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Everything posted by Jacqueslemac

  1. I have it now. Who's next?
  2. I bought a neck from Anth. I haven't fitted it yet, but it arrived exactly when he said it would, packed very securely. An easy, straightforward transaction throughout. Buy from Anth with confidence.
  3. On my kitchen scales it weighs 11lb 11 ounces. For comparison, my ash-bodied $$ weighs 8lb 11 ounces
  4. No, it's a proper German-made Warwick.
  5. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1363801819' post='2017920'] When I've gigged in covers bands, I've often felt quite fake. [/quote] Why? Unless you're miming of course! We don't pretend to be writers, just musicians.
  6. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1363796259' post='2017811'] As most of you know I play in an originals band and a "classic rock" covers band. I joined the covers band, because one of the guitarist who's a good friend of mine happened to mention that their old bass player was leaving and would I be interested in joining? Since my previous band had been doing some covers in their set and for the first time in my musical "career" I hadn't been the main song writer which had actually led to me developing far more as musician, plus the fact that I'd seen his band play and they were a lot of fun, I said "yes". However at around the same time I met up with the people who eventually became the Terrortones. So I found myself playing both cover and originals. And while the covers is a lot of fun, the Terrortones have turned out to be probably the most exciting and hard working band I've ever played with. After years of playing my own compositions to small mostly indifferent audiences, I'm suddenly in an originals band that has an enthusiastic following, gets gigs all over the country, and actually gets paid for them! TBH if the Terrortones keep on growing, I can't see myself doing the covers band thing for much longer as I simply won't have the time for it. So why am I in covers band. Because it's fun and I get to play some great songs from my youth. However no matter how much fun it is it will never match the buzz I get from the Terrortones. [/quote] You're an inspiration and I bet most of us would like to be in your position. I'd love to be in an originals band, but don't have the talent to start one and there don't seem to be many around looking for a bassist like me. The covers band I'm in doesn't stick too closely to the originals and completely re-does some songs, but that's the limit of our creativity.
  7. Welcome from a commuter village just south of the Fine City.
  8. The one Steve Soar had arrived in the post today. Many thanks!
  9. It's not just PMs. The issues in [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/186461-no-notifications/page__st__20"]this thread[/url] haven't been resolved yet.
  10. I had exactly the same problem and didn't play it enough to overcome it (swapping between the Jack and my other basses so frequently didn't help), so I traded it. Just like a fretless, though, it's something you HAVE to get out of your system!
  11. For my surf band, I looked up all the drum tutors and then emailed them all asking if they had a pupil looking for something different. The one we found has proved to be a real gem.
  12. My band do say they miss me (or rather, my bass) when I'm not there for a rehearsal. That's a kind of compliment, I suppose, given that Bill Wyman apparently said that you should only notice the bass when it isn't there.
  13. Add me to the waiting list, please.
  14. PM him, although he said he'd post on here when it's available anyway.
  15. Thanks, Bluejay, it arrived yesterday.
  16. Now with Jabba the Gut.
  17. [quote name='iceonaboy' timestamp='1362240663' post='1997450'] I like prawns and smoked haddock, but not winkles, so where am I in the seafood debate please? [/quote] Winkle-picky?
  18. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1362233543' post='1997323'] That's a concious decision to change the genre and feel of the song in the same way as I've heard metal bands doing very good versions of Britan Spear's - Hit Me Baby One More Time. With no sense of comedy. The song will sound different just by virtue of other people playing it and different instrumentation. You don't need to change much [/quote] When it was suggested we play Toxic, I listened to the original and didn't enjoy it at all. We stuck with it and our version sounds very, very different (not least because we have a male singer). I hate most Guns 'n' Roses songs because of Axl's whining voice, but don't mind rehearsing to our own version in my headphones,because our singer's voice is a lot less grating. One of the guitarists recently suggested doing some other pop song. My response was that I didn't like the original, but was looking forward to how he and the other guitarist had worked out their parts before passing judgement. Refusing to even try a band's songs, just because you don't like that band seems a bit blinkered. It's like saying "I don't like seafood". Can prawns and smoked haddock really be lumped into the same sweeping statement?
  19. Any excuse to post another photo: I must put some black strings on it someday. It doesn't get used much nowadays, mostly because of this: my USA Jazz Deluxe.
  20. I was contacted a couple of weeks ago (via JoinMyBand) by a band looking for a new bass player. I responded asking for sight of the set list (it's a covers band), discovered half-a-dozen songs on it I can already play, so responded saying I'd be happy to have a go. I also sent a few recordings of me playing the same songs in my current band (who regularly hack me off, which is why I was on the look-out anyway). I got a message back saying that another bass player had responded before I did, so they'll be trying him out (tonight, as it happens). They'll only contact me again if they decide he isn't what they're looking for. I'm not too bothered, but in their shoes I'd try out everyone who responded before making a decision, wouldn't you?
  21. It's for a landmark birthday present, so the decision has to lie with your heart.
  22. Before I played an instrument I used to think "musical differences" was just a cover for something else. Now I realise just how big a thing it is!
  23. Slightly off topic, I reckon my bass playing has improved more by playing in bands than it ever would have if I only played with backing tracks and/or just by myself, no matter how many lessons I'd had.
  24. When we're trying out ideas for songs, there are often songs we try that someone decides they don't like before we get them to gigging standard. Sometimes Lead Guitar overrules the others by saying "it'll go down well with the punters". Sometimes he's right, but mostly the songs will get the same reaction as most of the others - it's not the ace of the set in other words - and it's just a song he likes. A recent favourite of his is "45" by Gaslight Anthem. I don't mind the song, but the first time we played it, it completely bombed - total silence from the audience. The next time the reaction was muted. I wonder how many times it'll be before Lead Guitar decides it should be dropped. We used to do "Tribute" by Tenacious D, which I hated. It took me months to get it banned. I didn't walk off stage, but often asked Vox if he wanted to play bass on it (which he could, easily, but Lead Guitar refused permission). Eventually it got dropped and I don't recall a single audience member (a quarter of which are old friends) asking for us to bring it back into the set. On stage, I reckon the band should pull as one. Off-stage is where all the bitching and squabbling belongs.
  25. My surf band has been looking for a rhythm guitarist (or keys) for ages. We've had a couple of nibbles just recently. Last week, one guy who had been booked in baled out a couple of hours before (not unusual, but still annoying as we'd send him chord charts, samples of our rehearsals, the original tunes and what not). The other guy says he hasn't been playing long and it sounds like he's got pretty cheap gear. BUT, we don't need a flash lead guitarist doing all the Dick Dale runs, because we already have one (with the matching attitude as well). I spent half an hour on the phone last night explaining what we're looking for and trying to convince him to have a go, because he seems to have the right outlook, but just lacks confidence. Tonight I'm meeting him for a drink in a local pub to talk some more about what he'll be required to do (hell, there are only about six chords he needs to know and a lot of what he'll need to do is pick out root notes) and try to make sure he doesn't feel too intimidated when he turns up for the audition/rehearsal next week. The band is a really low-key, laid-back venture, as we mainly play for fun. I'm in a gigging band already, so we're not looking for more than a couple of gigs a year and maybe some decent studio time, but it's still been quite a struggle just to get a rhythm guitarist to spend a couple of hours one evening just to see if they like it.
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