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Everything posted by Mog

  1. is there a tuner out on the T.E? you could try taking it out of the signal path?Does the input led's indicate clipping/overloading when you get the noise? also are both recievers sending signals to the head at the same time?
  2. now thats metal!
  3. [quote name='Netballman' post='682575' date='Dec 12 2009, 09:50 PM']Congratulations to you on keeping your love for playing going, and rest assured you WILL find a way which gives you enjoyment. Keep at it mate and never give up! [/quote] +1 on that. Had a couple of knocks in work a few years ago that left me with serious hand and neck issues. The result was that my speed and dexterity were shot to pieces and I had to virtually retrain my fretting hand.I'm not back to the level I was at but eventually I got back gigging.Obviously your case is different but you come across as the type who will give it a hell of a go.Keep at it lad, sheer bloody mindedness and steadfast determination can overcome most obstacles.
  4. Well sorry your taking such offence to my point of view, as I said at the start of our limited skirmish it is not to be taken as a personal attack,but i'll stick by my statments. The point I'm making is your choice of words was wrong IMO. You cant justify commenting on other people in that manner simply by comparing them to level you were at when you started out. The 'kid' thing is something I use with most people and wasnt used in a derogatory sense. On the assumption that you checked my profile, you'll be aware we are of the same age. Again, apoligies if I caused any offence.
  5. try the ibanez phat head distortion. cool clean setting along with an OD and distortion settings. as for a wah i'd suggest a morley. get to a store and tell them you've £300 to spend on a distortion and wah pedal and they'll be more than happy to let you try stuff out.you can always say you didn't find anything you fancy when your done. a little white lie never hurt nobody
  6. [quote name='maxrossell' post='682068' date='Dec 12 2009, 11:53 AM']"The scene"? What scene are we talking about here? The scene of beginner college bands? I'm not passing comments on the other band's gear or ability to take the piss out of them, I'm doing it to illustrate how bizarre I find it that someone who is so far ahead of them as a musician would continue to play with them when there are dozens of opportunities to progress. Would you find it weird if I wondered out loud why a football player good enough to compete at a regional level would choose to remain with a team of people who haven't yet figured out how to dribble the ball? Hell, maybe you would, but I don't understand why someone who has talent and ability wouldn't want to engage with something at least close to their level.[/quote] Whatever scene your band is in. The collective grouping of bands from a similar genre.The issue I had with your post was in the wording. Talking negatively about a band will eventually come back around on you. The fact that you made the comments about his bandmates abilities was offensive or would be if they happened to see it. Personally I dont agree with remarks of that sort.I've seen too many kids give up on playing music because their abilities were of a low standard and instead of giving guidence and support, other musicians felt it was better to point out they're shortcomings. Technical ability is not what makes a band enjoyable. I've played with many musicians over the years and the only reason I would leave a band is because of peoples attitudes.One in particular is Grade 8 on piano,violin and guitar. He plays with the local choral society.Fair dues to him, he's happy with it. The guy in your O.P is in that band because he feels it is where he wants to be musically. You should respect that,give him an option of joining your band and let him think it over for a few weeks.
  7. Mog

