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Everything posted by Heavylifting

  1. I have just checked both sites but no luck but thanks very much for your response.
  2. Hello, A friend gave me their broken bass guitar to try and fix. After testing and taking it apart, I've determined that the potentiometers are faulty. The sound cuts in and out, there's a crackling noise when I turn the knobs, and they spin 360 degrees endlessly. It looks like one of the four potentiometers has already been replaced for the same issue. I'm having trouble finding the same type of potentiometer. Could you please help me locate the correct parts?
  3. Hi hooky_lowdown, Thanks very much for your advice. Slowly but steadily I am getting there. The photo I took before I removed the original wiring work shows that the metallic colour wire and red ride were connected to a terminal (although two wires were not twisted together and wrapped in electrical tape. I will make sure it is done ). As you said, the thin black wire is the ground. So I have figured out... 1. Connect the ground to the metal casing of the volume pot 2. Combined wire (metallic and red) is Pickup Hot in P bass diagram 3. White wire is Pickup Ground in P-bass diagram However, the original wiring looks still different to P-bass diagram. - The combined wire was connected to a terminal and this terminal was bent and connected to the metal casing - White wire was connected to the middle terminal of the volume pot, instead of being connected to the metal casing of the tone pot Should I ignore the original circuit and follow the P-bass diagram, or Should I copy the original circuit?
  4. Thank you so much for your swift response. I am not sure if the current odd and messy wiring is the original from Ibenez Fujigen back in 1979, but the circuit worked until I removed the potentiometers to install new ones. I am trying to ignore the original circuit and follow a typical P bass circuit. However, I can't figure out the 2 cables coming from the pick-up. I guess the thin black cable is pickup ground but the other thick cable has three inside. white, red and metallic colour wire? Could you please give me any advice or any idea to share?
  5. It is an 8-year-old thread, but I hope my question reaches you. I am trying to replace both potentiometers and the output jack. However, the existing wiring looks a bit more complicated than a typical P bass. Could you please check the attached sketch and photo and advise?
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