is a handy little unit. There should be no major problems using it live and noise was never a major issue. I've noticed a lag between patch changes at times but most don't seem to notice it.
  4. [quote name='JakeBrownBass' timestamp='1326154917' post='1493216'] So people can argue about what i do on internet forums [/quote] Wheres the god damn like button? Personally I came for the beer and the bitches....... Honestly at the moment I prefer playing original sets because having done the covers thing and the hired hand thing for so long, from my late teens into my mid twenties, I fell that I missed the chance to stir up that magical blend of youthfull ignorance, overconfidence and creativity. Due to a work accident a few years back I practically had to start over from scratch with the bass and still dont have 60% of the ability I once had. Ergo I'm taking the opportunity now to get somewhat creative and expressive. A case of second chances perhaps? Basically it's more rewarding for me in my current mindset. Theres nothing better than seeing a room full of people enjoying something you had a part in creating. One gig that sticks out was in Galway a few years back. We were on the bill with about 7 other bands all of them within the punk genre to some degree. There just happened to be a grandfather (the chap was in his mid 60's I'd say) of one of the kids whos band opened the show present for our set. Being more of a classic rock type band we knew the response would be low. After about 10 minutes in I looked towards the back of the hall and there was the auld guy rocking out with his wife, totally in the zone. Talking to them after we finished up he said that he took his grandson to all his gigs and waited to take him home afterwards. He then went on to say that he hadnt been to a show which had a band of our genre in over 10 years and that we had re-ignited his passion for live rock bands and that he and the missus had had a great time. The chap was genuinely grateful. It was quite touching really. Having said all that I'm slowly getting back into the covers and session work to pay the bills. I'm limiting the jobs I take to those which will allow me a scope to play what I find most rewarding musically, mostly wedding ceremonies, corporate shindigs etc. Easy money for an hours noodling on the Ramirez.
  5. I'd be thinking about getting a reliable powered desk and cheap full range speakers to start with. A desk that would pump 500 watts bridged to start with should be fine. Look for Peavey, Alesis etc. Your budget will restrict you to those brands. If you're luckie you might find a cheap Mackie or Yamaha. Speaker wise, if you can find a pair of full range tops to match the desk it will be fine to start with. You can add subs later. Treat it as a rolling process. Once you get a few gigs done and raise cash get the subs. Do a few more shows and upgrade the Desk. (Start looking at seperates at this stage if funds allow). Do a few more shows and upgrade the speakers etc etc. The best thing ye could do after you have a solid base is to enter an agreement that the the money raised from the next 10 or so gigs gets put straight back into a PA fund, no exceptions. Depenting on what ye earn this could be around £1000-£3000. Thats plenty to spend on new PA gear. One more thing. Use the best mics you can get when starting off with lower end gear. It helps with sound quality, feedback etc.
  6. PM'd
  7. [quote name='phil.i.stein' timestamp='1326223896' post='1494114'] you could do worse than trying out the Joyo compressor. although i haven't tried it myself, it gets good press, and for the price, appears to be worth a punt. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_nkw=joyo+compressor"]http://www.ebay.co.u...joyo+compressor[/url] [/quote] I've heard good things about them alright. TBH I prefer film compressors but for the price it might be an option for the guitar board. Cheers for the input. [quote name='victor5string' timestamp='1326224746' post='1494135'] bassgear.co.uk have them for sale at £154 if that's any help [/quote] Result! Cheers lad.
  8. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1326102948' post='1492161'] Just a quick aside... but has anyone here been watching Treme? (the HBO TV show, from the writer of The Wire): [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treme_%28TV_series%29"]http://en.wikipedia....%28TV_series%29[/url] I'm only a couple of episodes in myself, but so far it's been brilliant. Great writing, acting and some superb music. I'm no big aficionado of New Orleans jazz, but this show may well get me into the swing of it... [/quote] Yea been keeping an eye out for it. Great show.
  9. Cheers lad. Looks like I'll be holding out for the new line unless a secondhand one pops up. Shame about the price though. Cheapest I found was £195. From what I've gathered the Opto Stomp is just as good as the Punch Factory so I'll probably go with that.
  10. Throwing a spanner in the works and recommending a Bugera B30-212. The V-55 is also a nice little amp.
  11. Yea they are fine. They absolutely eat batteries though so look into a power pack. I think the PSU is 9volt @ 400ish mA. I use a 5 volt @ 1000mA when I'm stuck. The inputs all have volume controls and the inbuilt COSM sims are fine. You can change the quality of recording too to get longer recording times but a basic 128 mb card will give just over an hours recording in mp3 mode. Theres not much scope with the Drum patterns, everything is 4/4 but as a standalone 4 track they're hard to beat. They go for between €80 - €100 second hand over here so you should be able to get one fairly cheap.
