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Everything posted by FunkmanD

  1. Still looking for one of these if any posters have one? Have a sterling ray with twin buckets up for trades or cash!
  2. My guy, do you still have this and a price or trade in mind???
  3. If this is still available by the 5th of august, I'll have it
  4. Will you consider postage?
  5. if i could get to you i would! :/
  6. if i could arrange travel to reading to get it, id grab it for sure!
  7. any ideas on trades? got a gould explorer and dinkie copy been wanting to be rid of for a while..
  8. possibly interested, whats the current price? Would you post?
  9. Im sorry to be this pain, but any clues what the other guitars are like, as in similarities to other models? and your right man RESULT! orperhaps upload them to a photobucket account or somthing? [god im nothing but hassle for you am i]
  10. Fingers crossed mate looks like a perfect mod job! and the body looks a bit bigger as well, perfect as im used to basses aha! keep me posted my man!
  11. fair play mate, ive got alot of interest in the guitar though, that will be Number one priority thanks alot for the quick replys and stuff dude! its very much appreciated
  12. im also really interested in the stingray! if i can arrange courier on the 20th, ill take both the electric and the ray! if still available however if the ray has gone by then, id consider the natural through neck bass youve got also!
  13. possible keep hold for the deep red [almost sg like colour] electric with floyd? i get paid on the 20th and am super interested in a guitar with a floating trem! thankyou whats the neck profile like do you know? ibanez-y at all?
  14. yo mayn whats your current price, and the snare is a mesh unit now? thanks x
  15. hey man! super pain but any chance you could take a photo of the neck on a side, to see the depth of it and also the whole guitar on the side, [yellow and the ones either siede o fit, not the red warlock style one aha] Thankyou
  16. quote on postage to warminster? after one of your guitars with a floyd
  17. quote for postage to warminster?? [wiltshire] its been a while since ive seen an old shapes white one of these badboys!
  18. This is lush! have a bumpola on me!
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