I've 7. The Yamaha 5 string gets used 99% of the time at Castero gigs.
I've started using the 6 string for most of the cover sets I'm asked to play.
Edit: forgot to say I'm only back gigging since the end of 08. Had 6 basses while I wasn't playing.
I need it for 2 songs in the original band and about 25% of the covers set.
If someone buys one without realising the advantages of playing extended range instruments then they'll rarely use it and IME when they do it'll sound sh*te.
5ers should come with the following disclaimer: [color="#FF0000"]ACHTUNG. The extra string [u][b]DOES NOT[/b][/u] make you more metal![/color]
[quote name='Eight' post='1125902' date='Feb 13 2011, 01:16 PM']I know plenty of scales, arpeggios and stylistic theories blah blah, but that spark of creativity and originality just isn't there when I pick up the bass. Yet, if I sit down at the piano and noodle, I can throw together a chord progression and melody line without too much stress (nothing amazing mind).[/quote]
I dont get that bit? If you can do it on piano then you can do it on bass. Just use the same approach.
[quote name='norvegicusbass' post='1124008' date='Feb 11 2011, 04:31 PM']See how bad at picking I am? I play it albeit slowly up, down/up. up, down/up[/quote]
Same thing really innit. I have a very tight picking stroke from my guitar shredding days and almost always start on a downstroke.
From what I remember the part in question is similar to a run Flea does in 'Right on Time' which is really handy with a pick. Its more about accuracy rather than speed. The strokes I'd use would be: down, down/up. down, down/up.down, down/up.down, down/up.
Dunno if that makes much sense
I find the CV are hard to beat. They go for €390ish over here which is almost half of what a mexican fender will set you back. The differences IMO are slight between the two. From mex to american theres a huge gap. IME the more expensive the basses feel more solid in the hand, but in all honesty a CV with an electronics upgrade will get you close to the higher spec models.
Hohner, Yamaha, SX and Ibby all have models in that range and IMO, only Yamaha come close to matching Squire.
Not all blues but we get great responses to these at blues sets.
Eric Sardinas - Cherry Bomb
Steve Vai - Juice
Eric Johnson - Zap
SRV - Honey Bee
ZZ Top - Tush
Thats a fine bass Sir. A steal at the price.
Gassing for a P myself at the mo. Lake Placid Blue with a Maple board, MOP plate and DiMarzios................................I can almost smell it.
I wonder if I leave enough hints lying around the place will the queen get the hint? The 30th bday is coming up after all
Theres gigs in the local bars but the major venues are quiet. Our next confirmed (major) gig is in April. Shocking quiet. Its at the point where we're thinking about selling the transport to keep the kitty in the black.
A lot of the secondhand 1x15 Trace Elliot combo's would be inside your budget. Theres also Behringer if you want to take a punt. Some go in no time others last for ever. Theres a 1x15 combo in a venue we play in thats been going strong for the last 2 years. Gets about 7 hours work a week average so its not exactly under used.
The Hartke Kickback line might be worth a look also.
I really like the old 2x10 Fender Rumble. I think the newer models have more watts in them. Well worth a gander IMO. Some of the secondhand 7band Trace gear would fall into that price bracket also.
So he got all pissy because someone slagged him off on a forum? Jesus, grow a fookin pair lad.
Everyone has an opinion, if you dont like it then tough.
Fame has nothing got to do with it, I'm sure theres plenty of players here (myself included) who have been slated in reviews and/or conversations. You put yourself out there. Expecting not to be shot at is stupid.
Had our first gig of the year last Friday. VERY rusty after the two month break. The hands started to sieze up after 2 tunes. No setlist, no practice........Wont be doing that again!
[quote name='Ghost_Bass' post='1103903' date='Jan 26 2011, 03:56 PM']I would use the signal chain like you posted it but trade places betwen the chorus and the crybaby! I would just simply take the multifx out of the board. What fx do you use on it? Can't you get decent stompboxes to do that?
Cheers lad.
The multi is only there for one or two tunes in the setlist. Theres a module saved with a synth+flanger+octave and another with delay+chorus which is used during a bass solo. Too much tap dancing to flick all those on at the same time
Anyways, I've been scaling back the pedalboard lately as I dont use half the crap on there. What I'm left with is:
Ibanez Phat head. (OD/Distortion)
Visual Sounds Angry Fuzz.
PSK Chorus.
Boss ME 20b
Should I put the multi fx last in the chain to avoid crappy digital decay/tracking or at the start?
If its a German made bass hold on to it because with the tripe that Warwick are throwing out lately the SH retail price will go up. All the eastern sh*te is exactly that. Even the strings, which were always produced in Korea AFAIK, are muck lately. I got 6 sets of red label this week and all of them contained a string or strings that were not up to scratch. (loose windings, badly kinked, frayed etc.) The standard range of basses is nowhere near the old German made range either.
Bottom line, hold on to it. Do a few pup/club gigs and get a Squire.