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Everything posted by Mog

  1. use those planetwaves locking straps too. have gaffa on my old beat up hohner. uber metal so it is!!
  2. I'd agree with the guys and suggest flats. Slinkys have excellent duration wrt tone. I'd say tune em a step high and play like a mofo for as long as possible to get em full of crud. Tune back to your normal key and keep stretching em. They dont die easily though.
  3. The first thing that springs to mind is one of the pins have dropped a connection. Could be a messy job checking it on a combo.
  4. [quote name='RhysP' post='832275' date='May 9 2010, 03:34 PM']Just what you want if you go for a nice day at the beach - a bunch of f***ing hippies having a jam..........[/quote] Take a quick hop across to Bray during the summer Rhys, full of those hippy types with their acoustic guitars taking up sand space. Bastages the lot of em! Theres something about the east coast of Ireland, theres an over abundence of whinny guitar people.
  5. I get the point of boosting mids, I just cant stand the tone. I have the graphic set to boost low mids, cut mids and start boosting around the treble end. Nothing too severe, just enough to sculpt the tone, kinda like a sideways S shape, Stu Hamm style. Obviously I tweak for each venue but thats usually just on the bass freq. I find the inverted smile shape too honky for what I play.
  6. I reckon you are on the mark. Adding another 8ohm enclosure should be fine. With the single connection its probably running under 200 watts. Personally I'd look for a 4x10 and push a little extra air.
  7. shorted? try by-passing the power stage if you can
  8. To start the argument...........dribble :ph34r: :brow:
  9. Some very cool tunes there lad. Couldnt get a proper listen in due to crappy laptop speakers but it it seemed fine from here. Just what ya want on a chilled out afternoon.
  10. Are you using your ring finger when playing fingerstyle? If not get practicing, bags o pace!! Plec wise I use 1mm Delrin (custom prints, I know, the vanity!!) or Nylon Dunlops from .73mm-1mm.
  11. A 5 string. Something active for options. I'd go with a Yamaha TRB.
  12. Ya see theres singing, as in someone who has a wide range, control, dynamics, a good ear etc and theres singing, as in people who've been told in a bar or by their mothers that they have a lovely voice.................. Stupid comment I got the other day when I asked a bassist why he had a capo on the 5th fret, " the guitarist has one too so I thought it would sound better"...........................................................I really wonder about some musicians......................
  13. Good stuff lad, lovin the body shape
  14. Mog

    Bass Fuzz

    get the cheapest, nastiest guitar od pedal you can find and run your bass with the tone control rolled off. works every time!
  15. Sorry lad,cant really help with the set up but you might get the manual here: [url="http://www.britishaudioservice.com/trace_operateinstru.shtml"]http://www.britishaudioservice.com/trace_operateinstru.shtml[/url]
  16. You could tune a 5 that way but it kinda defeats the purpose of using a 5 string.
  17. Early RHCP stuff got me into slap. Didn't use it all that much for years though. Still working on technique, its a tricky one to master.
  18. A cheap rig will do the job in most situations. Tone is more than just bass and amp.Good technique can make a cheap bass sound great and vice versa. I wouldnt go into a studio with cheaper gear unless it was something really good. Touring with unreliable gear is a bad idea too. ££££=reliability.
  19. I've never had a problem with Bugera. In the last 12 months I've seen a JCM 900, a Peavey 5150 and a Carvin Legacy go up in smoke. Those amps hadn't played half of the gigs or as long as the guitards Bugera when they went. Plus the Bugera sounded a hell of a lot better than most of the other amps it shared the stage with. IMO it shows how much the "ill-informed" are being ripped off by the more respected manufacturers.
  20. I keep a notebook with the eq settings for each venue I've played in. Once its time to soundcheck I run through the following steps: 1: Set eq. 2: Switch on amp and set the input gain until it starts to clip. 3:Adjust the master volume. (tweak eq if needed) I'd never run master at full volume. Probably to yellow!!
  21. Ask for your booking fee if they don't want ye to play without paying. Sounds dodge to me.
  22. [quote name='chris_b' post='819444' date='Apr 26 2010, 02:43 PM']New strings or old, a decent engineer can make any bass sound good.[/quote] (probably a sound engineer) Nobody tells me how my bass is going to/should sound. I have a tone which I like and the only time I change it is if the guitar sound is total pants. That goes for live and studio work.
  23. Mog

    Fernandes basses

    Cheers guys, it looks like one of the best sub £500 basses out there at the moment so I'll probably pick one up. Thanks again for the input.
  24. Day before for me. A good stretch or two and they should be fine. If there is slippage then they aint on right. If you dont want a fresh string sound change earlier, simples!
  25. [quote name='yorks5stringer' post='819027' date='Apr 26 2010, 10:45 AM']or add another 8 ohm cab bringing it all down to 4 ohms....maybe a 1X15? The 1000 watts rating is at 4 ohms, not 8.[/quote] ? wouldn't that be a bad idea? pumping 1000watts into a 350watt cab?
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