Thanks, in fact it wasn't a rehearsal, just one two three four, like a jam session.
Next time there will be a drummer because the guitarist mostly plays bebop.
My big bottom is sitten on a bar stool, this bar stool is on a long rubber carpet (150 cm), the endpine is on the stretched carpet, my legs are open, the bass is touching the stool (leatherette)... The instrument doesn't move at all.
Really ? How do you know it ?
It's all about this thread, didn't you notice the bass was going for a sliding trip ?
The problem was solved by my wife !
The other day my wife (who loves me more than a lot) bought me a rubber carpet and I said it wouldn't work and there was something they sell to avoid things that usually happen to me.
After dinner, I took the rubber carpet... My God ! It works more than I expected and you know what ? I play better ! I do it all over the neck.
I changed the strings three months ago, I think I will change them soon. Why ? Because I don't really like them (black tape) and I will put the stock ones again.
I say it but maybe I won't do it.
The more you play a string the best it sounds.
Where's the limit ?
Hi !
I bought a nice keyboard but I felt like playing the double bass, it's not a performance but this is what I practice when I'm not trying to record something.
Some notes are really out of tune or I hit the wrong note, hopefully I keep the form.
Well, sometimes it could sound like 3/4 + 5/4 but many people would play 3/4 + 4/4 : I didn't because I had the form.
Well, maybe some will say I'm wrong but a fretted instrument is more visual than others.
When I'm sight-reading while I play the bass guitar I make some mistakes because when I go up on the instrument my fingers basically are on the frets, imagine what's happening.
The double bass is less visual, it's adapted to your body and your height.
When you're not watching (or not so much) it sounds better.
Every method is good.