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Everything posted by LeftyBiskit

  1. Open for Trades Bump
  2. It looks very much like a hondo2 precision copy from the late 70's I had my one out this weekend,neck profile like half a log very heavy too T
  3. Would you be considering any trades?
  4. Phew! what an epic I'm off for a lie down.
  5. HI Mike, what trades you after? I've got a few pedals for sale /trade myself on here. Trev
  6. I listen to the drummer, and "play what i feel" then incorporate that with whatever chords/notes are going on. beyond that......I cant explain
  7. Bump for Pic added.
  8. AW-3 Sold, pedal added
  9. you can read all about it here [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/112212-bass-big-muff-volume-and-feedback-mods/page__p__1837225__hl__big%20muff%20volume%20and%20feedback%20mod__fromsearch__1#entry1837225"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/112212-bass-big-muff-volume-and-feedback-mods/page__p__1837225__hl__big%20muff%20volume%20and%20feedback%20mod__fromsearch__1#entry1837225[/url]
  10. Pics coming soon-bump
  11. HI,fellow BC'ers Here are few pedals that I no longer have any use for, EHX Big Bass Muff PI.[b]Withdrawn[/b] Digitech BSW. boxed £48.00 Digitech Bass Driver.this pedal has some great efx,from subtle od to manic fuzz,£25.00 Line 6 FM4,Lots of funky goodness.boxed(no psu)[b]SOLD[/b] Boss AW3 more funky goodness.£48.00 [b]SOLD[/b] Boss PH2 [b]Sold[/b] Joyo Ultimate Drive £23.00 [attachment=126943:IMAG0013.jpg] Also open for trades-try me! All prices inc postage to UK Mainland payment by bank transfer preferred, I cant do PP sorry Pics Added(sorry its the best I can do for now) thanks for lookin' Trev
  12. Hi Ian,just come across this-I thought you had it all sorted. If youre still looking get in touch. Trev.
  13. Hi Paul,I bought a set of status short scale flats last year for the Hofner-16 quid,del to Biskit Towers. They sound great for the money. T,
  14. No worries Paul,the ones I stuck on P last year are still good, We'll be in the workies about 7.30 I would imagine Merry xmas all
  15. Paul. If the trade with redstriper falls through-I'll take 'em. I'M In the local tomorrow night T.
  16. just go with it bro-and it will come
  17. [quote name='bassman7755' timestamp='1355751551' post='1902146'] I played a gig (as a guitarist in this case) which was a wedding reception in the grounds of a big house. About 1/2 hour into the gig this angry looking bloke brandishing an axe comes and stands right in front of us. Turned out he was the farmer next door and was intent on cutting our cables to make us stop playing so loud. [/quote] Had a similar experience a couple of yearsback..turns out it was the singers ex missus
  18. Hiya! welcome t' forum Us Bowteners might have to get are own thread going there's that many of us on here now. T,
  19. Hi Antonio, your welcome go for it
  20. Cheers fellah's, sorry about the beer fuelled rant but it had to be aired, I pity the next poor sod who gets roped in, I can just see it now"what kind of car 'ave you got mate? applicant-Punto singer- well if you can buy an estate or a small van then your in
  21. Here we go ANOTHER IVE Left my band thread. In a word feck 'em just been binned by the band(5 yrs) as i'm not up for it -singer and guitards words they dont have to lug the PA up 2 flights of stairs after every gig,pay the missus 20 quid for taxi fares 2 and back from work just so i can massage the singers ego,not to mention the lazy twohat never helps with the load out.not mention that the singer twot thinks coz he lets us rehearse at his place of work he can turn up to a gig,drink beer all night,then f*** off(sorry mods please edit)and crawl into a taxi. so in a dragons den style.Im best off out of it. If you want to know the band ,,,pm's welcome ps the clue is in my avatar
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