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Everything posted by Donnyboy

  1. mmmh, first thought is that i'm glad i didn't lose sleepless nights - doesn't capture the essential visual character of the '51. Glad I bought the '51 reissue from Clarky - zero regrets!!
  2. I'd say that they are each individual - some with less character than others , but I do think that some are feminine . Squier '57 Precision Fiesta Red, beautiful curves , nice long neck and elephant ears - deffo female. Aria Sb 600 big ,heavy,brutish , drink you under the table - bloke. Pal of mine bought his son, (age -27),his 1st guitar for Christmas. Fender Squier Strat(Elecrtric Blue kinda thing - 2 tone sunburst being unavailable)) . Son comes in after 36 hr drinking session to open presents - falls in love with , ahem, "Christine" , stares at her for hours on end , and takes her home to his flat. I'm sure they'll be very happy together.
  3. [quote name='davidmpires' post='1046921' date='Dec 3 2010, 10:55 PM']Wish granted [url="http://www.basscentre.com/bass-gift-ideas/warwick-infinity-bass-mouse-mat.html"]http://www.basscentre.com/bass-gift-ideas/...-mouse-mat.html[/url] if you don't have an Infinity, that's your problem. Very nice - I do have a problem though...... be a bit much to get a bass to match a mousemat[/quote]
  4. Dear Santa, I would like a computer mousemat with a photo of bass guitars on it - preferably mine. I've been a good boy this year. Donald ( Age 46)
  5. Tricky one & obviously one which on which opinions are divided. I'm shallow & need to find the bass & it's colour attractive. However I've grown to like certain colours more than I used to - I don't generally like 3 tone sunburst & it almost put me off buying a Mex jazz ( from Jezzaboy btw) but now I think it looks pretty good with a nice grain through it( partly because it sounds great & i've had a few compliments on it's appearance - see ,I am shallow). I like the look of maple necks & think that the colour of the scratch plate( if there is one) makes a big difference . Always liked the look of a black bass , but accept that it can get a bit "lost" when watching a band especially if a black outfit ( how old does that sound?) is worn. And another thing, why do so many bands wear black , I'm hip but is it not a bit passe? & can influence how the big bad bass looks.
  6. Bought a Jazz(x2) the same one ! & a Epiphone T/bird Pro. Absolutely no problems at all & good to speak to a like minded gent! DC
  7. I now have a rather splendid 51 P reissue & would just add to all the prevoius positive comments . Enjoyed my dealings and chats with the upfront & honest Mr Clark & wee extra with the strap. It also arrived a day early- result! Donny
  8. Thanks for the kind words - I feel special!! I certainly am enjoying it so far ( less than a day!) Cheers, donald
  9. Might be interested - sent a message
  10. I've had since new a JV 57 Precision -Fiesta red/maple neck - which I bought early 1985 , for I think £150 with 21st birthday money! It was made i think Oct '83. Now whilst it's probably my long term fav, there have been times i went off it a bit . I think they may be overrated to some extent - non bass players I know don't see what I like about it , but it's rare for me not to reach for it for gigging - I reckon over the years I've become emotionally attached - what a ponce!!! I was speaking to a bassman recently who said he had a Jazz of the same vintage& he hadn't play for years, but declined my advances suggesting he considered selling me it for next to nothing . He'd rather keep it as he's got it on a stand and considers it to be a thing of beauty taking pride of place in the corner of his living room - class!
  11. Very helpfull all this - especially as my sister has asked me for advice about buying my nephew a bass for christmas - no pressure then He's 16 into rock music got a Sqiuer Strat of some sort & an electro accoustic 6 string . He's had a loan of a couple of my basses over an extended period. Anyhow - just so happens a pal at work is selling a virtually unused Stagg300BC(?) bundle including set of strings ,bag strap ,lead & practice amp. I've been messing about with it today & whilst the action is pretty high & presumably fixable I think for £100 you can't really go far wrong - if it does it'll be my fault, of course again!
