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Chest Rockwell

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Everything posted by Chest Rockwell

  1. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1355513028' post='1899560'] does the drummer forgetting to put his kit in the van count as a technical difficulty? Was definitely the worst. [/quote] heh! reminds me of my mates story of the drummer packing the car to leave the country, only realised when they neared heathrow that hadn't actually put the bassists bag back in the car when he took it out to put in his stuff. bassist called dad who went round to his house in newport, found the bag, with belongings and passport, still sat on the pavement and then drove to meet them in reading to give him his bag!!
  2. There has to be a thread about this kinda thing but I can't find one immediately... Last night I surely experienced one of the more rare incidences of 'utter bloody disaster' as I was really looking forward to playing our instrumental set of slow n heavy phat bass rock tunes, having replaced my OTB valves so they're now warm and lovely... I plugged the thing in and there was no sound coming out of the bass cab, despite two bands already having used it. Immediately I start getting the fear worrying my OTB has died... turns out the jack lead into the cab was plugged in to thin air... the connector inside had come loose and disappeared inside the cab!!! Had to make a quick decision as to try and hack the cab or go DI, being a 'show must go on' type, i went for DI... it sounded sh1te through the monitors, had to wreck all my settings to sate the soundguy (who was doing his best) and it ruined my gig. out front apparently the bass was warm and heavy, but onstage it sounded like a loud distorted clicky fart. I went on to be embarrassed by the sound and fluffed a few obvious ones. gutted!! I tried... I changed my valves, I have the leads, i keep my gear simple... and the bleeding cab breaks!! ARGH!!! the headline band bassist fixed his cab before they went on and they sounded awesome. next time I take the thing apart myself even if it means doing one tune, at least it'll sound good!
  3. indeed! I found this site, which had a more explanatory description of the different types... and did a search for 'bass'!! the ones that 'sounded' most suitable were the same as the ones you chose, so that was two ticks in the box, lets go shopping! First gig with the new valves tonight and the sound guy is usually good, so if he says 'hey your amp isn't running as hot anymore', chances are I'll get a cheer from the rest of the band!
  4. [quote name='MixMan' timestamp='1355062408' post='1893487'] Which valves did you go for ? [/quote] ECC81/12AT7/RFT-CRYO (RFT Cryo) GBP 15.00 x 2 = GBP 30.00
  5. [quote name='Kongo' timestamp='1354147780' post='1882888'] "Core", coming from Hardcore (Black Flag, as an example) focuses on more basic playing and lots of breakdowns. [/quote] funny thing about it tho, Black Flag didn't play 'breakdowns', yet they're probably known as a hardcore band. Hardcore punk is a vast scene all of it's own, since Napalm Death, Extreme Noise Terror were HC to old punks... they consider the likes of Terror and Madball to be Metal bands, which they pretty much are, musically speaking. Categorisation may seem crazy to the uninitiated, but it's very handy and can be important when discussing bands' styles. I guess it just depends how 'into' music one is! (I can see you get it btw, Im just talking to whoever's listening ) [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1354182804' post='1883081'] So anything produced using GarageBand would be 'Applecore'? I'll get me coat. [/quote] too late mate, that's already been done, Twenty Three years ago!! p.s. they were extracting the urine tho, Im sure!
  6. [quote name='Tee' timestamp='1354189015' post='1883226'] haha, ok. If you're looking for a cleaner sound, i don't think you'll be disappointed. You can still get some gain if you turn it right up, from about 3 o'clock. [/quote] Well, I finally went ahead and did it! Had the laptop on and ready to go in case I needed to refer to this thread, followed my nose, started with the screws and had the things swapped out in no time. didnt even open up the web browser. Then took the toastery beast to practice and lo and behold it didnt blow up/fry! the sound was lovely!! I never had a problem with the gain, but what it did give me is a far fuller, warmer sound. a little less of the clank I get when i go 'clean'. with my big muff on it was just more of the same, full and warm, but with the distortion that i usually play through. guys in the band were most complimentary too. lets hope the next sound guy that DI's it is equally happy and I'll be quids in! cheers all!
  7. [quote name='rOB' timestamp='1353613397' post='1876657'] Hiya, how did you get on with this? Thinking about changing the valves in my OTB to reduce the gain a bit. [/quote] Hi, sorry I didnt see your post! I still haven't gotten around to it tbh. it's the 'hot' thing that's more of an issue for me than the sound :| Ok. I've gone for the same ones Tee did (I did do a bit of hunting, honestly, i had notes already ) I must say that Watford Valves payment process/website is a bit rough. no final price, no postage confirmation, no inc.VAT price... but they take your card details. the order seemed to have my email address at the head of the delivery address, not my name, and when i tried to call them to confirm their 'phone lines are closed', at 2.45pm! Email has been fired off. We shall see...
  8. it is something i cant justify spending that kind of money on! (or at least, I dont have enough spare wonga to throw around on guitars)
  9. [quote name='Spoombung' timestamp='1354033963' post='1881202'] Typical Prescott rehearsal: [media]http://youtu.be/vxpZIAmPOMI[/media] [/quote] what the hell is that?!?! it's awesome! what are you doing with that bass?! cool band. bookmarked! btw, seeing as, if anyone's noticing, I may painting myself as the bass playing equivalent of that guy on ebay that think's he's a master luthier... i discovered in recent practice that one i play a few notes, in two songs, in COMPLETELY the wrong place. I recorded them like that (im pretty sure) and I have played them like that for the last year. a guitarist noticed, corrected me, blew my mind at this oversight... and when played his way, the tunes sound strangely tighter. hmm. Of course, I suggested to them that this was my plan all along, to improve the tunes with age, etc. unfortunately they think that my high concept of dissonant sonic art is simply being 'out of tune'. fools.
