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Everything posted by Mog

  1. Aye, if its the one i think it is then I wouldnt bother. Its not gonna drop in price soon. Theres a streamer jazzman on the same site for E900 i think and a rockbass for E650 You could take a punt with E550 but you'll get short shift.
  2. [quote name='Jesso' timestamp='1316524256' post='1379139'] Thanks lads. So Mog, given that the bass is in Ireland... would you say €550 to €600? Luke, sorry to bother you with that PM, didin't realize it weren't for sale any more. [/quote] Given that the bass is in Ireland I might get it my self!
  3. £800 seems over the top tbh. I'd be thinking more along the lines of £450-£500. Theres Warwicks (German) and Spectors (European) going for as little as E400 over here, whats that in ££'s, 300ish?
  4. Cheers lad.
  5. [attachment=89705:siege 6.jpg] [attachment=89716:Siege promo1.jpg] [attachment=89719:siege promo 4.jpg] [attachment=89720:siege promo 5.jpg] [attachment=89718:Siege promo2.jpg] [attachment=89721:bav.jpg] [attachment=89724:1.jpg] Irelands premium Metal/Rock festival returns this Halloween! Bad Reputation Ireland presents: [center][u][b][size=7]The Siege of Limerick VI[/size][/b][/u][/center] Sponsored by [size=5][color=#0000CD]Bavaria[/color] [/size]& [color=#FF8C00][size=5]Jagermeister[/size].[/color] ... 25 bands from the four corners of Ireland (and further a field) will descend upon Dolans Warehouse, our new home, for one whole day of mayhem. [b][size=5]2 Stages[/size][/b] [b]4 Bars[/b] [b]€3 Pints Bavaria[/b] Full Restaurant with festival meal deal, good pub food and a fantastic atmosphere. Merch Stalls and most importantly [size=6][color=#FF0000][u][b]FREE ADMISSION.[/b][/u][/color][/size] This years line up: Coldwar [url="http://www.reverbnation.com/thisiscoldwar"][color=#3B5998]http://www.reverbnation.co[/color]m/thisiscoldwar[/url] Terzij de Horde [url="http://www.facebook.com/pages/Terzij-de-Horde/296578805731?sk=app_178091127385"]http://www.facebook....pp_178091127385[/url] Zealot Cult [url="http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000097700013"]http://www.facebook....100000097700013[/url] I'll Eat Your Face [url="http://www.ill-eat-your-face.com/"]http://www.ill-eat-your-face.com/[/url] Brigantia [url="http://www.facebook.com/pages/Brigantia/125391657501627"]http://www.facebook....125391657501627[/url] Shardborne [url="http://shardborne.bandcamp.com/"]http://shardborne.bandcamp.com/[/url] Three Hour Ceasefire [url="http://www.facebook.com/threehourceasefire"]http://www.facebook....eehourceasefire[/url] Rites [url="http://www.facebook.com/pages/Rites/300216981816"]http://www.facebook....es/300216981816[/url] Taibhse [url="http://www.facebook.com/taibhsemusic"]http://www.facebook.com/taibhsemusic[/url] Gacys Threads [url="http://www.facebook.com/gacysthreads"]http://www.facebook.com/gacysthreads[/url] Neifenbach [url="http://www.facebook.com/pages/Neifenbach/120088684728775?ref=ts"]http://www.facebook....84728775?ref=ts[/url] Dark Matter [url="http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dark_Matter/106308412767891"]http://www.facebook....106308412767891[/url] Xenocide [url="http://www.facebook.com/XenocideIreland"]http://www.facebook....XenocideIreland[/url] Censura [url="http://www.facebook.com/Censuraireland"]http://www.facebook.com/Censuraireland[/url] Clurichaun [url="http://www.myspace.com/clurichaun1"]http://www.myspace.com/clurichaun1[/url] Atrax Mantis [url="http://www.facebook.com/pages/Atrax-Mantis/79796022963"]http://www.facebook....tis/79796022963[/url] Brick Top [url="http://www.facebook.com/BricktopHardcore"]http://www.facebook....ricktopHardcore[/url] Castero [url="http://www.facebook.com/pages/CASTERO/181711218985"]http://www.facebook....RO/181711218985[/url] Guttrench [url="http://www.facebook.com/guttrench"]http://www.facebook.com/guttrench[/url] Borderline Prime [url="http://www.facebook.com/pages/Borderline-Prime/182851241764900?ref=ts"]http://www.facebook....41764900?ref=ts[/url] Shattered Skies [url="http://www.facebook.com/shatteredskiesband"]http://www.facebook....tteredskiesband[/url] Heresy [url="http://www.facebook.com/pages/Heresy/115878365111936"]http://www.facebook....115878365111936[/url] Weed Priest [url="http://www.facebook.com/WeedPriest"]http://www.facebook.com/WeedPriest[/url] Weeping Ulcer [url="http://www.facebook.com/WeepingUlcer"]http://www.facebook.com/WeepingUlcer[/url] Ilenkus [url="http://www.facebook.com/ilenkus"]http://www.facebook.com/ilenkus[/url] Sirocco [url="http://www.siroccoband.com/"]http://www.siroccoband.com/[/url] [size=5][u][b]The Venue.[/b][/u][/size] [url="http://dolanspub.com/warehouse.html"]http://dolanspub.com/warehouse.html[/url]
  6. Story all? Just wondering at what level do those of you with Tone Pump equipped basses set the eq output. I've heard that between 55-60% is best. Opinions?
  7. You could try half wound/ground wound strings if you dont like them too bright. Its the happiest medium between flats and roundwound.
  8. [quote name='4StringFortress' timestamp='1286796855' post='984325'] I would post mine up...but sadly mine is a Suzuki and not a Yamaha =( [/quote] As in Suzuki who make most of Yamahas engine components? Anyways........... Had to sell my beloved BBG5 over the weekend, seriously gonna miss 'ol Stu. Yamaha simply dont know how to make a bad bass. Here my top 5 Stu moments [attachment=89654:Stu 1.jpg] [attachment=89655:stu2.jpg] [attachment=89656:stu3.jpg] [attachment=89657:stu4.jpg] [attachment=89658:stu5.jpg]
  9. Mog

