I've only just seen this.
My name is Sam and I was a private pupil of your dad back in the early/mid 1970s. He had a bedsit in North London and I used to go there after work.
I remember joking with him about going to gigs on his bike, and did he trail his speaker cabinet behind? I eventually bought the speaker cabinet from him (which was built to his spec - he said that the cabinet had a "proper" name. I think it was Basis, but I might have got that wrong). I used it for many years.
We also kept disagreeing about the names of notes. He called them by the American names (quarter note, half note, etc) and I used what he called the old fashioned names: crotchet/quaver.
He dep'd for me when my wife gave birth and the band did one or two gigs with him in Essex. The band was called CHB.
I remember your dad being a nice, intelligent and thoughtful man. Very sad to here this news. If he remembers me say hello.