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jaybass 70

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Everything posted by jaybass 70

  1. Looks like it will fit after a bit of googling , will deffo take it off your hands , OK to call up next Friday or Saturday?
  2. Hi , I'll take this if it fits my ibanez musician , I'm in Spain at the mo but back next week , OK to call up and see if it fits ?
  3. Sorted now Ikay ,, thanks πŸ‘
  4. Thanks bud, I found that pic on Internet but it doesn't relate to mine,, My switch is a two way and my pickup has 3 wires not 4
  5. Hi peeps,, I've just took delivery of a new MB1 (3 wire) Rautia pickup for my 1981 SB, has anyone got a diagram or detailed picture of the wiring ? I'm replacing the pots too so I want to double check that it is wired right in the first place before I start wielding the soldering iron. Thanks in advance
  6. Just ordered this for a good price Simply SP-028 Electrical Contact Cleaner Maintenance Spray 400m https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00OCKZT1E/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apan_glt_fabc_QHR2E97XMWMN87H1SM05 good stuff , does the job and I'm impressed , just ordered another 2
  7. looks lovely, any pics of the Bridge ? I reckon its a fat chunky brass job ,,,,,, but I've been wrong millions of times before !!
  8. sound, I've had good service from Repro guitar parts, good products too
  9. Hi Lefty, definitely says its an 81, the serial number starts 109, as far as i,m aware the first digit is the year of manufacture
  10. Here here πŸ‘πŸ‘
  11. I love my Japanese Beauty's, 1980 Ibanez Musician 1981 Aria SB700 1979 Yamaha BB1200 I play in a 1980's Tribute Band (Hello Felix) so these Baby's serve me well, Incredible Japanese build quality and attention to detail ......and they stay in tune ☺️
  12. Yes , the aria is a lighter colour , not dark stain like the ibanez, both through necks and very 80s sounding
  13. heres our eighties band Hello Felix, based in Liverpool, loving my Ibanez Musician Bass at the Moment, I usually use my Aria SB700
  14. Wow! My first proper bass , bought one of these in 1986 from hammersound in birkenhead, if I remember rightly it was a good instrument, Thanks for the memory
  15. Look good , might get a pair for my sb700
  16. Check out these guys https://www.reproguitarparts.com/#!/~/search/keyword=Aria Look like good knobs to me
  17. What the man says, I've had mine for ten years, superb quality
  18. hi Nash, Might want to try an octave pedal with a bit of chorus, play it with a pick near the bridge and a bit of EQ
  19. jeeez ! http://underabanner.co.uk/ all details here,,,
  20. I have one of these early japanese Yamahas , they are great basses , good luck with the sale,
  21. I purchased Patrick's Ibanez, all went well, good comms and thoroughly nice chap to deal with, Thanks Patrick
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