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Everything posted by Mog

  1. [quote name='Johnston' post='936409' date='Aug 25 2010, 09:07 PM']Did Phil not end up with peaveys towards the end?? I know I watched a thing on the Bio channel yesterday and a lot of the footage was none fender!![/quote] Yep thats true. I'm fairly sure the first black & mirror bass he used was a Burns.
  2. Mog


    I'm only seeing this now and I cant believe it. A true gent. An rud is annamh is iontach.
  3. Marcus Muller is Behringers cheaper equivalent. 0-Slap in €12.59. Theres a whole line planned I believe. Das Boot Collins, Hauptläuse, Der alte Butler, Paul McCartney
  4. My first time seeing The Prodigy live really opened my eyes.Was about '95 I reckon, an open air gig in a stadium. Unbelieveable show. Just about any Bjork gig will knock me back a bit too, musical perfection!
  5. [quote name='essexbasscat' post='920075' date='Aug 9 2010, 09:10 PM']Where are they having the wedding, Wembley ? that's got to be some HUGE venue [/quote] I think their PA is a bit pants at the mo. Also the bassist was kinda thrown into the role and I think she cant get used to the idea of the tone stack and how it can lower/raise output. [quote name='Paul_C' post='920076' date='Aug 9 2010, 09:13 PM']it's "argument" - what do you stand to win ? [/quote] I'm a scientist, I dont need them spelt proper words! We just use numbers and letters to confuse everyone else Everyone wants to get one up on their bro dont they? [quote name='dood' post='920086' date='Aug 9 2010, 09:24 PM']+1 on all the above - and if we're really picking details - even though both cabinets are sharing the input power near enough equally, one cabinet *may* sound louder than the other if it's sensitivity is a higher figure. For example I would expect my old Epifani cab at ~104dB sensitivity to appear far louder with the same amp settings than my old Hartke 4.5XL at ~99dB. A difference of +6dB is said to be twice the volume.[/quote] I'm a scientist, because sound is emitted spherically from a source the figure is more like 3dB.......... I think we've had this conversation before?? I think you are right about the sensitivity too. He still aint getting my Ampeg cabs Cheers for the input guys.
  6. I'm more than happy to use a good combo before a half/full stack. If the 300 watt TE 4x10 combos weren't so damn heavy I'd probably use nothing else. My only gripe is with 1x15 combos but thats a matter of personal choice, I prefer the sound of 10's. The SWR Redhead is also a great bit of kit, never should have sold 'ol Bonnie
  7. Had to take a look at the tele but here goes: E: Brass A: Red D: Black G: Green b: Purple E: Silver Dunno bout high C. I've never come across any other brand with a similar system.
  8. Mog

