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  1. I play simple stuff, only jazz, mostly walking basses, some themes I try to play correctly in thumb position, sometimes solo playing with some 10th or 7th in order to emulate chords. Nothing fancy but it works, they want me to rehearsal or to play gigs with but I don't feel like going out with yet, my amp is too heavy. It's possible if people come to my house. I said yes for a trio but I don't know if my instrument can be put in my car (Fiat Panda), I guess it can, there is no reason.
  2. I've never said it was easy. Not difficult doesn't mean it's easy, it means it's largely possible. As a saxophonist, try the trumpet, you will know what I mean when I say it's not so difficult.
  3. Thanks for your help ! My request was a bit crazy and kind of useless. Many manufacturers want to create new concepts, technology helps a lot. Phil Jones makes great amps but as he said somewhere, it's useless to use his cabs with other heads (not PJB concept), the goal is to produce a high quality sound, a studio sound, nobody has got a studio sound on stage unless you play alone, yes it's quality, not enough power ? OK, we've got a PA system, has it got a high quality sound ? Can it clearly amplify your nice sound without changing it ? You've got a wonderful sound on stage when you play alone but when the others play nobody hear you, you turn the volume up, it's a mess, you rethink your equalization, it's better, it's a bad sound for you but a good one for the audience and the people who play with you. I will buy a high quality combo and so what ? What will happen if I haven't got enough power ? PA system ? Which one ? I've got a Rumble 100 first version, it's heavy and loud, too heavy and loud, it makes boom boom boom boom, it's a very good amp but it's heavy. The 15 inch speaker makes boom boom boom and the tweeter gives headache, the B string sounds like a bomb, no dynamics, it makes boom boom boom boom. Same price as the Micromark 801, I will probably buy a head and a cab (both from the same brand). They all read the specs to know if the B string will sound good, what we want to hear is not the fundamental (first harmonic) alone but a nice tone, yes the 15 inch Rumble speaker can do it but it makes boom boom boom boom and gives headache with its tweeter.
  4. Hi ! I want to share my experience, I've been playing the double bass for 7 months, a lot of people say it's a difficult instrument, some bass players don't dare to play the double bass because they believe them. If you prepare yourself to play the double bass as a bass player you can use exclusively the double bass fingering on your bass guitar (except thumb position), I've done that way for 15 years (after having tried an EUB) before doubling on the double bass. I don't think it's a difficult instrument, it also depends of what you want to do with, if you're coming from jazz or kind of and you want to play classical, it will be tricky even if the best things I learnt come from Edouard Nanny Method (yes, arco playing). So, if you read somewhere it's difficult and don't have kind of support on various forums you participate, don't read bad comments and sarcasms, just do it, play it, they won't do it for you maybe they've never done it for themselves. It's a very nice instrument, not so difficult, I don't mean you will play everything at the first time but with some practise you will understand the most important bases with your own experience and more because you know what a neck is !
  5. I sometimes/often do it, it works very well, not really useful in a context but when you learn like this, everything becomes easier, not because the exercise is difficult, it's actually easy. Most of double bass players stay in half-position first position, it's like a box you can't escape. I don't claim that half-position is bad : I mostly play the bass guitar in "pseudo half-position" in the big band I play with when I read scores. This fingering reminds me 5ths tuning.
  6. Thanks ! In order to avoid crazy combinations between heads and cabs, I will probably buy a PJB combo. No !!! The MarkBass 801 sounds more interesting and simple !!!
  7. It makes me understand that combos are really well made.
  8. Sorry for my ignorance but C2 and C4 are made with 16 ohm speakers. So I guess that C4 might be two C2, if it's the case, it's just +3 dB : on stage it has got some "sound spacing" but for the audience it might be nothing. I think that to make the PJB C2 (8 Ohms) sing a 250-300 W (4 Ohms) amp is needed.
  9. PJB does that ! I was thinking about a Phil Jones PJ M7 Micro Bass Combo, no one says if they play on stage with. About power they only talk about RMS, that means nothing about what they can do or can't do. A big car with a tiny motor if the amp can't move the speaker. My father used to work in the cinema and when I was talking to him about watts, he used to say : "RMS ? It means nothing to me ! That's good for the ones who know nothing... Those who want to impress with numbers... Talk me in W/m2 !"
  10. Thanks all for answering, I know now more than I expected, it's silly how technology changed a lot. Rumble amps are definitely not the way they used to be. They are light but I'm looking for something more portable that can let me some space in my Fiat Panda (not the first version) even if I've never tried to put my double bass in yet, I'm confident, I can do it. Why 800W ? With 100W it's largely enough for me or too much. People don't understand how I get such a big sound with such an amp, they don't understand either why I've still got such a heavy amp. I'm looking for something very neutral that makes something else than boom boom boom (15 inch speaker). Despite what I'm saying this Rumble seems to be very very complete and interesting. For big venues what I've got is largely enough (XRL output if it's not enough), I'm looking for something that is a bit powerful but not aggressive like if I were playing an acoustic instrument. My Rumble makes boom boom boom and when I add treble it gives headaches.
  11. Hi Dead Baby Dog ? I'm from France, everything you've got in the UK we might have it too despite the Brexit.
  12. Hi ! I've got a Rumble 100W first generation, it's a heavy amp, I like it but I'm getting old, if there weren't new light powerful amps I wouldn't feel so old. This is my request : I play a 5 string bass and the double bass, I mostly play jazz, I play in a big band, sometimes duets and trios, it depends. I also play the guitar (7 string guitar) in a jazz style. First I was thinking about a head and a cab then I saw MarkBass and PJB amps... I don't want an AER, not because they are bad but because they are expensive. The Rumble is good but my volume is always at 10 or 20 % above it's too much except on the double bass, it gives a very decent sound. PJB, MicroBass, they seem to be very good but some say that head and cab are better. I saw little heads (Bam200 and Gnome) but the cabs that come with these heads maybe don't have enough low end, maybe I'm wrong. So... What is the best ? A little great combo or a tiny head combined with a PJB cab ? There are many reviews on the net but they play two notes, a pentatonic, some slap, some pick playing and then they say bye bye. Sorry for my English, I'm not from the UK. I don't play in heavy bands but I wonder if a little great combo would be enough for a big band, a big band is not as loud as a rock band and when the bass is soloing, everyone shuts up, I wish they shut up.
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