Our guitarist recently dragged us to a gig just to watch the band. They put on a show, as well as being damn good at what they played. Our instructions are to be a bit more animated at our next gig.
What prompted it was that someone took a video at a rehearsal of ours and pointed out we all looked at the floor (or our fingers). Trouble is, we usually practice in a really small room where there's hardly any room to move. And we're concentrating.
At the following gig I made a real effort to smile and look at the audience. My bandmates told me I looked "smug" in the photos (they carried on looking at the floor, so who cares what they think!).
Anyhow, in one or two intros and mid-song breaks when I'm not playing, I've taken to playing mock chords (complete with windmilling) in time with the second guitarist.
Hang on, though. Isn't that the sort of stuff the singer and guitarists are supposed to do? I keep telling them my job is to hide at the back with th drummer and look glum, but when I'm playing some of my natural reserve seems to slip away! I almost left the "stage" and danced with the obligatory drunk middle-aged woman last time (while continuing to play, of course).
This one will run and run - are we musicians or entertainers?