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Everything posted by Cyrene

  1. I recognise the seller. I was watching a few items he had over last six months or so. I think i might have even requested a postage quote!
  2. [quote name='squire' timestamp='1373542784' post='2138809'] Got mine today. [/quote] May i ask what you're playing it through?
  3. Gak have them in now.
  4. Hi. Coming at this from a slightly different approach... I play for an outfit in which many of the songs are written in Ddim or half dim with only brief modulations through the bridge or chorus. I feel somewhat obligated to not only provide that link with the drummer but also some degree of melodic interest. This is because the guitarist favours a lot of distortion to the point where chord changes are undiscernble. I rely upon octave shifts, and use of alternating patterns between passing notes around the fifth. Many times i'll be using the m7, the min3 and then these repeated riffs taking in the Ab, A, Bb. I'm not sure if this sounds correct but it seems to work with economy and timing in mind of course.
  5. I know two guys who gig with the Mascis. One is a traditonal picker/strummer while the other has an approach that verges on Nels Cline/Thurston Moore. Both sound great and i beileve they're excellent instruments. Another bloke i know bought the '50s Tele after playing mine. He was particular impressed with the controls and the quality of the neck.
  6. Mogwai Crippled Black Phoenix Goat Swans Radiohead Pumpkins original line up Miles' second quintet Miles' Bitches Brew line up Bill Evans Trio Soundgarden EST Nirvana Brad Mehldau's first trio Stan Getz quartet with Stan Levey Jeff Buckley
  7. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1372961132' post='2132219'] My fantasy Glastonbury, would be to get rid of the huge muddy fields and to be able to see all my favourite bands in a good sub 500 capacity venue with a well-stocked bar. [/quote] Well said.
  8. The CV Teles are amazing. I sold one last year. When i have the cash i'm getting another.
  9. I'll be after one of these if the neck has the 'Classic Vibe' finish rather than the recent 'VM' finish. The satin felt weird to me.
  10. String breakages are a pain without it.
  11. Cyrene


    Whereabouts are you? Also would you consider trades? Cheers
  12. Finding it hard to leave the house. Traynor YCV40. Cheap as owt and sounds lush.
  13. Very nice! Enjoy.
  14. To be honest, i like their albums. Just find them mildly amusing; possibly a result of exposure to Brick Lane by bike.
  15. Plus, singing in tune is so unhip. Songs in the key of Xb.
  16. Everytime a Glastonbury audience member sings along with The xx, a Shoreditch hipster spills an espresso.
  17. I'm relatively new to it but my son's been playing guitar for about 5 years and is grade 5. Last September he started secondary school and was asked to join the only band, on bass. Straight away, hearing him play --- his choice of notes, timing, phrasing, everything really --- juat made me wonder if it's going to be his 'thing'. Personally, i had a big Fender poster on my wall (age 7, given by an uncle) and was always fascinated by the bigger guitars. Watching Top of the Pops would find me staring at the quiet ones and as my teens approached i'd be humming the line from Rio or Avalon. Shame i didn't start then!
  18. Cyrene


  19. I had a lovely Ibanez whoch i enjoyed playing very much. Strung with flats it sounded great. However, apart from what's been said already, the pub i used it at only had forward facing monitors. With acoustic guitar, violin and two vocalists i could never hear myself. I had to lean forward over the edge of the stage to try and hear.
  20. Cyrene


    I'm in North Yorks but come to Manc now and again. no dead spots. Weight... errr... dunmo. Lighter than my HW1 Jazz; i'll try to weigh it tonight. These are MiM; basically a non worn Road Worn.
  21. Cyrene


    [url]https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/292314_10151728560319155_1418853615_n.jpg[/url] [url]https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/166020_10151728561489155_1163173259_n.jpg[/url] [url]https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/581041_10151728561039155_1131376782_n.jpg[/url]
  22. Cyrene


    two ticks
  23. Cyrene


    One year old Classic '50s P in Fiesta red. Ungigged, mint, strung with flats.
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