    Yamaha BB's

    My cheapo BBG5 has become my main bass over the last year. Its hard to believe a bass that cheap can be made to such high standards. The flame maple top is superb IMO. Mine is the trans blue model, looking for a BBG4 in Amber but cant find one anywhere. I cant see any reason why the new BB range cant be even better. Pity about the new style though, just doesnt do it for me.Probably got something to do with the East sig.
  9. Copy, paste, print. Thank you gentlemen. And to the rest of you who are replying as i type.
  10. Long story short: My brothers function band got a last minute call for a wedding at the weekend. He's convinced that their bass rig is not powerful enough for the venue and wants to borrow some of my kit. The bassist in the band uses a LH 500 with an 8ohm vx410 cab (should be plenty loud IMO), but my bro still reckons they'll need the full 500 watts and asked for one of my 4ohm ampeg cabs. I've offered him a mag 410 (450 watts @ 8ohm). So anyways, the arguement from his side is that the Ashdown (450 watt) and the Hartke (400 watt) cabs will be getting too much juice as the head will be kicking out 500 watts. I've countered with the fact that the cabs wont in fact be getting the max load each, rather a near 50/50 split in power from the head (250 watts approx each) but he is not buying into the idea. I've tried explaining that if he connected two 16 ohm cabs that approx 350 watts would be shared between the cabs, etc etc. Any chance of some quick confirmations from ya'll. (BTW, if I'm totally wrong in my thinking I'm goona look like a right arse aint I, what with him being a drummer an' all! )
  11. Glockenklang. Nuff said.
  12. [quote name='MattB' post='914673' date='Aug 4 2010, 10:33 AM']Ok - probably a lunatic question, but... There was a young man who LOVED to play his Ibanez Ergodyne. The neck... so thin, the noodling... so sweet. He also had a Musicman Stingray. The noise... so damn good, so bright, so yummy. However, compared to playing the cheap nasty plastic Ibanez (which he loved, none the less) the stingray felt like playing a brick. SO - is there a compromise? Can something be done to the Ibanez to improve the sound? Is there a best of both worlds guitar out there with the action and feel of the ibanez but the tone of the stingray? Help - i love how it sounds, but hate to play it. I know - I'm weird! Thanks Matt[/quote] SR 5000. Simples!
  13. Axa used to insure gear. Not too sure if they still do.
  14. I've the G50 and its the job. Cant praise it highly enough. Nice idea about running two TG Flatline.
  15. Hell ya Cliff Burton !!!! Also these little gems
  16. Neither. Whats the term...................oh yea, Chancer. Seriously I never really thought about it. Musician sounds better IMO. Maybe its snobbery on my behalf? I suppose its kinda like fly tying, which I do a bit of. I tie trout and pike flies but when people ask if I can tie classic salmon flies I say "no, but I can dress classic flies at a reasonable price".
  17. I'm looking for one if you'd ship across the water. Great heads.
  18. Got smashed after playing to 2 other bands and their girlfriends. Great night!!
  19. At this stage its all about my enjoyment. I'll do the same show in a packed venue or when playing to just the bar staff. You cant please everyone when playing original tunes so I dont really care about crowd reaction anymore.
  20. As a bass player he's good. Not the greatest I've ever heard but not the worst either. The bassline in LSD is his best work IMO. Personality wise he's a twat. Nuff said there. I reckon lots of bassists are recognisable to the non playing public so I'd have to disagree with that statement.
  21. Its simple enough on the previous model AFAIR, but the RB shouldnt be too different. Some inputs are totally enclosed in plastic however and getting to the problem may not be possible. Unscrew the plastic corners and the holding bolts from the top of the amp. The covering may have to be slit to get the top off. The head of the combo is usually bolted on the inside and wont drop down into the cab. Unscrew the input in question from the front panel to see of the lodged tip can be removed.
  22. I think Jamerson may be the only bassist that everyone agrees on, whatever style they play. Some of his work is really amazing,as Pete said, ahead of the game by a country mile. Would you consider playing Reflections by the Supremes Liam? Always got a great reaction when we played it.Not really a song you hear played much but loads of punters over 28 will be sure to know it from China Beach. Cracking bass line in it.
  23. What tele said! I love it when a plan comes together!
  24. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='898224' date='Jul 18 2010, 05:42 PM']The twist to this is that, whatever style I play, I still have a tendency to sound like me.[/quote] I think thats one of the most important things for a musician. A personal style. It doesnt have to be standout. Just enough to be signature. Exactly what I expected of other musicians I had to play with,put your own stamp on it, but sadly it wasnt the case most of the time. To clear my negativity, its just like any other job, if your co workers dont do their part someone else has to pick up the pieces. Maybe my standards were too high but if I went into a paying job I was damn sure to at least try and do my best. The same I expected from other session players. Its not a remark on the general public, just those who are professional, working musicians. If I sounded up my own ass about it then apologies, it wasn't the case. I'm merely speaking from experience. [quote]Do you really think artists in popular music, who have no input in the songwriting process, have a notion what a session musician is or is not doing? Or even care for that matter, Considering the bassist who lays the track in the studio is rarely the same one(s) who will playing on tour.[/quote] This was in response to another post. I could read back through the thread but I couldn't be arsed In general, the thread seems to have descended into a sh*t throwing match so I'm going to bow out with the words, Sir Paul McCartney is the best bassist ever and ALL others pale by camparision. I bid you all good day!
  25. How many of the basslines in chart music are standout nowadays. How many make you sit up and think, Wow what an unusual place to play X, Y or Z. None. Like I said in an earlier post, I've done the money thing.My first well paying gig as a session musician was at a blues/jazz and country music club, on some nights I'd have to cover bass, guitar and keys depending on the bill. I've seen what others do and how they approach different styles of music. From studios to clubs 99% of session musicians go through the motions. No feel, no personal touch. Just do the job, get paid. How long they last in the game is another thing Dave. Its not like theres an overabundence of quailty musicians. Those who last are the ones who do it well. The 1% I mentioned. Do you really think artists in popular music, who have no input in the songwriting process, have a notion what a session musician is or is not doing? Or even care for that matter, Considering the bassist who lays the track in the studio is rarely the same one(s) who will playing on tour.
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