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Everything posted by LeftyBiskit

  1. [quote name='Higgie' timestamp='1331214430' post='1569515'] Never used the Emma unit unfortunately. But good job on scoring an FT-2! How do you like it so far? [/quote] Just had a couple of hours with my FT-2, totally surprised with this little box of funk, thank's for the heads up! there is one for sale on the 'bay at the mo' I suggest anyone who is looking for a cheap filter should try to nab one.
  2. speaking from personal experience old boy, I'd go for one with solid wheels, on the odd occasion should you get a puncture you would be well and truly cream crackered. just my twopence worth.
  3. I've just had a closer look at your pic-you will probably have to send them your original scratchplate so they can make a template- It shouldnt be a problem tho' they are pretty good at it.
  4. Hi,I got one made for my Squier Precision a few years back you can get these folks to make one for ya! [url="http://www.auroraproject.co.uk/web%20site%20first%20page.htm"]http://www.auroraproject.co.uk/web%20site%20first%20page.htm[/url] I think it cost about £25 then-only about 5years ago they did a pretty good job and they where quick. Trev
  5. Basically we give the punters what they want, whether it's pop,punk,indie rock-as long as the punters are up dancin'and go home happy-job done. It does'nt suit everyone but as long as the majority enjoy it we know we'll get a repeat booking. LB.
  6. It's not arrived yet but I'll let you know when it does.
  7. [b]I cant comment on the Emma Discumbobulator,and I dont know what kind of sound you are after[/b] [b]but for the money I 'd go for the Proton by 3leaf Audio its based on the Mutron III.[/b] [b]you get a more wet slurpy sound.[/b] [b]I would ask Higgie or Pantherairsoft,as they have probably had every Envelope filter going.[/b] [b]T.[/b]
  8. Yes it was,but only on one of 'em. there is still one available tho' starting price of £49.00
  9. yeah I just checked one out on the choob! they look pretty good and reasonably priced to boot. thanks for the heads up. Trev
  10. Having been lucky enough to nab a Boss ft-2 on the 'bay recently, I am now looking for a suitable expression pedal to go with it, does anyone have any suggestions? Trev.
  11. And ......Bump!!!!!!! c'mon folks I have a Gas attack that needs to be fed
  12. Sunday Afternoon bump!
  13. just been scourin 't'web and found the new MXR Fuzz- here-[url="http://www.effectpowersupplies.com/mxr-m84-bass-fuzz-deluxe---exclusive-to-effectpowersuppliescom---free-delivery-1840-p.asp"]http://www.effectpowersupplies.com/mxr-m84-bass-fuzz-deluxe---exclusive-to-effectpowersuppliescom---free-delivery-1840-p.asp[/url] Anyone else think's it's a bit overpriced? or is it me being a tight arse. LB
  14. F@$&ing singers-ours now insists that the next drummer must be EXP with B.V's as well as playing drums-----WTF iF this persists then their next bass guitarist will have to be a chuffin removal man,as well as playin the bass-feckarse
  15. the voices in my head saying.....you've had enough now son, go to your room. No seriously Harold Melvin and the Bluenotes-The Love I've Lost. another blast from the past!!!!!
  16. Weekend Bump
  17. [b]Bump![/b]
  18. Bump for topic edit
  19. You have a Pm
  20. I bought a Proton off Marco, the guy is a real gem-he sent the pedal before the payment reached him. I wouldnt hesitate to buy off him again. Top fellah. Thank's Trev.
  21. [quote name='simon1964' timestamp='1329821718' post='1547766'] I'd be hard to replace - I'm the only band member with a vehicle large enough to cart the PA around... [/quote] Me too!!
  22. Just because it's sunburst doesnt make it sound any worse-remember It's in the fingers,as for jeans and T shirts-just a comfort thing,you should see me in the summer gigs-barefoot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1329508466' post='1543725'] Can someone start a new thread for those who have played on stage in jeans, a t-shirt, and playing a sunburst bass? We'll put Nige in the tags so he blunders into it. Won't know what hit him! [/quote] I do it all the time
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