Hi hooky_lowdown,
Thanks very much for your advice. Slowly but steadily I am getting there. The photo I took before I removed the original wiring work shows that the metallic colour wire and red ride were connected to a terminal (although two wires were not twisted together and wrapped in electrical tape. I will make sure it is done ). As you said, the thin black wire is the ground.
So I have figured out...
1. Connect the ground to the metal casing of the volume pot
2. Combined wire (metallic and red) is Pickup Hot in P bass diagram
3. White wire is Pickup Ground in P-bass diagram
However, the original wiring looks still different to P-bass diagram.
- The combined wire was connected to a terminal and this terminal was bent and connected to the metal casing
- White wire was connected to the middle terminal of the volume pot, instead of being connected to the metal casing of the tone pot
Should I ignore the original circuit and follow the P-bass diagram, or Should I copy the original circuit?