I Had a bit of an experience last month,
In a nutshell here's how it went
put an ad up on one of those websites-got a reply followed by phonecall-blah blah no egos just want to get out gigging,we are not really happy with 2 a month and its our bassplayer whose holding us back blah etc.
so we arrange a rehearsal,I had a list of songs to learn
anyway come the rehearsal we stike up-I looked over at the drummer and he's beaming-lovin the groove and all that-so we eventually rip through 20 odd song's and everyone is happy-so you can safely say that i got the gig.we are now looking forward to the gigs,then the band says come and see us at our next gig just to see what we are all about,so I drive up only to be told by the singer we havent told the bassplayer yet,ah well alarm bells start ringing.
anyway onto the next rehearsal which is only 5 days later with a bank holiday inbetween-you know family stuff to do,great weather-so i dont get round to learning a lot of new stuff(IT'S A FU$£KI%Pub Band after all)-still i managed 5 new songs anyway(that's 25 song's in the set and the nearest gig is 4 months away)anyway so after the rehearsal i get a sense that something didnt go welland thought nothing more.
2 days later I get a text-we dont think that it's going to work out,so I think bollocks to this I'll ring the twunt up-get this he said-we thought you would've learned a lot more song's than you did in the time inbetween rehearsals-lucky escape methinks shallow bastards!any way joined another band that same day and im still there,