    Re wireing cabs.

    AFAIK theres 4ohm cabs also lad.
  10. WTF? I'm on New Zealand time and completely missed the change. Looks great lads, fair play.
  11. Didnt Washburn do this with the Nuno signature? Looks the part IMO.
  12. [quote name='Moody' post='1372964' date='Sep 14 2011, 10:38 AM']I was 'guilty' of this in the past - spent (what to me) was a fotune on a Thunderbird - because it was perfect, more expensive, so 'it' played better etc.etc. I've since gone back to my £150 Mexican Jazz, cause well... I think I 'know' it better. I won't rule out buying something more expensive in the future (or cheaper for that matter) - but I think I'd have a better head on than before. Experience perhaps? Maybe it's just 'one of those things' we have to go through. [color="#FF0000"]Still shelled out on a Mark Bass though... ;-)[/color][/quote] Thats actually a very valid point IMO. Whats the views in relation to amps, outboards, strings etc. Surely a cheap packet of Warwick red label will do the same job as a pack of Elixers. Same thing with a POD. Why bother with expensive amps when you can get a fairly realistic reproduction for less than the price of a half dozen EL34's.
  13. [quote name='silddx' post='1371681' date='Sep 13 2011, 12:47 PM']I think he retired because there's so little of interest that can be said about the matter. [color="#FFA500"]People appear to talk about shoes a LOT more than they do about walking. So what?[/color][/quote] Fooking diamond stuff! Well done that man.
  14. Mog

    Re wireing cabs.

