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Everything posted by Jacqueslemac

  1. About time this was resurrected for a 2013 calendar...
  2. What's the width at the nut, please? Is it standard P-bass or the same as the Hot Rod P?
  3. Best not show this to the Mosrite-collecting guitarist in my surf band! My Jaguar and Jazz are just about acceptable to him.
  4. [quote name='Linus27' timestamp='1347036139' post='1796336'] I'm currently recording a solo album with my two Warwicks and they are sounding amazing. Kind of makes me want to get some more Warwicks but the only two that appeal to me is a Bubinga Corvette Fretless and a P-Nut Streamer. [/quote] Like this one?
  5. Northampton isn't so very far from the Fens where Charic's had his last two. They've both been about 60 miles from where I live, so wouldn't be much further for you. Worth an hour or so in the car for my money.
  6. Whenever it's available! Thanks.
  7. Amazing, the topic started off discussing the aesthetics of a green bass and now we're talking about the ethics of a green company.
  8. Good buy! I love my Corvettes.
  9. I've just finished it. For the life of me I can't remember where it came from. Was it from here? If so, I can't find the thread! Anyhow, if it's mine to pass on, who wants it?
  10. Please add me to the list. Thanks.
  11. Show off my Jazz's what? Here's my Jazz's headstock: I don't have any photos of my Jazzes.
  12. I use one and love it. At our last gig I was able to wander out into the audience and greet a mate I hadn't seen for ages while also checking out our front of house sound. The guitarist won't use his as he reckons it pushes the gain up too much, but I don't notice that effect with mine. I use it for soundcheck anyway so could compensate if necessary.
  13. I don't think the horrid green one should be mistaken for a roadworn one. Those try to replicate the damage that would have been picked up after years of use (and, presumably, are bought be people who want to pretend either they, or their bass, has lived through the experience). That green one is just a designer's idea of an off-the-wall finish, I would guess. You'd be pretty unlikely to pick up that kind of damage using it for years and years. I still think it looks pants. The basses themselves are excellent, although I've only played and owned German-made ones.
  14. Fourth gig in three weeks yesterday. Second one in two weeks with my main band with a dep drummer (different one each time too). A little shaky on a couple of intros and endings, but nice and tight for the most part. It was a biker event and we had plenty of people on the dance floor playing air guitar, pogo-ing and generally having a good time. The venue didn't have its own PA, so we put some music on while we broke our stuff down. And then had to hang around for almost another hour playing DJ until the crowd thinned out enough for us to load the PA into my car without having it dragged from us and put back up again. The venue liked what we did and have invited us back for another (different) biker event next year. I used my wireless rig and ventured out on the dance floor a couple of times early on to see what we sounded like. Couldn't hear myself much, but the overall sound was good and we could hear everything clearly on stage. On Tuesday week we start rehearsals with our new drummer. Fingers crossed it'll be a positive experience for all of us. He's never gigged, though, so it'll be a steep learning curve for him. We have gigs for November and December, but nothing until then.
  15. They're a bit like cars. they all lose value in the first few years, but some more than others. Keep them long enough and they all start to increase in value, some more than others. Okay, not very helpful I know!
  16. Please keep me on the list for either book. Thanks.
  17. Hmm, why does no-one take horizontal photos of surfboards? Not the colours I will be choosing when I eventually spray mine, but similar (think white instead of grey, cream instead of red and an ochre in the middle):
  18. The last couple of gigs have asked us to keep going until midnight, so we've put our start time back. Perhaps it's an emerging trend?
  19. I think we need a new term. Some members of this forum think that a covers band should try to reproduce note-for-note the original song. But isn't that what tribute bands are all about? Or can that term only be used for bands who only play music by one other band? In my band we try to do stick close to the original in some songs, such as Jet's Are You Gonna Be My Girl? On the other hand, we also do covers of covers. We play Boys of Summer, but we don't do Don Henley's version but the cover by the Ataris. We play Hard to Handle, but the Black Crowes cover, not the one by Otis Redding. We also play Adele's Rolling in the Deep, but we play the Black Stone Cherry version. Then we do our own versions of Britney Spear's Toxic and Christine Aguilera's Genie in a Bottle. Our versions sound nothing at all like the originals and far more like the bands whose covers I've mentioned above. So what does that mean we should really call ourselves? Re-interpreters of rock songs, perhaps?
  20. Another question, but do the facts support the statement that pub gigs are drying up? From a purely personal perspective I can't ever remember a time when I had so much choice of pubs offering live music. When I was at drinking age (in my 20s, think 1980s) I could count the number of pub gigs in my area (I knew about, anyway) each weekend on one hand. Nowadays it seems like every pub has a blackboard up with a list of forthcoming bands on it. Also, I seem to be swimming against the flow here when I say that I would hate to play in a "smoking pub" if there was such a thing. Smokers were one of the things that kept me away from pubs. Maybe I should point out that I drink real ale, so you can't get the same choice/quality at an offie. And drinking at home seems a bit sad to me.
  21. Just seen that the Booze Brothers are on the list. If it's the same band I saw a couple of weeks ago (there were about half a dozen of them, not a duo), the bass player is well worth listening to - one of the most inventive players I've heard in ages.
  22. I've emailed my fellow band members. I don't think they want to do dates that close to Christmas, but I know we'd be interested next year. Thanks for highlighting it!
  23. If you've still got the knobs, I'll have those, please.
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