Yes. Fast reply 👍
I just watched one of your YouTube videos (our sponsored video) and learned this a 2 channel preamp, that is great news and simplifies what I was hoping to achieve, that is sending a clean and POWERFUL full bass signal to my audio Interface and a processed sound to a second channel possible some panning between those signals.
I did choose this unit because of it Mid-shift feature and now I'm discovering it has broadened my imagination.
I would like to describe what I have or rather what I want to use and get a technique application of the connection of said equipment
I have several "Bass" pedals but only 1 maybe 2 I would use in this signal chain, first is a Boss CEB-3 Bass chorus the second with very limited use is a MXR 10 band EG, using only 31.5, 62.6hz bands, all other tone processing from the SansAmp and the tone controls on my Basses. It is vert important to note I am not playing Live, I'm recording this either Amp mic'd or direct signal to my audio interface or both if recommended technically. Also my Laney amp has it's own EQ and Compressor and it's own Send and Return jacks. So between the amp and the 2112 there are a lot of ins and outs.
My music will have keyboard bass but that will have its own place in a song, I want those strings to challenge those keys like a "call and response" in a way and even win that battle, obviously has lower tones, I get that, I'm referring to the SAME OCTIVE.
With that said it is now time to connect it all up, I've got the cables in hand I just need the right routing. Below is my first impression
At the Laney send the MXR EQ through the send/return of the amp, the return from the amp goes to the 2112 into the "Deep" section. The Chorus in the "Drive" channel's Send/Return and the XLR from both Deep and Drive to my Audio Interface (Scarlett 18i20). How am I doing?