    [quote name='bremen' post='1371881' date='Sep 13 2011, 02:44 PM']Nope. Presumably the drivers are 4 ohms, so it could be wired 4 or 16 but not 8.[/quote] 16 ohm you say? Hmmmmm, 12x10 stage rig would probably be a bit OTT I suppose Cheers lad.
  15. I'm sure this has been covered before but i couldnt find anything..... Is it possible to re-wire a 4ohm cab (4x10 TE 1048H to be exact) into an 8 ohm configuration(?) ? And if so is there any easy diagrams/vids for electronic muppets like myself.
  16. [quote name='Doddy' post='1370466' date='Sep 12 2011, 02:17 PM']I've noticed a couple of posts lately which,to me,give the impression that [color="#4169E1"]there are some people who feel that gear is an important part of improvement as a player [/color]or more important than the player themselves. It's not just limited to this site or bass players in general...I've seen it with a lot of drummers and guitar players too. I love gear as much as anyone but I feel that the gear is somewhat secondary to the player and that everyone would benefit so much more from spending money and time on lessons and practice rather than spending thousands on gear. I understand that some people are collectors of instruments but I'm guessing that the vast majority of people on here are more than that.[/quote] I think its really a NOOB thing, I sure as hell was like that when I started out playing guitar. I went from a ~£60 piece of crap to a £300 Takamine to a £2000+ Ramirez in the space of 3 years. And while the Ramirez was more comfortable to play higher grade pieces on the Tak would have done the same job to a degree where only people as anal as myself would notice. Now I can play the same passages on that piece of crap and make it sound relatively ok. That ability only came with time. Would that £2000 have been a better investment if I used it for lessons? Probably, but I know for a fact that I was more dedicated to improving as a guitarist after I purchased the Ramirez. I suppose what I'm saying is that I do think higher quality instruments can be an aid when learning. The problem is, IMO, that people cant tell the difference between high quality and high cost and gear snobbery definitely plays a part also. Most of us here have probably toyed with the idea of picking up a Tanglewood/Overwater but would rather play a plank strunk with cheesewire than a Tanglewood Rebel. Which would be a better bass to learn on? Both to a degree are equal but the TangleWater is probably a far superior instrument in terms of playability. Its balanced and well constructed. A good 45 minutes of scale work on it would be far less taxing than on the Rebel which in turn would lead to a less stressfull learning experience. You can only get to a high standard by practicing, be it hours spent with a metronome and scores or hours spent in the company of other talented musicians, and IMO struggling with your guitar/bass/keys etc during whichever practice method you choose will limit what you can learn.
  17. [quote name='Linus27' post='1369276' date='Sep 11 2011, 11:57 AM']Well I am loving my Streamer Jazzman. Feels a little small with tight string spacing compared to my Fender Precision and Jazz but overall, its a very yummy bass. Its giving me GAS for a Streamer LX though [/quote] Good tack sir. A steal at 5 tonne. I've recently been struck with Warwick GAS again. Picked up a 99 Streamer for €400 a few months ago. Hopefully they'll stay out of fashion for another couple of years.
  18. [quote name='cheddatom' post='1345287' date='Aug 19 2011, 11:48 AM']I bought a "brice" 6 string from Rondo Music years ago for £150ish and I still love it. My main bass was a schecter 6 string (until a couple of months ago) but they are more like £500 I think.[/quote] Picked up a Brice 6 string for €70 notes SH. Stuck a Glockenklang pre-amp in it and couldnt be happier. Doesnt sit so well on the knee but its perfectly balanced on the shoulder. Well worth looking at IMO. Definitely comparable to the SR300 line from Ibby. Slightly wider string spacing but nothing a solid week of scales didnt sort out.
  19. Tis usuall 45-130 on the gigging basses. On the 4 strings I usually go with 45-100.
  20. Christ Justin thats [size=5][font="Century Gothic"][color="#FFA500"]ORANGE![/color][/font][/size] Hows it sounding? The neck looks great.
  21. Just grab a Fender P-bass. All roads seem to lead that way........
  22. A Devi Ever Hyperion or Ripper should do the job.
  23. AFAIK its a phase 90 on Alibi. Theres a reason why the 90 is more sought after than the others. It sounds right the way it is. Personally I reckon its superior to mods with excessive options.
  24. The eq pots will most likely have a centre (center?) notch in that case. Just work with it in small steps and find what sounds good to you, theres no real right or wrong way of doing it. If its 18volt you'll have plenty of scope so make adjustments with care. A good place to start is with a slight bass&treble boost and a slight cut in the mids. Or you could try boosting/cutting each pot individually until you're happy with each. Trust your ear.
  25. Mog

    Hartke LH500

    [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=122730&hl="]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=122730&hl=[/url] FWIW, I reckon the LH range are easily the best heads in their price bracket. No nonesense, solid and reliable. Put everything at 5 and play. Job done.
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