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jaybass 70

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Everything posted by jaybass 70

  1. Sure I am being a bit Blonde here,, I have seen these Basses before but cant remember what it is ? any Ideas ?? is it a BC Rich !! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEbBIswSsEA&feature=relmfu"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEbBIswSsEA&feature=relmfu[/url]
  2. [b]Check out the guys from DHL in this video ,, thankfully I didn't see any guitar shaped packages being handled by these clowns!![/b] [url="http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=98a_1325503197"][b]http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=98a_1325503197[/b][/url]
  3. never seen one of these ?? [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Aria-Pro-II-SB-Bass-Dark-Brown-Guitar-MIJ-1980s-SB-700-900-1000-/280741829441?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item415d845b41"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Aria-Pro-II-SB-Bass-Dark-Brown-Guitar-MIJ-1980s-SB-700-900-1000-/280741829441?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item415d845b41[/url] looks like a Matsumoku to me, smaller body different pickup mmmmmm very interesting! over to you Noel.....
  4. great read ,,, some great stories, its a laugh out loud book, thanks Tommorichards,, anyone else want a read ?
  5. Recieved A OK thanks Tom, Just started it. Phil; if you PM me your adress I will get it to you when I'm done. thanks again,, Jason
  6. yes please and thank you from a fellow Wirralian !!(I,m in Claughton)
  7. what was he thinking ,, why didnt he just buy a vox teardrop !! I particulary like the line "This item was a pawn and it looks like the last owner customized the body" [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Peavey-T-40-Natural-4-String-Bass-/290584930008?pt=Guitar&hash=item43a83626d8"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Peavey-T-40-Natural-...=item43a83626d8[/url]
  8. Hi ,, welcome to the forum from a fellow Wirral resident (Claughton),, they are a friendly, Knowledgeable bunch on here. so if you have any queries I,m sure we can help you on your Bass playing Journey. Jason
  9. Holy Moly Batman !!! £596 !! thats almost giving it away ,,, is the market really that bad??
  10. I have two of these Italia Straps and they are sweet ,, [url="http://www.italiastraps.com/"]http://www.italiastraps.com/[/url] and they go to 54" ,,
  11. Its the Same Electronics as a SB1000 but with two pick ups ,, and the SBR's had a wider string spacing than the 1000's, Exactly the same build Quality, lovely piece of wood , I'll have a wild guess it will go for £878.59
  12. Don't see many of these Beuties around , wonder how much it will go for ?,, [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ARIA-SB-R150-FRETLESS-BASS-/260774913682?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item3cb7656692"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ARIA-SB-R150-FRETLES...=item3cb7656692[/url]
  13. No 1 on these ,, as he said, amazing quality leather and really well made ,, these are sweet. bear in mind as they come from California mine took 3 weeks to arrive.
  14. He storms off like a spoilt brat when he sees it on the floor ,, Really ,, lets say 'Unusual' sounding band,, [url="http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=3f5_1300219513"]http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=3f5_1300219513[/url]
  15. This is a good site ,, straight forward and easy to understand ,, have fun !! [url="http://www.studybass.com/"]http://www.studybass.com/[/url]
  16. I know these are not the best in the world but Sennheiser HD 407's for under a tenner , got to be worth a punt [url="http://www.play.com/Electronics/Electronics/4-/11912234/Sennheiser-HD-407-Open-Headphones/ProductReviews.html?cpage=2"]http://www.play.com/Electronics/Electronic...ws.html?cpage=2[/url]
  17. Yeah Man ,,,, Good Idea ,, the ultimate Bass Jam Playlist,,, I have subscribed as Jaybot ,, and will start adding tunes, Some great tunes on here already , get adding peeps
  18. great songwriter ,, Love Peggy suicide ,,,,
  19. [attachment=68172:Storeton...v_10_021.jpg][attachment=[attachment=68173:Storeton...v_10_014.jpg][att achment=68171:bass...v_10_016.jpg][attachment=68170:Bass...v_10_014.jpg] Here she is ,,,, Aria SB Black'n'Gold 1 ,1984 ,, I Love this Bass , great tone ,, lovely to play and supermodel curves to boot Oh ... and She's Black ! "how much more black could this be? 'None. None more black.'" PS ,, There are some Lovely Basses on here ,, Loving the black Ripper
  20. Hope you enjoy it John The story about Bob geldof and Paula yates is worth the price of the book on its own !! Crazy Rock n rollers thanks for the heads up on the DVD Daz I will check that out,, Heres the queue up to now ,,,, Kiogon has it, Adledman, Psychoandy, Bassassin Bumnote, daz, Jacqueslemac, Hope you enjoy Peeps ,,,,,
  21. ok guys and gals its on its way to Kiogon ,, it really is a cracking read , I couldn't put it down
  22. Kiogon is first ,, on the way ,,
  23. I've Just finished this book on the life and times of Phil Lynott,, coincidentally he died 25 years ago today, I wasn't a really big Thin Lizzy fan but this is a great book , a warts and all account of his life and times , it is very well researched and well written, all in all a really good read. please message me and I'll put it in post ,, enjoy !! Jason
  24. Great Idea and very generous of you ,, fun way to give something away ,, good karma will come your way ,,, count me in cheers ,,, jason
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