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Everything posted by Mog

  1. [quote name='silddx' post='739527' date='Feb 8 2010, 10:53 PM']Fancy selling me the '70s P? I LOVE the inherent sound of those things.[/quote] Nice!
  2. Morley wahs are excellent. Well worth a look. +1 on the EBS also
  3. Digital is the devil!!! Why cant processers handle bass freq? Eg. When you are using a digi Od or Synth and the signal dies even though the clean signal still strong(ie. it would be audible with the fx bypassed). Its the same with this tube emulation gimmick! If you cant hear the difference then fine. I can though. Line six cannot make a few chips sound like an Ampeg etc IMO.
  4. Do/can you play an upright? If not, give it a go.Still bass but lots of new stuff to learn.
  5. Crackin stuff lad. Couldn't be happier for ya!
  6. Mog

    Ibanez SR5000E

    Hmmmm, invidiousness or jealousy??
  7. Did you check if the warrenty covered them Doddy?
  8. Go for it kid! Playing live is like sex. Even if its bad, its still pretty good! Dont worry about the nerves, everyone has em before a show. Have a good one.
  9. Cheers guys. Yep Danny, its a Planet waves. I use their leads always. When they first came out they had little icons on each jack (guitar and speaker), which had something to do with compression???? All my leads are still working,10 odd years later!, I just needed a longer one for larger stages. Ringing endorsement for Planet Waves right there.
  10. Mog

    Ashdown VU meter

    Cant really answer the 2 Q's above. I know VERY little about Ashdown gear. Never took any notice of Pad switches. IME they range from -6dB to 15 dB. Active and passive pups vary greatly. Some passive systems are louder that active and vice versa.Even with everything boosted in active mode my streamer is still louder passive.
  11. 'sup all. I had to buy a new lead today, the first I had to buy in about 10 years. At one end,near the jack it says "shielded end". I always presumed leads were shielded throughout? So anyways, into which am I supposed to plug this jack. Bass or amp?
  12. Mog

    Ashdown VU meter

    [quote name='acidbass' post='725215' date='Jan 26 2010, 02:32 PM']I generally try to keep mine around 50-60% on the meter - if it's constantly going into the red, it's probably not good for the preamp, unless of course it has a valve in it which you want to drive. Your bass must have a super high output BTW?[/quote] Yep! Gotta love Vox basses! Musicman type tone without the 2x4 neck and batteries! Most of the Ashdowns I've come across have been combos.(300 watts my ass!!) I would love to try the more expensive heads but they dont pop up much over here. Thanks for the replies peeps. Informative and stimulating as always.
  13. Mog

    Ashdown VU meter

    Cool lad. Easy to remember. I hate using Ashdown gear. They sound great but I've seen too many crap out to be comfortable using one.
  14. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='721423' date='Jan 22 2010, 05:24 PM']I used to have another customer who bought guitars in always the same colour so his wife wouldn't suspect a new one.[/quote] Theres no way that would work for me. The queen plays my gear regularly so its sooooooooooooooo hard to hide a new bass.
  15. In a lot of venues over here Ashdown amps seem to crop up as backline. The vu meter freaks me out because I always seem to be in the red. Even with the input gain at around 1/4 I seem to be driving the meter into what I presume to be overload. Wheres the ideal location for the needle to be when playing? And is the meter a clip or overload indicator?
  16. Nice Si, just when I needed a laugh!
  17. [quote name='rasher80' post='725057' date='Jan 26 2010, 12:48 PM']I have a friend who is in a newly-signed black metal band and he needs a new 4 string bass. AFAIK the bass he's been using isn't his and he needs one pretty sharpish. Unfortunately, until the royalties start rolling in, he's constrained by budget the the tune of about £200. I know it's unlikely he will pick something up new for that price that will be decent, so maybe he could look at used options? I know nothing about this particular genre of music and what bass would suit it best. At the moment he is using a P bass copy; i think his only stipulation is that it's not a bright colour! Also one of his band has a BC Rich and he's definitely not up for one of those either! Not sure whether he wants active or passive... Anyone got any ideas?[/quote] Any thing in Black. Aria, Squire etc. I dont think theres a particular "type" of bass for every genre. If it was me I'd go for one of those Hello Kitty or Hannah Montanna ones just to make an impression!
  18. [quote name='Tee' post='725086' date='Jan 26 2010, 01:17 PM']That looks like a Frank Bello bass in the Slither clip.[/quote] Was wondering what both basses were. The first is not in the classic colors. Wonder if those basses would give the same grindy tone without a pick?
  19. [quote name='Veils' post='720044' date='Jan 21 2010, 12:54 PM']I think it's also a bit cliche that metal bassist tend to think that Warwick is the be all and end all. They are much more versatile than that.[/quote] I've come across that before. Funny how out of the 50+ shows we played last year I was the only one who turned up with a 'wick!Most of the bassists I've come across use a Fender of one sort or another, Squire right up to MIA. Most of them didn't even try to get the best out of they're basses either, they seemed to just plug in at soundcheck get the levels right and that was it. It's upsetting in a way because some of the guys have some really nice basses that would sound great with a little eq work. Instead its the usual basketball in a wet sack tone. The only exception was Steve Dawson in OD Saxon who had one of the nicest P tones I've come across.
  20. [quote name='Musicman20' post='718521' date='Jan 19 2010, 10:41 PM']Ive never understood he high prices on some of the Warwick gear. I can see the wood is awesome, but...[/quote] Thats true. Some of the Warwicks are ridiculously over priced but then again look at the Victor Bailey sig Fender. Most of the Musicman range is grossly overpriced too IMO.
  21. Super neck. One of the fastest I've come across and that includes my Vox which is like glass. Not a thin neck at all (almost P style) but slick as hell!
  22. [quote name='anti-barbie' post='67167' date='Sep 28 2007, 09:39 PM']As it Tori Amos's [/quote] Jaysus! Tori could open a packet of Walkers and make it sound musical I reckon! Never came across a pub band that could do a cover of No one knows by QOTSA. Then again most of the pub bands I see are really bad.
  23. What do you mean by suitable band? I'd try for genre that I hadn't played before and scratch it down as experience.Something suitable will turn up eventually but you have to go looking for it. Selling gear is a no-no.
  24. [quote name='Dubs' post='715678' date='Jan 17 2010, 02:16 PM']Those weren't Rockbass basses man, they were genuine German made ovangkol necked Warwicks, and very nice as well [/quote] [quote name='budget bassist' post='715885' date='Jan 17 2010, 06:54 PM']what he said, they were german made.[/quote] Those are the ones. Carolina body, twin MEC pups. They were about £IRL 900 back in '99. Thought they were only available as rockbass now because I've seen them for sale at £300ish. Great bass I have to say.
  25. seems like the rockbass range are changing back to what they were in the late 90's/early 2000's when they went under the "std" name. they'll sell a lot more now that there's only a "W" on the headstock and no crappy strat type jack input.
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