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Everything posted by Jacqueslemac

  1. Have a look at [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/164626-vintage-icon-v4-p-bass-l110/page__fromsearch__1"]this[/url] too.
  2. Judging by your video, you don't need a bass for that!
  3. Ha! Got that one.
  4. Why do I never get email notifications when this thread is update?
  5. Why lump all Warwicks in the same boat? I love the shape of the Corvette (see my sig), but the rest look horrid, silly or just slightly out of proportion to me, so I'm not interested. Apart from that, I'm in the traditional camp - the Fender shapes are just "right" (or we've just become used to them), but why spend loads more on a copy from another manufacturer? Anything "roadworn". I want to stamp my own mark on my bass. Basses with a silly shape bought (I may be wholly wrong here...) by bassists who want people to say "look at him, he must be interesting because his bass isn't like all the others." Good job we're not all the same, or the "for sale" threads would be really dull!
  6. Yes, shame it won't fit my Mike Dirnt. Good price, though, so have a bump on me.
  7. Hmm, why can't they make one that feels like a roadworn model, but looks like a new one? I want my basses to reflect my use of them, not to pretend I've bought an old bass from someone who couldn't be @rsed to look after it.
  8. And I did earlier this morning! Hopefully he'll be on soon.
  9. Did this go?
  10. I always find this thread comforting - I know I'm not alone! Our gig on Friday was in a struggling club. Half the crowd were those we'd encouraged to come along (the band gets the takings on the door), but it was still far too empty to create any kind of buzz. Even though we'd hardly changed our set, we made silly mistakes and even got lost in one song. We thought we'd played really badly. Personally, I wasn't happy with the clarity of the tone on my new (to me) Jag, so swapped to a Corvette for the second half. On the other hand, all the comments we received were good. I tend to discount those from "normal" people, but a bassist I really admire (and who gigs around 60 times a year), not only complimented me on my playing, but also my tone. We also had a few people dancing, which was a bit of a surprise. Mind you, they had plenty of room! I can only assume that how you feel on stage doesn't always translate to how it appears from the audience.
  11. When I bought mine secondhand I wrote to Fender and they kindly sent me the manual! The two "normal" knobs are volume and tone. The three on the lower horn are on/off for the two pickups and series/parallel for them. The switch on the top horn is active/passive and the two rollers are bass and treble boost. Easy, eh? It's made in Japan, so the neck is smooth and fast. The edges are rolled and the action is very low, so it's very comfortable to play if Jazz necks are your thing. I gigged it last night for the first time and felt the sound was perhaps too warm (a bit less defined than I'd like). I swapped to my Corvette Standard for the second half. It's a passive one so I had to turn the volume on the amp up quite a bit, so obviously the Jag puts out quite a punch. I asked a semi-pro bassist I really respect what he thought and he told me he really liked the tone, so perhaps it was better out there than on stage. He also told me he likes it when he can hear the bass over the guitars, so it can't have been as muddy as I feared!
  12. Fancy posting the pics [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/169601-other-fenders-jaguars-mustangs-etc/page__fromsearch__1"]here[/url] too, just to give the thread a bit of a shot in the arm?
  13. Don't think it matters. If you do it via this one, it'll mean we all have less time to wait, with two going round.
  14. This looks lovely! What's the width at the nut, please? The Precision HotRod had a similar width to the Jazz I think (38mm), but is this the wider Precision one?
  15. Why do I not get email notifications of posts in this thread I wonder? Anyway, I'm free, so it's in my diary. If anyone wants a lift from Norwich, get in touch. I've room for you as well as a pile of basses!
  16. If you are looking for a sale, the rules on the forum are that you have to state a price, please. Lovely looking bass. I think I have enough Warwicks, unfortunately!
  17. I'll be heading there from Norwich too.
  18. For me the gig aspect is a "nice to have" rather than an essential element. I see a bass bash as an opportunity to mingle with likeminded people and try out a few basses I wouldn't otherwise see, as well as getting some honest opinions from the owners. All with the absolute minimum of slapping (having seen the posts about the bass show)!
  19. Thanks for all the comments. I'm glad I chose not to go and it doesn't look like I'll be going next year either. I think Bass Bashes are a better idea!
  20. We had an odd one too. We were playing as a support band, so condensed our set down to the fastest, liveliest songs we do. As I was unloading the gear I asked the sound girl where she wanted our stuff. She looked bemused and said "anywhere on the stage, why?" I explained that we were just supporting, so didn't want to get in the way of the headline band. That flummoxed her. She hadn't been told there would be a support band. The headliners had pulled out, so she'd booked a soul/motown band who do a couple of longs sets, have loads of members and don't use a support act. Plus they'd be bringing there own crowd, so if we didn't play their style of music (we don't), we might be in for a bit of hassle. To cut a long story short, nothing of the kind happened. "Our" crowd outnumbered theirs for our set, we had people dancing and it all went down fairly well. Add to that the fact that I recognised the drummer when he came in (friendly bloke) and then recognised the trombone player too. And then the guitarist spent his time photographing our guitarist while he was soloing on his Gibson Trini Lopez. All in all a friendly crew. Apart form the bass player who didn't have so much as the time of day for any of us... We hung around to watch their set, which was a good, tight, one. Except for one number where they fell apart at the end. I don't think most of the crowd would have noticed particularly, except the singer apologised: "Sorry about that. I don't know what's going on up here." I don't know what you do, but if we get something slightly wrong we just pretend that it's "our way" and trust no-one notices!
  21. Please add me to the wait ing list. Thanks.
  22. It's a relief to know that I'm not the only one to find that joining Basschat has proved to be very expensive! I'm a bit of a tart and my allegiance constantly changes. However, I'm gradually finding that my Corvette $$ is the one I keep going to when getting ready for a gig. To start with I found the neck a bit chunky (and wanted a natural wood one anyway, but couldn't find one), so it didn't get played much. Gradually it got played a bit more and now it seems to have wormed its way into my affections. A natural wood finish one came up for sale on here recently pretty cheap, but I suddenly realised the black finish on mine was "right". Now I've realised how comfortable the neck is, the dents and scratches have added to its character and it's becoming "the one". I wouldn't have arrived at this conclusion without sticking with it and without playing lots of other basses alongside it, so I don't think you pick a bass up and instantly know it's the one.
  23. There doesn't appear to be a thread for these, so I thought I'd start one. My recently-acquired Jaguar: And one of it with my Aerodyne (okay, so it's a Jazz...):
  24. You're not coming within 100 miles of Norwich, but good luck anyway!
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