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Everything posted by Mog

  1. Whats a super P? Surely if such a thing exists it defeats the purpose or at least the touted purpose of P users worldwide.
  2. Pants year bass wise. I've a few plans for summer 2012 once the exams are done. Work wise I've seen the light. Got a tonne for 20 minutes work with a guitar at a wedding ceremony over the weekend. Easy money! (I must drag up the thread from earlier this year re a similar topic. AFAIR a lot of people were expecting a slow year. I think Pete or OTPJ started it)
  3. I think that trend is slowly changing. Its starting with the budget clones like Vintage, Harley Benton etc. It could be said that Ibby took a fair bit of inspiration for the SR line from NS. The Yamaha RBX? Seems a bit Warwick like to me......... Its like cars, the basic shape will always be there, the classics will always resurface.
  4. [quote name='Bigwan' timestamp='1320152989' post='1422970'] Based on...? [/quote] Basic components. To be clear I didn't mean Bugera in a bad way. TBH, as I've said countless times on here, I've had more trouble with supposed highend gear than with Bugera.
  5. Seems more Bugera than Ibby.
  6. Bach was a bass god IMO. Tchaikovsky had his moments too, check out the bassline in Romeo & Juliet.
  7. Pretty much agree with whats been said. just make sure you dont have some low quality unit after the Wah as it can bleed the signal too much.
  8. The orange if you want something you can shift easily and only want to be within a certain spectrum. The Hartke if you need a powerful all rounder.
  9. Havent heard an antiPeavey statement in years. They're like Sienna Miller. Fine enough for almost every job.........................
  10. If its for beginners then I'd say Livin on a Prayer by the Jovi. Killer bassline.
  11. Whats your budget?
  12. As above. For a more subtle P-bass tone you could look at the Seymour Duncan SPB 1's. Personally I find DiMarzio model P's to be the dogs.
  13. Aye, Pj was saying they were looking for a distributer in the UK, that was quick.
  14. Bump for Siege week!
  15. I know a few bands who try to use this tuning and TBH it sounds f**king terrible. The most common basses I've seen used by these bands are Ibby SR's. Get to know your eq section very well before using this live and try to get the guitarists to use another sonic range if possible.
  16. TBH I wouldn't recommend it. Its essentially the same as tuning a low B string to E. By constantly altering the tuning you'll be decreasing the strenght of the strings. I'd actually just buy a secondhand Squier and leave that at standard tuning for your collage work. You can get them for around the same price as 3 new sets of strings.
  17. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1319300479' post='1412493'] Mog, what's a pedal board? [/quote] Websters dictionary defines it as "a storage area for processing units" By adding a loop pedal you can effectively create backing tracks on the fly.
  18. Give Doctor J a shout. He recently finished a project with the most [size=4][b][color=#ff8c00]ORANGE [/color][/b][color=#000000]paint I've ever seen.[/color][/size]
  19. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1319283048' post='1412197'] A 3 piece band is not a 4 piece with something missing. So, all the suggestions to dig in, fill in the gaps, play louder, play double notes/strings etc etc is bad advice. Follow this advice and you’re likely to sound a mess. Just play your lines and leave the gaps. There’s nothing wrong with gaps in rock music, so don't "fill them in". Listen to the Hamsters, Feelgoods and any of the dozens of 3 piece bands out there playing your style of music. [/quote] Agreed completely. But. The covers game is super competitive ATM so any ideas which may help them compete with larger bands has got to be a good thing.
  20. This kinda thing happened with my originals band. All it takes is some creative tinkering with the eq from yourself and the guitarist to fill up a lot of the space. You'd be surprised what you can get away with. For covers I'd suggest adding a loop pedal to your board so you can (in some cases) run two basslines at the same time. Again, it's tricky but very do-able.
  21. Well if its not affecting your performances then I'd just try and get on with it. Its wierd for a while but in the immortal words of Gareth........'at first its constrictive, but after a while it becomes a part of you'.
  22. I honestly think that the DM Blue Steels are one of the finest strings available...................for about 10 minutes, then they die. I ordered a pack for a 45 minute set in a weeks time. They'll go on two days before, be used for a quick set that night and be dead following the next gig. Broken in >>>>dead in about 90 minutes. Give Circle K or DR DDT's a looksee.
  23. Now Girls............... Anyways, Is it affecting the way you perform on stage? ie are you not enjoying the songs? This was the case when I joined my current originals band. The basslines were just typical root note stuff so I re-wrote them for live shows. Maybe you could give that a go.
  24. Well, the thing is, the pre amp is probably as good as what you'll find on a £300 bass anyway. You'd probably pick up a secondhand Yamaha TRB fretless for around £350. Might be worth a look.
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