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Everything posted by BassBiscuit

  1. What a great 'fun track' that is...!
  2. Strewth...! That's some collection...!! There more there than most dealers...
  3. New Amp... 1000w @8ohms 2000w@ 4 Strewth...!!
  4. My word that last pic on the bench looks fabulous...!!
  5. My 2019 Ray34 h/stock....
  6. Not quiet. At least mine isn't. But you get used to it...
  7. My AG 500 is noisy in my small room (would be much less so in a bigger one) But I got used to it after a few months and don't really notice it now. And I wouldn't be able to do the mod you have anyway.... Regards.
  8. I'm not sure but I don't think the stock in a D5 is actually a single coil.. I think it's split just made to look like one. The Nordstrand single is a tad more 'pronounced' note wise... and can be easier (cleaner) to hear (if that makes sense) Although strings play a big part too eh.... Also I think the output is a bit more too. I've had mine a little while now, I think it was about 90 quid. So not so eye wateringly expensive as to prohibit giving it a go. You can always sell it on if you don't like it.... Regards. rob
  9. I have a 'Nordstrand 51P' in my D5... I like it...
  10. I like it. Not 33% better than the 2 I already had. But, to my ear, more 'presence'... The law of 'diminishing returns'.....! It's more than plenty for me but was something I wanted to do. I haven't got the luxury of space at home so the small footprint of the TE 10 and expand up was the way to go for me.
  11. It's for home use. I don't ever see me being good enough to 'gig'.....
  12. +Badass/DiMarzios/Hipshots
  13. Isn't it just the edge of the plastic..?
  14. That profile shot looks nice...
  15. Also from Nottingham
  16. Recently bought one of the v2 ones. One channel out, rather than 2 but plenty oomphy for me.... Fan is a bit loud but you get used to it.....
  17. 'GAS' you say....! Well gonna get me some 'therapy' to help with my affliction..... Might cure me of looking at stuff I don't need.......🙄
  18. Thanks to all who replied and offered info. And I know it was a questionable decision with some but here it is and I'm happy with it.... The head fan is a bit loud but I'll put up with that. R
  19. My TE's have 'angled baffles'... Don't know by how many degrees.,...
  20. That's gonna deserve 'listing' on your house insurance cover or similar... Or needs covering stand alone....? R
  21. I've just been given this to learn by my teacher.... !! Gonna be tough for me... very tough.. Even slowed to 110 which is where I've tried the first few bars this morning... Gotta go lower me thinks... Thanks for the vid Grey Parrot, Should only take a couple of years 😬to get it like you... R
  22. Hello again. I took delivery of my new AG500 yesterday..!! But I'd like advice from 'the collective' as to what 'speakon' cables I need to connect it all up. So.. Do I need NL2 or NL4 cables? It says NL4 1+/1- on the back of the amp... Does that mean I need NL4..? Also what gauge cable does it need to be as there seems to be various? Is it that the lower the number the better the cable? Do I use the same type of cable to 'daisy chain' from cab to cab as the one from the head to the first cab? And lastly does cable length matter? Quite a lot there isn't there.... But thanks. Regards. Rob
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