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Everything posted by DangerDan

  1. [quote name='mikel' timestamp='1486725267' post='3234092'] Unless you use the same sound guy every time how do you know he is producing just the bass sound YOU like out front? Unless you require a generic tone then you are ok. [/quote] Well, you don't, and can't. Unless you are going to step out into the crowd mid gig and then give your adjustments to the soundguy mid set, its really down to them as to how you will sound. It's their venue, they will know how it reacts to the sound we are trying to play out in it. They have to decide how to blend you with the rest of the band. What sounds good to you won't necessarily sound good FOH, when the place is full and the band are playing at volume.
  2. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1486666618' post='3233731'] How many of us check our onstage sound to our house sound? Blue [/quote] The only problem with checking FOH sound during soundcheck is that an empty room doesn't sound the same as one full of punters. There comes a point where you just have to trust the soundguy.
  3. I have a new found gas, after playing for around 17 years but being for the most part uninterested in gear, i have started to become facinated with stuff that i can no longer afford. This has had the unexpected side effect of making me research gear much more and bringing a new found understanding (and excitement) over the gear i already own. It doesn't make up for not owning that dingwall i want, but its something.
  4. The playing for free is a given, and i would promote the show just as i would any show, but i don't do pay to play, so if they have a problem with not guarenteeing a certain number sold, then i would probably let the gig slide.
  5. I've been using a b3, and the updated b3n will be coming out soon, with the ability to use 7 effects at once. Can't wait to give it a go and see if it sounds as good!
  6. Certainly not out of the question to widen the hole, though its black coated, and im not the handiest fellow you'll ever meet, so im worried i'll make a terrible mess!
  7. I'm looking to replace the bridge on my Dean edge Q4 (four string) that i recently bought, as it does not accept my preferred .135 guage B string (the wrapback at the bottom of the string won't pass the string entrance on the bridge). I wondered if basschat could recommend me a reasonably priced replacement that would take heavy guage strings? (Ideally in black like the rest of the bass' hardware) Thanks in advance!
  8. [quote name='bartelby' timestamp='1484033373' post='3212022'] It's the same. Although I generally don't use the DI on my B3, it's nice to know it's there as a backup... [/quote] Ahh sweet, cheers for checking. Interesting that it got no extra power but can run an extra four effects at the same time. Guess they made it more efficient. I havn't used the di on mine either, but i know that people do, not a deal breaker for me either, but nice to have as you say. Does the guitar version have a di out on it? Could there be a 'deluxe' version as it were? Will def try one of these when i can get my hands on one, just undecided as to whether i will actually replace the b3 with it.
  9. Aye the no xlr for use as a di box type affair is a bit of a drawback. And i assume that there will be dlc as it were in terms of further effects and models as otherwise its not quite an upgrade on the existing b3 (which i love). But on the positive side, 7 effects is great, freeing up noise gates and amp/ pre amp models and still having five effects to play with, presumably easier to swop between banks. Also 32bit processor and 24bit audio aren't shabby. Can't remember off hand what the b3 has under its hood though. Will be interested to read the first reviews on this when it comes out, definitely interested!
  10. Def interested to hear you guys' reviews on this!
  11. I've kind of gone for the middle option, went from a low powered 4×10 to a high powered 2x10 with heavy drivers in it. So although it's not light, its certainly easier to handle.
  12. I bought my self.... A NEW CAB LEAD! Woo! To be fair though, i had me a zilla 210 built as an early christmas present, so i can't complain...
  13. I've never been to an event like this, so excuse me if it's a silly question, but, would basses be likely to come at a discount at something like this, or do people try stuff out and then just order it online cheaper when they get home?
  14. I got a new cab, but it doesn't have a tweeter. (I changed the battery out recentely too, but im sure it will be worth me swapping it out again, just to eliminate it as an issue!) It might just be that i've noticed it as i usually only play this bass at practice or on stage, never in the quiet of my home/ through headphones, so never really noted it before. Obviously now i have noticed it, i can't unhear it. Also, i never really used effects before, but now im playing about with them more, some are practically unusable due to the amount of noise they kick up.
  15. Thank you very much Morgano, much appreciated! I will probably swap the pre amp out, was wary of doing that if it was likely to be the pickup introducing the noise in the first place. Do pre amps fry over time? I had never noticed the sound until recentely.
  16. When i turn up the treble on my cort curbow 4 string i get an awful hiss on my output, it goes away if i roll my treble off completely. Im trying to work out if it is a problem with my pickup or if it is a problem with my pre amp. Thanks in advance for any light you can shed on this!
  17. [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1481823419' post='3195491'] Micro thumpinator for me. [/quote] Cheers for the shout Pete, will check it out!
  18. I've been looking for a decent HPF, what are people using? At the moment im using the depth setting on the fishman emulation on the b3, but id love a dedicated 'always on' solution.
  19. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1480609483' post='3185843'] ...don't forget to allow for the GAS you'll be acquiring by going.. ... [/quote] Dammit! I hadn't accounted for that! Better leave the credit card at home...
  20. [quote name='gusto' timestamp='1480607574' post='3185815'] We have tickets! [/quote] Safe Gusto!
  21. I'm coming at this from the other direction, i've always been a no effects guy (just a tuner) but i've recentely picked up a zoom b3 and have been enjoying that (only used it live once though), but i'm now considering getting a proper preamp (possibly of the darkglass variety).
  22. That's odd, i really like mine. What headphones have you come from using previously?
  23. Hehe makes sense that someone with vault boy as their avatar would have an amp named "iNuke".
  24. Might have to make my way down this time round. So much gear im gassing for, i may actually get to try some of it out this way!
  25. Looks great, just downloaded it and will give it a go, thanks!
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