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Everything posted by LeftyBiskit

  1. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='1242092' date='May 23 2011, 07:24 PM']Ashdown has the best after-sales service in the business.[/quote] Maybe so Pete, I havent had ANY aftersales service yet!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need to sort this out asap as i have a few gigs coming up over the next couple of months, not mention rehearsals
  2. Tea time bump!
  3. Bump with price reduction!
  4. Afternoon All. Up for sale is an Electro Harmonix Graphic fuzz, It acts as a graphic equalizer and at the flick of a switch adds fuzz to your tone. excellent condition- comes with original box,instructions and a psu-takes a std Boss 9v-ve centre tap lead, one minute scratch in top L.H corner(hardly noticable-in fact i didnt see it till today)and there is the remnants of some velcro underneath I bought this off the bay in a bout of GAS but its not for me as i have plenty of fuzz and a graphic on my amp. [attachment=80542:633695309739076134.jpg] apologies for the stock photo. £65.00 posted within mainland UK.I'm also open for trades. Thank'ya for 'avin a butchers.-I'll be keepin the ODB-3 after all.
  5. You have a PM!
  6. Yeah Neutriks all the way for me- I have 'em on all my cabs and had them fitted to my Hartke HA2500-never looked back.
  7. [quote name='munkonthehill' post='1231984' date='May 15 2011, 02:12 PM']Hola all, Seen a burns bass on gumtree and was going to go for it. However due to neck and fret damage I dont think I could go through with it as its in London and would need to see the damage or at least get an opinion on it. So I am now in the market for one. Does anyone have experience of these basses and more importantly does anyone want to sell one hahaha. DAMN GAS[/quote] Hi, I have got the white bass, the lefty version-It's an awesome guitar-the tones are out of this world,they are heavy tho'but the thin neck is really smooth. with the wild dog setting you can get the slightly overdriven sound the have gone up in price over the last 12months tho and a new one will set you back about 500quid. Trev.
  8. [quote name='Monckyman' post='1227287' date='May 11 2011, 11:09 AM']They usually send out the bulbs for the VU free, and seem friendly types, so yes, iether send you one or charge a small fee. Will you fit it yourself? My understanding is it`s mounted directly to the front board and may be a bit fiddly for keen enthusiasts.[/quote] I got a reply from those nice people at Ashdown today-and they are going to send me an EQ switch FOC. I've had a look where the switch is mounted and It is indeed mounted to the PCB,I've got the tools and skills to replace it I'll just have be careful when applying the heat to the board before desoldering.
  9. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1226749' date='May 10 2011, 09:27 PM']Contact Ashdown. If you stay cool, they'll most likely send it ya free. [/quote] Thank's for the Tip-I shall give it a go. Cheeers.
  10. Hi All, Recently the EQ switch on my Ashdown Mag 400 head has been playing up and now the fault has manifested to a degree that when I push the switch in to turn the EQ on no sound comes out-so I cant use the EQ cct. the switch itself doesnt lock in with a single click when pressed in more so that there seems to be a double action when pressed resulting in a false position where no contact is made-meaning I need to change the switch. does anyone know where I can get a new one, thanks in advance. Trev.
  11. [quote name='dood' post='1201625' date='Apr 16 2011, 10:27 AM']A fantastic endorsement Andy! - My old rack rig was a wash of compressors and effects and all sorts of gubbins. Any doubts I had about the LH1000 were very quickly quashed when I turned up at the first rehearsal with it and my two Hydrive cabs. I ran it absolutely clean with no drive or anything but still I had everything I wanted from the head alone. I'm amazed that unlike other manufacturers, Hartke have chosen not to put a ridiculous price tag on a tried and tested valve preamp - but instead crammed a very powerful power amplifier in the same box as well! I think the only upgrade I may be tempted by would be the Hartke Kilo when it comes out in August - but even then, I think it'll only be a GAS attack as I don't think I actually *need* the other functions to get a great sound, it's there already! If anyone has a GAS attack and an LH head comes up for sale - get one, they really are impressive![/quote] +1. ,I have the HA2500 head into a couple of Ashdown Mag.Cabs the sound is amazing I have not had a Gas attack for an Amp since,
  12. Burray,aka Ben bought my SYB-3 pedal off me, An all round good guy, fast payment and great communication. I will happily deal with Ben again. thank's again.
  13. Evening all, Up for sale is my Boss SYB-3 Bass synth. I bought this off a fellow BC'er a couple of weeks ago but I'm just not gettin the hang of it. good condition,boxed but no manual.(manual for the SYB-5 is available to download from the Boss website and is similar to the SYB-3) £45 posted to UK mainland. or trade for W.H.Y. drop me a pm and we'll see if we can work something out. thanks for looking. sorry about the lack of pics but the camera on my phone is tosh. I forgot to add payment by PP as a gift is ok. Trev. NOW SOLD. Thank's Ben
  14. [quote name='DeeBassist' post='1180167' date='Mar 28 2011, 10:12 PM']Basically, I want to get myself a nice sounding, but sturdy bass for my college travels. I've looked at the VM Jazz quite a lot, as I've heard extremely positive things about it. The only horror story I've heard is that the wood around the tuners give way after some time. How true is this? How well does the sound go against a Fender MIM Standard Jazz? Cheers in advance, Dan[/quote] Dan, I have a couple squiers -one of them being a VMJ but I havent had any exp. about the wood giving way around the tuners tho' I have also found the build quality on the VMJ'S to be excellent-better in fact than the fender jazz that i tried at the time. and they sound great- especially with the new Duncan designed PUPS. I would definately buy another VMJ. I have just fitted a new Babicz full metal contact bridge to the bass too-they are superb,Improves tone and sustain 110%. Trev.