  12. Might be interested - sent you a message to get in touch.
  13. If anyones interested it's here - £300 [url="http://edinburgh.gumtree.com/edinburgh/09/67824209.html"]http://edinburgh.gumtree.com/edinburgh/09/67824209.html[/url] . And no it's not me selling it!
  14. A consensus view then I've just seen one advertised locally & thought I'd check it out - red with matching headstock but no pics as yet. Like the Jazz but not a Jazz concept & also that actives can switched off. We'll see!
  15. This sounds very interesting, I must say. I've had a wee hankering for a '51 reissue for a few years - one was on ebay a couple of years ago that went for £275 & the price seems to have gone up since then for used ones especially since you can't buy them new. ( unless you want the "King of Pain" signature If the std is as high as (some)folks are saying for the Jazz & Precision USA Stds then this could well be worth waiting/saving for. Look forward to reading/seeing/hearing more details.
  16. I used to use an adapted keyboard case with foam cut to the shape of the guitar - worked a treat! might be worth a try.
  17. Interesting post - I've got a MIM Jazz - which sounds great but build quality is not super - tried a MIA at the weekend & whilst you could tell straightaway that it was a quality piece of kitI'm not sure the price diff is justifiable to me anyway - I think I'd need to be 100% sold on it.
  18. Price Amendment!
  19. Thanks for that - would you happen to know the official colour description? Perloid White?
  20. Maybe not that comparable , but after reading this i've checked some joins & some are tighter than others- the biggest gap is on my Squier '57 P/bass(made in '83) -I've never noticed it before and it's never been a problem & suspect it never will be. However if I'd shelled out a lot of dosh on a top of the range bass -I wouldn't expect to have any niggles & if I did I'd be a little, ahem, disappointed.
  21. I wouldn't worry about whether it had a pickup- there are plenty of "accoustic" 6 stringers that can be plugged in , or not, that sound great on their own. The advantage being if you do want to amplify, it's no biggie. I've had 3 electro/ accoustic basses - one was a Spider , short scale - bowed neck probably not worth fixing -"On loan " to a pal - not bothered if I get it back. A bowl backed Ovation kinda thing Thomson Music? Good but the bowl back didn't sit comfortably, ok accoustically but prone to feedback if plugged. Kramer Ferrington - bonkers looking with pointy headstock , lovely cherry red with binding- sounded great accoustically & with fancy pickups just as good amplified, Sold it & it's been much appreciated by new owner( he sorted out the "lifting bridge"issue) - one of these "wish I kept it" ones. Not an expert but Ibenez seem to be the boys.
  22. Had a better look now - bit of drooling going on I'm liking the bridge & pickup covers for some reason the basses look really handsome - I'm not normally into them - if I don't get a new Jazz I think I'll put them on the one I have - bling!! Also like the double bass - I kinda fancy one but don't know if I'd be any good tried a fretless once, but felt you needed some kind of musical ability to play it - they look really good though & would make a lovely corner feature. My Dad's had the all clear for another 6 months - " Make hay while the sun shines, son" is what he says to me - now although it's not that sunny in Falkirk , I know what he means. Say hello & best wishes to the guitarman. All the best Donald
  23. Wow - fantastic - just had a quick look - taking dog out & will ogle when I come back. Admire you greatly in relation to the cancer- there can't be many who haven't been affected in one way or another ( my dad's in remission ). My band have done a few fundraisers & are hoping to do something in December - buskingforcancer I think is the name. Cheers, all the best Donald.
  24. I like the feel & solidity of the Precision , the Jazz is maybe more refined & does give that nice growly sound that kicks through when playing in a band. whilst I prefer playing the P my bandmates think the Jazz is the best bass I've ever had soundwise( it's a Mex Jazz) & I've played with them( the band) for nearly 30 years - what do they know! Also although I've tried flatwounds I'd agree with Lozz196 that roundwounds are the best for me - if you want a "duller" ? or warmer sound just cut back on the tone pot- simples!
  25. Piccies attached - I now consider myself to be an IT genius!
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