  12. The Valve thing has been knocking around since at least I started playing roughly 16 years ago. I dont believe it for a second. Neo stocks are dwindling worldwide but theres plenty left in Canada, Russia, China and the South Pacific. Theres some new base metal magnets and alloy magnets that are being researched for scientific use which makes Neo look like 1st gen stuff but these are about 10 years away from consumer use. TBH I really dont care what type of Magnet is in the speaker cab.
  13. Mog

    Line6 Podxt

    Many of the FX in the bass pod are based on guitar units so all you'll really be missing out on are the amp sims. Mess around with it for a solid week, I find a lot of people dont put enough time into multi fx units to get the full potential out of them, and if you are not happy then download the bass pack.
  14. I'm happy with warwick red labels for most uses (~€9.50). For bigger gigs I stick a set of Dean Markley Blue Steels on my main gigging bass. If anyone can find a brighter string cheaper I'll gladly buy those instead.
  15. I find the CEB3 a lot better TBH. You could always try some cheap and nasty boss sized guitar pedals like an Arion or PSK. They usually only add the effect to the upper register leaving the lower notes uncoloured. Another choice would be the MXR micro chorus. Very subtle effect when used on bass.
  16. Just an update. No word back from Ibby or Headstock................ Time for a smoke and a strongly worded email.
  17. Long story short is that we just brought in another guitarist into the band. Ergo I'm ditching my current fx setup and returning to a more minimal approach. The problem? Weeeellllll, somehow a lot of my pedal stash has gone missing over the last few months, (I know who took 'em too but thats another kettle of kippers ), namely my Aphex Punch Factory and Bass Xciter. Seeing as both of these pedals are about as common as a Rangers supporter over here at the minute I'm looking for alternatives. The two that keep cropping up are the BBE Opto Stomp and Sonic Stomp. Does anyone know how these two compare to the Aphex pedals? I know they are cheaper so I'm a bit suspect but as funds are low at the minute I'm hoping for a win win situation. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Cheersies.
  18. Started out on flamenco when I was 15. Moved into classical soon after. Took up bass about a year later after hearing my brother jamming along to Pantera in his room and have considered myself a bassist ever since. I dabble a bit on bouzouki (Irish) and Mandolin. I also have a limited ability on keys,cello,drums,banjo and harmonica. Thinking about harp next.
  19. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1325795518' post='1487979'] Here we go http://basschat.co.uk/forum/82-other-instruments/ There's no post limit requirement and any registered member can post. We'll keep an eye on it and see what happens. Enjoy! [/quote] Excellent tack. Cheers guys.
  20. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1325725362' post='1486844'] Hm, am I the only one who thinks Janmaat was being sarcastic, at least in part? [/quote] I'm hoping he was.
  21. If you check YouTube for Ryan Sheridan live clips there might be a few closeups of his percussionist. He mics up his cajon and hand cymbals but I've never managed to get a close look at the gear.
  22. [quote name='janmaat' timestamp='1325720475' post='1486785'] LOL really that all these people who can't handle a proper bass = DB on this forum actually think they don't play guitar already... come on, not that different altogether - be honest! But I do agree there's not much to say about guitars since if you know bass, you know guitar don't you? I mean, every single band I play bass in, I know more about guitars and play them better than any of the guitarists I play with, sad as it is guitar is for beginners - this is a pro forum - can't imagine anything on guitars worth posting here! though I stick to my opinion that guitar related threads should be fine but stuck in a "other instruments than bass" sub forum visible only for members. [/quote] Seriously? Nothing elitist about Basschat at all then. If you are so technically excellent on the auld guitar then maybe you would have plenty to post about. Lets apply the same logic a little differently.... There's not really all that much to say about bass really at the end of the day. Its basically just a guitar with fewer strings tuned an octave lower and most often played by those who were delegated the role in their first band because they couldn't sing/drum/play guitar or were the fat ugly one.
  23. Given the day that's in it I decided to resurrect this one.
  24. I reckon a subsection in off topic would be a great addition. Theres already non bass related subforums here so what difference would a guitar specific subforum make? If (new)members abuse the forum the can be dealt with by the Mods. As a part time guitarist Im all for it. (Plus Im of the opinion that bassist should have at least a basic grasp of guitar and drum theory as it can be a great benefit).
  25. Cheers rOB. They're a fantastic pedal. Even the clean setting is excellent. I'll let you know what I hear back from Ibby.
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