  15. Whadda Gent, Tom bought some tuners and a bridge off me, Really smooth sale, Tom your a diamond. Thank's again. Trev.
  16. Li-aka Badboy 1984, top lad, I bought a Boss SYB-3 and his communication was spot on, the deal was closed very quickly,and the pedal was delivered asap. Trev(Leftybiskit)
  17. Mike bought my Hipshot detuner- What can I say that already hasn't been said- easy guy to deal with,and a top bloke to boot. He's a good 'un. Trev.
  18. [quote name='BOD2' post='2278' date='May 19 2007, 02:36 PM']The following is some simple guides to the various methods of using a DI box and playing directly through a PA. An [b][i]unbalanced jack lead[/b][/i] is a standard jack plug to jack plug instrument cable. A [b][i]balanced XLR lead[/b][/i] is a standard XLR male to XLR female mic lead. "Balancing" allows for improved noise rejection in the cable which gives better signal strength and allows longer cable runs. The [b][i]PA mixer[/i][/b] is the mixer used for the Front Of House (FOH) sound. [b]1. Standard use of a DI splitter box. [/b] [attachment=123:DI_1.jpg] [b]2a. Using the DI out connector at the rear of the amp. [/b] [attachment=124:DI_2.jpg] If your amp doesn't have one but does have a Send/Return loop that you are not using then you can try connecting a jack lead to the Send connector then put that into a DI box to convert it to a balanced XLR signal. The signal from the DI box can then go to the PA. [b]2b. Using the Send connector as a DI [/b] [attachment=125:DI_2b.jpg] [b]3. Using an amp/cab simulator. [/b] Connect straight to the PA. [attachment=126:DI_3.jpg] Usually there will be another output that you can also connect to your amp or a stage monitor so that you can hear yourself. For best results from your amp you want to bypass the preamp, if possible. There are different ways to do this on different amps - if there's a "power amp in" connector then use that. Alternatively connect to the Return of a Send/Return loop. If you have to connect to the normal bass-in jack then turn the gain down low initially and set the tone controls flat so that they don't affect the sound too much (the amp simulator has already shaped the sound). As always, when connecting any two pieces of equipment for the first time, keep all of the levels (volumes and gains) down low to start with and bring them up slowly to get the correct level. This avoids damage to equiopment and ears. [b][i]Phantom Power[/i][/b] can potentially cause problems when using method 3 above. Phantom power is a voltage (usually 48V) sent down the XLR connectors of a mixer to power condenser mics attached to the XLR channels. It does not affect dynamic mics (e.g. bog-standard Shure types etc.). It should not damage pre-amps also attached to the XLR connectors of the PA but , in some instances, it can. To avoid any possible damge to your amp/pre-amp when conencting it to the PA, you can insert a DI bix between the pre-amp and the mixer. This will stop the phantom voltage from ever reaching the amp/pre-amp thus avoiding the problem. Having a DI-box in your kit bag will also give you a backup should the pamp/pre-amp ever fail as you can use this to connect you bass to the PA directly. [b]Types Of DI Boxes[/b] Types of DI boxes vary enormously. The simplest ones will have only inputs and outputs. Others are available with attenuation "pads" (to reduce the signal level) and various linking options. The most versatile ones have tone shaping circuitry (and act as mini preamps in their own right). [attachment=127:DI20_small.jpg] Dual channel with attenuation [attachment=128:DI_Hartke.jpg] DI box with tone shaping [b]Links for more information[/b] [url="http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/jun02/articles/diboxes.asp"]soundonsound.com[/url] [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DI_unit"]wikpedia[/url] [url="http://www.astralsound.com/di-boxes.htm"]astralsound.com[/url][/quote] Hi, a situation has arisen where we now need to DI the Bass into a front of house set up,whilst retaining use of the amp and fx pedals-my amp has no DI out but has a return/send on the rearWhich type of DI would be best to use in scenario's1 thru to 2B ACTIVE or Passive-being a total newbie to DI boxes,I'm not sure. Thanks,T
  19. Sold my Big Muff to Cybergimp 109(Hamish). Who paid up prompt, Kept me informed all the way Smooth transaction, Thanks again-
  20. [quote name='LeftyBiskit' post='1146527' date='Mar 1 2011, 10:31 PM']Evening Bump for the Bridge and tuners [/quote] Pre Bedtime Bumpiness
  21. [quote name='sockdeluxe_mikey' post='1147608' date='Mar 2 2011, 08:05 PM']There is a pedal by Electro Harmonix called the Deep Freeze - that sounds like what you want . I've been considering getting one myself at some point![/quote] Thank's for that-Mikey I'll have a look on the EHX website.
  22. Evening fellow BCers, I was just wondering is there a dedicated pedal out there which can just perform the hold function like on the Boss Synth pedals. thanks. T
  23. Sold P neck to Rich, The deal was signed sealed done in a flash-seamless,Great guy to deal with and no shortage of communication. nice one!!! Thanks again,
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