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Everything posted by bigsmokebass

  1. Just about to say, a nice stash for narcotics πŸ˜‚
  2. Taps on the amp "I once gigged with a 100w amp and it was twice as loud as needed"
  3. My head hurts 😫 why? Why would someone do this? πŸ™ˆ
  4. Anyone need a kidney? πŸ€”πŸ˜… Wish I had the funds! Absolutely beautiful bass and wishing you the best selling it
  5. If i wasn't saving for more yamaha basses, I'd be all over this. Fantastic basses.... perhaps the best Jazz basses I've picked up, played and had the pleasure of owning Mex and Jap. GLWTS πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸ»
  6. Advantage for me is not having to down tune. Not often I have to do it mind you but these days, it's good to in the bass end of the band whilst playing with a rhythm guitar and keys.
  7. Can smell it a mile away, let alone any papers or pics to provide authenticity. The bass is at most Β£1500 (to the right buyer) but I'm sure Mr Stevens isn't short of a few basses, considering his Cort and Warwick artist models and any other endorsements.
  8. https://reverb.com/item/13001190-yamaha-broad-bass-2000-celebrity-owned#policies-tab Read the product details πŸ‘ŒπŸ»
  9. BC Nanyo; Apparently really good basses for the money. Never tried one though. What sort of budget are you working with and for what sound?
  10. Some good words from Tom. Just to add on: Here's a good video to check out SD P bass pickups. I'm sure there's likewise for Jbass pickups too but id say stick with one of the Pbass ones, a new ("hi-mass") bridge, wiring and this will be a bass to last you and within an amazing budget! πŸ˜πŸ™ŒπŸ» Jealous to say the least.
  11. Hahaha the only freebie you get with Fender these days, not even a gigbag πŸ˜‚ I'd ask if they could get the replacement in and for you to compare both basses before you exchange.
  12. From my experience, anything "MIJ/CIJ" does not always mean it's quality made compared to some manufacturers, factories or models. For what I know of this bass, its a good little bass but not something I've seen much hype about or reviews but for a ~£200 eBay find, they can't be too bad compared to the chinese/Indonesian counterparts😁
  13. Looks like a Mex Standard judging by the fretboard. I don't think there'd be a difference if it was replaced by an entirely new bass. However, if the bass plays really and to your liking and the paint run doesn't affect how it plays or easily noticed, just play on? I can understand you'd be concerned for the price of Fenders these days and wanting what you pay for but i personally wouldn't worry too much for this model range. If it was something more (and obviously you've spent out a lot more) then I'd obviously get them to sort it out. From my experience, 10 years working in guitar shops, white guitars aren't ever straight forward from any manufacturer or factory.
  14. I'll admit, the only thing that put me off buying an Eastwood is scale length. Most being 30/32" and I'm more of a 34/35" solid body scale player. I've always admired Eastwood for their quirky looking instruments but construction and quality of instruments has always been a priority. Hoping with an input, should we get enough collaboration, to design something fitting for all of us 😁
  15. Fair enough dude, what are you thinking of next then? 😁
  16. Definitely interested to see what's discussed here 😁
  17. Hey Jonpain Welcome to the forum and some glorious basses you've owned. I guess a good excuse to keep your Gibson is its symbolic to your little man being born... not that I'd expect your Mrs to get you to sell up but I've got your back πŸ˜‰ Enjoy the forum and performing with the band 😁 BSB
  18. Welcome to the forum mahn, pretty sure you can advertise on the site somewherebut all the best wish lessons and i hope you enjoy your stay here 😁 BSB
  19. Welcome to the forum dude and good look getting your Streamer, fantastic basses 😁 BSB
  20. Not a bad little bass. Is it wrong I rank the bass better than Green Days music? πŸ˜‚
  21. God damn hippy basses... only Hofner could sell something like this.
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