    Dean edge Q4

    Hi folks, any of you got a view on the Dean Edge Q4? I was offered one at 400€. Thing is its loaded with Bartolini pups and I just ain't a fan of Bart soapbars. It would mostly be used for blues rock/sludge so I'd probably be sticking some EMG's in there. Considering the cost of pup upgrades, is it a deacent deal? Any info on playability, construction quality etc. would also be a help.
  8. Firstly the tracks are good. Lots of grunge/alt vibes and I reckon the band could get somewhere with proper managment. Second, your attitude stinks kid, passing comments on other musicians ability or gear is not on.If they're kids, then of course they're gonna be playing through cheaper gear. Did you start out with a stadium ready rig? Remarks like those makes you seem like a condescending dick and no ammount of modest comments about your bands ability will change that. Musicians will ultimately play in a band where they feel comfortable, 90% of that will come from a good relationship with bandmates. I dont want to come across as making a personal attack, I just think you need to readjust your views when it comes to other bands/musicians.In the end, with that kind of attitude towards others, your just alienating you and your band from the scene.
  9. I'd say learn the basics and have a go yourself. Start with intonation and string height etc. Loadsa sites on the net if ya google bass guitar set up.
  10. Played the Legend classic a few times and they were very nice. Anyone know what the deal is with the set neck design on the legend custom? Seems to me that set neck + bass string tension= loadsa neck bow.
  11. [quote name='RayFW' post='679049' date='Dec 9 2009, 01:39 PM']Separated at birth? [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=70114"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=70114[/url] I think we should be told ;-)[/quote] Goddamn! I think my dad has some questions to answer! lol Shaving the legs was not a good idea
  12. [attachment=37978:well_helloween.jpg] One from a halloween gig in the local.
  13. [quote name='Eight' post='678556' date='Dec 8 2009, 10:18 PM']Don't know if "necessary" is quite right... but the only inanimate object I ever named came from a similar vein. Ended up referring once to my Vampyre as Vanessa. Just thinking of Vanessa Warwick... the old Headbanger's Ball presenter on MTV. Unfortunately the name stuck... but I try not to use it around people. On the other hand, I used to spend a lot of time setting up servers which need network names and always found it so boring to use a naming scheme like apps002... so coming up with cool names was always the highlight of my job.[/quote] I call my streamer Jessica and my bandmates always ask "who" are you using tonight? My Yamaha is Stu so I'm not genderist!
  14. could only find the guitar chords but i tried throwing a few funky 5th's and 7th's into the mix and my girlfriend just asked me why i was playing that song from the chanel ad. ya might get away with doing the same thing? [url="http://tabcrawler.com/2644280/Joss-Stone/L-o-v-e"]http://tabcrawler.com/2644280/Joss-Stone/L-o-v-e[/url] sorry i couldnt be of more help.
  15. [quote name='maddude16' post='678317' date='Dec 8 2009, 07:06 PM']my gp7 (with the luminating front panel) has just started to hum realllllly loud when turned on. transformer?[/quote] Its probably a grounding issue. Get yourself a DI box and run your bass > DI (with ground lift switch on) > amp. Hope it helps. Transformers for the Gp7's are about $100 ish so if it is that it shouldn't be a major spend. Let me know if the DI idea works. All the best, Bob.
  16. [url="http://www.warwickbass.com/modules/custom_shop/NewsCustomShop.php?newsID=2193&modell=Streamer&page=2&cl=EN"]http://www.warwickbass.com/modules/custom_...age=2&cl=EN[/url] Streamer with chrome finish and dragon/tiger/sun inlay!
  17. yes i name my basses and yes they respond when i call to them!
  18. apply a little heat to the nut, get a block of wood to lay against the nut and tap the end of the wood block with a pin hammer. should slide right out. yamaha sell replacment nuts on they're site. [url="https://www.yamaha24x7.com/yamahaoms/ViewSchematic.aspx?ModelNumber=329840&SearchString=BB+300"]https://www.yamaha24x7.com/yamahaoms/ViewSc...chString=BB+300[/url] thats for the BB300, not the 300(ii)
  19. yep +1 on the avatar! funny show too. I've had trouble with most of the european based stores . Something always seems to pop up.Orders from the UK aren't too bad. I've have to say that guitarbitz.com is one of the best I've dealt with. Never had to wait for an order. The problem here in Ireland is mostly the crappy postal service and dodgey forwarding. Its still a hell of a lot cheaper to buy in the UK, even with the exchange rate. Irish stores specialise in two things. 1: ripping off clients, particularly the younger kids and 2: ignorant staff, you know the "I work in a guitar store so obviously I know everything about every instrument under the sun" attitude?
  20. Seems like the simple answer is what dont you have rather than what can you replace/upgrade. Hows your insurance for your current gear? Just a thought. :ph34r:
  21. From what i can tell, your two bass bins combine to give a total load of 4ohms. adding the two full range cabs (which add up to another 4ohms) will give a total load on the power amp of 2ohms. 900 watts at 2 ohms is plenty of power for most venues, bar an extremely large hall etc. One of the clubs my band plays in has a capacity of 500 and our 1K rig handles that easily. Hope that was of some help.
  22. [quote name='neilb' post='675940' date='Dec 6 2009, 06:05 PM']Erm, not entirely accurate. The amp will deliver 150w at 8 ohm total load and 300w at minimum 4 ohm load. Dont get too tied up with output ratings etc, they vary due to many factors in speaker sensitivity etc. Basically TE stuff is always under rated when it comes to output wattage. Just ensure that any ext cab you connect has a rating of 8 ohms. As you suggest you can safely run two 8 ohm cabs from your amp with no problems. Your amp will be LOUD with one cab (8 ohm) and FRICKEN LOUD with two cabs (4 ohm).[/quote] Cheers for the reply, sorry to sound like a complete noob here but would running it with both cabs not overpower them as they are only rated 200 watts? 300 into 200 sound like new speakers for Bob! Things were so simplier with my redhead combo!
  23. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='675828' date='Dec 6 2009, 04:24 PM']No, it seemed like a lovely balanced bass when I played one. I was thinking of buying the one I played in Grimsby (black/gold/maple) and putting a Wizard Thumper in it for some serious low end![/quote] Cool, just the model I was looking at too! Found this on the tube earlier. Classic vibe vs MIM & MIJ Fenders. Really like the sound of the Squire 50's re-issue. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1MxTJDUajE"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1MxTJDUajE[/url]
  24. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='675801' date='Dec 6 2009, 03:50 PM']Quite true. The 50's model has the wider and thicker neck profile of old, but they are surprisingly comfortable.[/quote] Is there much of a neck dive issue with this model? I've seen them pretty cheap on Stagebeat's site. Never thought I'd see the day when a Fender was almost as cheap as a Squire!
  25. Hi, I got the B 410 HE a few weeks ago and it sounds great. Its not very often you come across a 200 watt 4x10 so I snapped one up as soon as they came out. The only issue I would have with it is the covering. Its seems to be a thin nylon or vinyl material which would get banged up easily.
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