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Everything posted by Bass4real

  1. I'm surprised some BASS and guitar makers have never tried to do the demo song thing I guess they know better . When is the first AI bass or guitar gonna be made ? , I can see it now an app installed on a phone, every bass line , every song , every scale , every chord , manually play or AI play , and AI would play so much better than us. But not all of us :? )
  2. I remember bong water , it scared the shite out of me , a few people I knew back in the day , drank it , I mean all the time . Mikey sounds like he probably left an impression on alot of people .
  3. Take it off Unless you need it Trust me you don't Finger ramps are like a drug It feels great at first then you'll become dependent on it. JUST SAY NO : ? ) I shouldn't have to say this ¥. ¥ I'm kidding around You do you Finger ramps or not.
  4. I don't do social media , of course I'm aware of Instagram , tiktok , Facebook , X . I do watch YouTube , BASSCHAT is the only site I've joined . I'm A Bass player always and forever Criticizing guitarists is fun , even more fun being a BASS PLAYER that plays better guitar than them. Not all of them of course There's more incredible guitar players now than ever before. isnt that both subjective and objective ? Have a good one C.C.
  5. Brothers in Bass I'm glad I found BASSCHAT
  6. Really ? I couldn't tell ya from personal experience but I don't believe recreational drugs could make anyone or anything better . that includes alcohol .
  7. I apologize to you and everyone on BASSCHAT I honestly couldn't care less about politics here or there.
  8. In my entire life no one has ever called me a Nazi , where is your sense of humor I was joking Annex the sudetenland lol your a funny guy Sorry I've no interest in annexing anything let alone the Czech Republic , but I am Interested in the beauty of Eastern European women though . :?) in my opinion They are the most lovely , beautiful , and sweetest women I've ever had the pleasure of knowing and the fact they aren't American women. I know because I married an Eastern European from the north caucus region in Southern Russia . Stavrapol But alas All good things come to an end. C ya mr.funny
  9. Sounds great to me Honestly I'm a musician I couldn't care less about anything political My bad
  10. People don't call me a Nazi Nobody has ever called me a Nazi I don't care or have any time for stupidity l do augh at clowns because they're HILARIOUS.
  11. "WE" have been warned ? You've been warned ? Officially ? About what exactly ? By whom ? I haven't been officially warned about anything by anyone Would you be so kind as too tell me what are you talking about. Know that I'm not from the UK I'm allowed to speak freely Sorry if not the same for you.
  12. I pride myself in not being politically correct, If I think it , I'll say it , but I'm a person that doesn't do to others what I don't want done to me. Don't worry about it I don't think you were inappropriate at all ask and I'll answer I have a question for you I would like to know what people in the know, know ? You've aroused my curiosity
  13. If I could get there by actually skipping there it would be a lot more fun than the 7 hr flight . Roundtrip NY to Heathrow $574.00 not as expensive as I thought. Thanks for the invite I've not been to the UK since 2008. I know it would be great fun
  14. Thankyou very much I appreciate ya The design under the purple people were telling me it was one of their favorites Unfortunately all of the designs are Here for a week or two and then gone forever I did around 30 designs all told These are a just a few Thanks again for your feedback Have a good one C.C.
  15. Just a few of the designs I've done on my PEAVEY FOUNDATION 5 , if I was playing a show every week I would do a new graphic for each show I'm always a Bassist 1st An artist 2nd my art has been described as visually musical . I think that's a great way to describe it. I still have a few abstract works I like the detail I did.
  16. Ground issue probably or Could be wired in series - the signal flows through 1 pickup , then the next that causes higher impedance , pickups are more sensitive to external noise and hum Parallel is a less noisy way to wire pickups- signal goes to both pickups at the same time lower impedance reducing the amount of hum Do a little research you'll figure it out
  17. That's the only thing I've not done, it hasn't happened to me often 2 or 3 times. Years ago When I was waiting impatiently ( very ) for a used RICKENBACKER 4001 . When I got it , It was the opposite of what I thought it was gonna be. I didn't actually hate the bass I hated the fact I believed a stock RICKENBACKER Sounded great Geddy Lee Chris Squire , lemme never said anything about the upgrades they did to their Ricks . Maybe nobody asked them Yea well , My fault . I'm a big fan of early RICKENBACKER BASSES And I will never buy one again. :?) The 1978 Gibson Ripper I bought in early 80s was a real piece of shite. I did hate it Never bought another Gibson bass I bought a HARTKE bass in 2012 I figured HARTKE amps are Kool their Bass is probably good also. I was WRONG hartke BASSES suuuuucccckkk . I hated that bass Only 3 outta the 30+ basses I've owned over the years That's only 10 % I'm good with that
  18. It would probably be called a racist Nazi rally by the idiots that call every gathering that's not about them a Nazi rally. Especially if they are an actual guitar playing Nazi. : ?) Joking around ( kinda )
  19. In the U.S. I'm sure somewhere in this huge nation there's ALL BASS guitar events, In Pennsylvania I have not heard of something , anything for only Bass players or BASS Guitars. I'm gonna try to do it, I'll probably be accused of being a racist bassist and holding a Nazi BASS PLAYER rally. anyway JUST LAUGH at idiots that say that special kind of BS .
  20. Oh shite I just noticed the post was from months ago Well I Hope you enjoyed it
  21. Greg Howe is from a town called Easton in Pennsylvania . I live in Reading Pa. A few of my friends took guitar lessons from Greg H. in the 80s . He is a monster guitar player always has been. Mohini deys playing makes me crazy , in a good way . :?) ENJOY ! I know you will
  22. I like the Dingwall D Rock 5 string Little to pricey for me right now I wanted to get a microtubes bass effect I decided on a DARKGLASS B7k V2 I wish Dingwall would put out a bass for around $ 1.200.00 to 1.500.00 but to find even a used Dingwall no matter which model at a decent price for a used Bass . is next to impossible. ALOT of People that try to sell their Dingwall ask a ridiculously high price . Nah I'm not gonna pay 2000 or above for a used Dingwall combustion or D Rock bass The other Dingwall "high end" models , not for me. There's so many really great Basses for $1.500.00 dollars, I don't need a big money bass anymore. I've never paid more than , around $1,700.00 American.. I own a single cutaway Brice FREAKOUT 5 string I paid 399.00 for , in 2017 It is probably in the top 5 Best Basses I've ever owned . I've never once have had to make an adjustment of any kind on it . Again it's a 7 yr old bass. That is the GODS honest truth A screwdriver or Allen wrench has never been used on it String changes and new batteries are the only thing I've ever done. It plays great , sounds great , it's the Bass that changed my mind about buying a new BASS , not a used bass mind you , for under $500.00 Soon I'll have another single cutaway for under 500.00 . I have a good feeling I'm gonna really like the H .Benton I ordered, Thanx for your reply I appreciate you
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