  10. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1354023351' post='1880928'] No. [/quote] yup, Korn with Death vocals would be Nu-Death Core Metal. you're on pretty safe ground if you consider that anything with 'core' in it is probably sh*te. sh*te-Metal, if you will. all I know is that my band plays 'Instrumental Stoner Groove Doom' (no seriously, we have stickers that say that )
  11. thanks! I know what yer mean but. telling me to 'look around' is like saying 'go find a blade of grass in that field'. like, how do I know what they'll sound like until I use them? I'll just copy you, and then if I'm not happy it'll be your fault
  12. a clip of our most famous tune from a bar in Cardiff last Saturday Well, I could post it if I could find the holy grail of how the hell to do it!! doesn't like https then! Neanderthal Metal... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sArl8F4kM00[/media]
  13. i spannered the intro to our last tune at our last gig. it's a 'clever' bit where each of the 3 guitars plays a 1/3 of the melody, then we all bang in to it together. i fluffed my 1/3 all shapes, wasn't sure if someone else had played my bit, was all like 'christ, shall we start again?!' they kept going... i will flay myself every morning and night until our next gig on saturday
  14. [quote name='Tee' timestamp='1354010396' post='1880655'] I have been wanting to do this for ages and recently, i did. I wanted a cleaner, yet still fat sound. I always found the OTB to break-up too soon. As i've said many times before, the OTB imo is the fattest sounding non-all valve bass amp i have tried. Having also owned the AD200B, it doesn't disappoint. Originally, i thought i might just replace the V1 with a 12AT7, but i ended up replacing both with 12AT7s. I decided on a pair or East German RFT 12AT7s. Loads more clean headroom now, before any break-up sets in. Nice and fat too. [/quote] hi, where'd ya get them?
  15. er, I'm sure it's full of errors, and I'm definitely guilty of 'overbanging' I dunno, we were getting paid to entertain a bunch of lads for a mates stag, in the afternoon. sounds wasn't full or phat, and everyone 'cept us was drinking! (and the sync is out!) dunno how to embed, my bad. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klnnn_k2ALQ
  16. E Dorian? I liked him better when he sang for Napalm Death ('Eavy Metal Joke )
  17. i have my own house and still don't play loud at home. just don't wanna bother my neighbours. I don't want them to bother me, i like the peace and quiet
  18. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1350390979' post='1838124'] Whilst I tend to agree with most of what is being said by all posters here, I would strongly disagree with the above. I love Maiden, but they're not metal - even less THE metal band - they're hard rock, with what I'd call an added, intentional pub rock vibe. [/quote] AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHHAHA!!!! That's gotta be the best, though obvious, trolling I've experienced in a while. Good work!!
  19. I play in a stoner rock band and every band I've played in I might not have been the best musician in the room, and even now I'd have to guess which notes are in a minor or major scale... but I seem to be the one withe passion for arranging things so that they flow, sound good and enjoy an interesting musical dynamic, swapping notes around etc... and that helped get my current band reasonable critical acclaim and a spot on the cover CD of an international rock mag (nothing amazing in itself, but still a reasonable feat for a few part timers). I'd rather be a bassist than any number of know it all musicians that couldn't keep time, couldn't remember what to play next, couldn't tame their gizmo piles and couldn't tell you why a good song differs from a bad one, amongst a hundred other things. moving yer fingers fast and being able to spew forth musical knowledge is not the whole truth. not mine anyway.
  20. the question here is what's important, cliched Metal 'fashion' or good music? Maiden are without question THE Metal band, so whatever they use settles the argument right there. Personally I'm more than happy with Fender Jazz in a 'stoner rock' band. Our guitarists use Vintage Flying V's, Squire strats, Gibson SG's... If you play in Voivod or Slayer (who are both awesome), then pointy guitars are more important as the vibe and look go hand in hand, but for 99.9% of band it doesn't matter.
  21. I just followed that story. Just to be clear, it appears that 'rebuild' work was done FOR Jaco, not Trujillo. The post above, and the picture captions, suggest it was Trujillo that had it finished that way. the article doesnt say that
  22. [quote name='WinterMute' timestamp='1348229292' post='1811121'] I had the black one, sold it here recently, but the sunburst is much prettier, lovely basses, not enough strings.... [/quote] bass guitars have four strings. Why not 6? or 20? no, four! I have four and tune to drop B. BOOOOM. anyway, Geddy bump. lovely bass
  23. being a Metalhead that plays stoner type stuff, I have a ridiculous hankering for a Rick!!!!!!!!! I've only played one and found the neck a bit fat and the body a bit sharp, not like my beautiful ergonomic [s]girlfriend[/s] Geddy Fender Jazz I still want one though. Al from Om/Sleep (google ) makes Rick's look like that cadbury's flake being eaten by that woman in that bath. I reckon I could go a grand on one and if I cant live with it, move it on at no significant loss... but do I wanna blow a grand when I have a ton of other things I could spend on? only live once though, and why should everyone else have all the toys? I'm 39, I work, I was austere before austerity measures. Gimme toys!!!
  24. that's their style tho isn't it?
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